Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1011 War Makes Women Go Away

Chapter 1011 War Makes Women Go Away
"Captain Liu, the little devil seems to have noticed—"

"I don't seem to have noticed it, but I must have noticed it! Send the signal flare!"

"Yes!" Lin Bing responded, escaped from the flare gun, and fired a red flare.

Dalong, the position of the mountain artillery regiment, Gan Qinling raised his head in surprise when he heard the sound of "zui".During the day, the color signal of the signal flare was not very strong, but Gan Qinling still accurately judged that this was the red signal flare that asked him to fire.

Dalong is only about 200 meters away from the bank of Guantian.The distance was too close. Originally, according to Liu Kui's prior discussion with him, the best time to fire the cannon was when the women's regiment began to retreat and the Japanese army began to pursue them.In that case, he could control the landing point of the shells a little later, so that he could cut off the retreat of the Japanese army.And as long as the Shanpao regiment can disrupt the ranks of the Japanese army, Liu Kui can take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack, and then turn around and counterattack.

Now, everything is messed up.

Although he was a bit puzzled as to whether the signal flare was fired by mistake, Gan Qinling still insisted on the agreement with Liu Kui to "fire the cannon at the signal". Of course, in order to avoid accidental injury, he ordered the scale to be raised by one scale before ordering the firing.

A total of 23 cannons of the Mountain Cannon Regiment fired at once. Although the sound it made was not earth-shattering, it was enough to scare the little devils.

As several mortar shells from our side flew out one after another, many devils wanted to get up and observe the effect of the shelling. When they heard the sound of shelling from the opposite side, they quickly lay down tightly, not even daring to Lifted.

It was the Japanese army that achieved the first results. A few mortar shells fell, and the two female soldiers fell into a pool of blood wailing because they happened to be hit.

"What fucking nonsense!" Liu Kui was furious!Not to mention the failure of a good ambush, he was forced to dispatch artillery in advance, and the order of the battle was completely disrupted.

In fact, if the combat effectiveness and fighting will of the troops can be guaranteed, he can still stick to the original combat plan.However, considering the uneven combat effectiveness of the troops, some of the recruits had no will to fight at all, so he had to use artillery to form a visual fire suppression to maintain the morale of the troops.

As dozens of shells exploded in the Japanese army array and behind the array, he shouted: "Fight!" Then he squatted down, picked up the sniper rifle he got from a female soldier, and fired.

"Bang bang bang—" Immediately after him, gunshots rang out like popping beans.What made him dumbfounded was that after a few minutes, a few fireballs flashed at a distance of about 40 meters and 60 meters from the ambush position-but he didn't know which female soldiers threw the grenades.

"Fucking nonsense!" Seeing this, he had no choice but to curse again, and then felt like crying without tears in his heart.

This round of shooting lasted about 5 minutes, and many female soldiers even emptied all the bullets in the magazine.As for their achievements, well, it seems that they also killed a few devils.Of course, as to whether the blind cat ran into the dead mouse, it is unknown.After all, among the female soldiers in this regiment, there are still nearly 200 veterans.

Before going down the mountain, as the direct commander of the women's regiment, Lin Bing was full of expectations for the troops' next performance.However, when the battle really started, she realized that the gap between expectation and reality was so large.This made her face turn red after the first round of shooting, and she didn't dare to meet Liu Kui's gaze.

Liu Kui was not surprised—the effective range of the Weiqing-style assault rifle was only 500 meters, and the submachine gun was only 300 meters.The devil was still 200 meters away from them, and he was even lying on his stomach at this time. The effect of this round of shooting can be imagined.However, his original intention of launching this round of attack was not to kill many enemies.He did this just to let the female soldiers enter their roles as soon as possible.

After calming down his emotions, he suddenly shouted: "Okay, stop! Now, let the little devil come closer and fight again! Don't worry, everyone, the little devil will lose this battle! We have the artillery of Commander Gan to provide firepower The little devils don't have support. They can only be beaten passively!"

The female soldiers stopped shooting one after another. Of course, more people had to stop, because after the excitement just now, they suddenly found that, at some point, there were no bullets in their guns—— They were just pulling the trigger frantically just now.

Li Xiaochun appeared from behind a tree, and when the grenade hit, she realized how serious a mistake she had made.One of the two female soldiers killed by the grenade was her squad leader, and she took care of her a lot.But now—seeing the broken and incomplete body of the squad leader, facing the angry eyes of her comrades, she cried bitterly: "I, I suddenly want to relieve myself. I, I don't want to."

Before the female soldiers joined the student army, it was not that they had not imagined fighting, and this once made their blood boil.In the subsequent training, they had a real understanding of war. However, when the war really came, when their comrades and even sisters paid their lives for it, they realized that the cruelty of war is still far beyond Contrary to their expectations.

The cannons of the Mountain Artillery Regiment were still roaring, because there was no need to worry about retaliatory shelling, the artillerymen played to their heart's content, their shots became more and more accurate, and the threat to the Baichuan Brigade became more and more serious.Facing the overwhelming superiority in firepower, Bai Chuan had no choice but to keep the soldiers lying down.

This gave the female soldiers who joined the battle for the first time time to change their roles.

Hua Ming and other instructors took advantage of the situation to enlighten the soldiers, and slowly turned their fear of the Japanese devils into hatred of the enemy.

"We are soldiers now! You don't know the meaning of soldiers, do you? Zhang Qin and the others' sacrifices are valuable. Because of them, the little devils have not been able to realize their attempt to destroy China! Sisters We, the hatred of the country, the hatred of Zhang Qin and the others, we must avenge. Some people say that war makes women go away? Why? Are we women born weak? I don’t agree with this point of view—although we can’t change ourselves women However, through our own efforts, we can let those who look down on women know that we can also become a qualified student soldier, and we can also kill devils! Sisters, why are we considered weak? It is precisely because we Your own performance! Now, let’s show the courage that a student soldier should have, and use the steel guns in our hands to change the world’s views! We women are not weak, and we can also be seen as doing things for the cause of the Anti-Japanese War. Contribute to..."

Hua Ming's words were actually quite incoherent.However, it doesn't matter anymore, when the anger in the eyes of the female soldiers began to burn, she knew that her words had worked!Women may be weak, but now, they are first and foremost a student!
(End of this chapter)

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