Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1010 Ambush by the Guantian Bank

Chapter 1010 Ambush by the Guantian Bank
In order to paralyze the Japanese army, when Zhang Tianquan led his troops to evacuate Qianjiawan, he once left a mountain artillery regiment to "bluff".This mountain artillery regiment has now become Liu Kui's most powerful unit.

The Mountain Artillery Regiment belongs to the 120th Division of Xue, and is equipped with self-propelled howitzers with a caliber of [-] mm.Gan Qinling, the head of the regiment, was decisive. After discovering that the Japanese army had landed, he knew that his strength alone was not enough to snipe, and he might even hand over the Shanpao regiment, so he decisively chose to retreat.

After Liu Kui came to Huawu with more than a thousand female soldiers, he first sent scouts to establish early warning lines in Xujiacun, Haojialong, Guantianpan, and Xin'an Village, and then began to inspect the surrounding terrain. A 500-meter-long sniper position was set up between the banks.

At 06:30, Gan Qinling appeared in Xin'an with a mountain artillery regiment, and at around [-]:[-], a large group of Japanese forwards followed closely into the sight of the scouting soldiers in Xin'an.

This information was uploaded to Liu Kui, and he immediately discussed with Gan Qinling and decided to ambush the Japanese forward by the Guantian bank. "At first they wanted to use the fortress artillery, but now that you have you, there is no need to bother them!" He said to Gan Qinling.Gan Qinling was chased by the little devil all the way. Although it was impossible to pose a threat to them with the little devil's walking speed, it still made him feel a little aggrieved.He waved his right hand and said, "Don't worry, although our caliber is not as big as the fortress cannon, we have more of them, and it's easier to aim. It's enough for a kid to drink a pot!"

The two female soldiers from Xin'an withdrew back, and the mountain artillery regiment continued to march towards the Madang Fort, and then set up artillery positions in Dalong.

The striker of the Japanese army on the south bank was the third brigade belonging to the 11th Regiment of the 44th Division, and the captain was Major Shirakawa Xiaoyi.Bai Chuan Xiaoyi led more than a thousand devils to follow the traces left by the self-propelled artillery all the way. After arriving at the new village, he expected that he was not far from the fortress. A local came to check on the situation.

After the Xuebing army took over Madang, the first job the political department did was to evacuate the local villagers.Therefore, the villagers in the villages around Madang have already been evacuated to the rear.Naturally, Bai Chuan Xiaoyi's capable subordinates got nothing.

None of the local people were caught, not even a cat or dog. Xiaoyi Baichuan knew that the Xuebing Army had implemented the strategy of fortifying the walls and clearing the wilderness.This was beyond his expectation and seemed reasonable, because this time the imperial army's opponent was Ouyang Yun who had the "Empire's Nemesis".

I don't know when, Ouyang Yun's "anti-Japanese heroes" became the "Empire Nemesis", and in the hearts of young and strong Japanese officers such as Bai Chuan, defeating Ouyang Yun became their greatest ideal and pursuit.

"The Chinese people will definitely set up a sniper position nearby!" Although he didn't know the terrain information here from the local population, Bai Chuan still made a correct judgment.He stood on a tree that was blown down, picked up the binoculars and looked ahead carefully.Although the Japanese army's continuous shelling in the past few days did not cause substantial damage to the Madang Fort, it completely destroyed the concealment measures of the fort. Therefore, he soon discovered a fortress with two black-painted barrels exposed.Putting down the binoculars and estimating the distance, he was more sure of his judgment, and then ordered to search and move forward with the squadron as a unit.In order to avoid encountering an ambush, a certain distance must be kept between the squadrons.

When Bai Chuan picked up the binoculars to observe the terrain, Liu Kui also picked up the binoculars to observe the situation of the Japanese army. Because Bai Chuan was standing on the broken tree, he quickly caught his eye.He said to Lin Bing next to him: "The little devil who leads the team is a savage, let the sisters pay attention to concealment. Fight a beautiful ambush to dampen the spirit of the little devil, which will benefit our next battle."

Lin Bing nodded, and then ran down the cat waist.

Currently, many Chinese troops have women soldiers.However, such an established system as the Xuebing Army, and it has a large scale, is the only one.At the beginning of the establishment of the Niangziyun Guard Group, there were only about one battalion of troops, but now it has the size of a brigade.It is precisely because of the rapid development that the combat power of the various regiments of the Women's Army varies greatly due to the number of veterans.This is why Ouyang Yun is particularly worried about it - the adaptability of female soldiers to the battlefield is much worse than that of male soldiers.Of course, once a female soldier grows up, her performance on the battlefield sometimes even surpasses that of a male soldier.But the problem is that their growth is destined to be a long process with a high elimination rate.

As groups of devils appeared in front of the female soldiers, those veterans who had killed people or fought in battles were fine, but the new recruits, some of them student soldiers, immediately showed their disadvantages.The little devil was still 600 meters away from them. Many female soldiers could no longer control their emotional tension. Their faces began to fade, and their hands and feet began to tremble.

This scene made Liu Kui and Lin Bing both worried and helpless.Liu Kui frowned and gritted his teeth for a while, finally he was relieved, and said to Hua Ming, the regiment instructor: "Let the instructors give you some psychological counseling, I'm worried, this ambush might be a mess!"

Hua Ming and the others, the regimental, battalion, and company instructors, actually began to do psychological work for the female soldiers when they came out of the fortress, but now it seems that their work is far from enough.

Bai Chuan personally led a squadron of devils and walked in the middle of the formation.The closer he got to the fortress, the more uneasy he felt, which made him more vigilant.From time to time, he picked up the binoculars and looked around for a while, and his caution finally took effect when the troops advanced to the river pit only 200 meters away from the bank of Guantian.

A female soldier named Li Xiaochun couldn't control her nervousness at last, and suddenly got up from her hiding place at this moment, then turned around and rushed to the low-lying land behind.

A colorful figure suddenly stood up from the green, and then disappeared into it again. This was enough for Bai Chuan to wake up, and he immediately yelled: "Stop! Lie down!"

"Wow!" The little devil fell down neatly.

Bai Chuan picked up the binoculars and looked over, but found nothing unusual.He smiled coldly, beckoned to the squadron leader Renzaburo Shinno, pointed to the place where Li Xiaochun was hiding just now, and said, "Shoot two shots there with a mortar!"

"Hay!" Xinye responded, and immediately arranged for the mortar crew to fire.

The sound of Li Xiaochun getting up was too loud, at least for the comrades around her.Seeing this scene, Liu Kui was so angry that he almost vomited blood.The little devil is only more than a hundred meters away from the ambush circle, and the ambush can be launched in just a few minutes.But now, it can only be activated in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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