Chapter 1015 Please

The fighting soon began again.This time, the Japanese army invested three brigades of troops.

Nearly 500 devils still lined up in a loose formation to launch an attack on the [-]-meter-wide front, and the front line was nearly [-] daredevils with white stripes wrapped around their heads and who didn't even wear helmets.The Japanese army, who advocated personal bravery, gave up the decisive battle with bullets. As they advanced, they actually retreated all the bullets and put on a fighting posture.

Canaan Commander's combat ideology is very clear, that is, to use bloody hand-to-hand combat to destroy the courage of the female student soldiers, so as to force them to win the battle.The gleaming bayonet gleamed coldly under the reflection of the rising sun, and more than four hundred devils approached the Niangzi regiment with solid steps. In the eyes of many people, there was a look of fanaticism.

Perhaps in their view, if it is a fight, the female soldier on the opposite side must be vulnerable!And many wretched people have already begun to contemplate some evil deeds in their minds.

Canaan Commander's highly targeted arrangement undoubtedly captured the weakness of the Niangzituan.Since the three northeastern provinces were occupied by the Japanese army in 1931, various horror legends about little devils have been widely circulated among the people.Among the ten female soldiers, seven or eight have heard of these legends.Among them, the most wickedly dressed was the little devil who ate human flesh and drank human blood.

In just one hour or so, I have experienced two battles. It is said that even if it is the first time to go to the battlefield, it is time to accumulate a certain amount of courage.But in fact, the ability of female soldiers to adapt to the cruel battlefield is much worse than that of male soldiers.Once the little devil puts on this kind of hand-to-hand combat posture, the confidence that many people have just built will be completely melted under the cold light of the bayonet.

Liu Kui saw Canaan's sinister intentions.Although he doesn't know the name of the commander of the Japanese army, he has already realized that the Japanese commander is definitely a difficult guy just from the fact that the opponent used this method when launching the second attack. .The Japanese army advanced steadily, and under the cover of Type 400 heavy machine guns, mortars, and grenades, the more than [-] devils gradually approached the range of the Niangzituan.

"There aren't enough snipers! If there were around a hundred snipers!" Liu Kui felt helpless thinking about it.Lin Bing also felt terrified when the Japanese put on such a gesture. She walked over and asked Liu Kui: "Little Japan seems to want to have a decisive battle, what should I do?"

The Japanese military strength is far superior to theirs, if they insist on pursuing a war of attrition, then the Niangzituan will not be able to resist it at all.Once the Japanese army came close, the consequences would be unimaginable.Due to physical reasons, only about 200 people in the women's group voluntarily chose the big sword as a backup weapon for hand-to-hand combat, and the others were equipped with bayonets and daggers.However, with the detachment of the Detachment of Women's Army - Liu Kui did not dare to think about the subject of bayonet fighting with the little devil.

"Don't worry, tell the sisters that we still have artillery regiments to provide support!" Liu Kui said, lowering his voice: "Captain Lin, you choose the weaker ones and organize them. They approached the Shanpao Group—by the way, the Japanese from the Anti-War Alliance also took them away.”

Liu Kui's words were tactful. The so-called approaching was actually retreating or even running away.Why couldn't Lin Bing hear it, she asked with a stern look: "Is it so serious?"

Liu Kui smiled sadly: "The commander-in-chief gave me the order to take all of you back. In fact, I have already neglected my duty. Now, live as many lives as you can! Take action, try your best!" Keep it secret—if this causes the troops to break up, then we are doing bad things with good intentions."


Lin Bing solemnly gave a military salute to Liu Kui, and then left with a cat waist.However, in less than 3 minutes, when Liu Kui gave the order to fire, Lin Bing turned around again, and the Japanese woman Ryoko Takahashi appeared with her in front of Liu Kui.

As soon as Gao Qiao saw Liu Kui, he said bluntly: "Commander Liu, you violated the commander-in-chief's order by doing this! Now, please return our tools to us—"

There is a group of people in the cadet army who have never believed in Takahashi Ryoko and other Japanese members of the so-called anti-war alliance from the beginning to the end.Ouyang Yun agreed to Gao Qiao's request and asked her to come to the flower house with the lady group. In Liu Kui's view, this was purely adding to the chaos.According to Liu Kui's approach, they were indeed adding to the chaos. In order to "protect" them, Liu Kui had to draw out a few veterans from the already tense combat forces.

Liu Kui was one of the insiders about the relationship between Takahashi and Ouyang Yun, so although he hated this Japanese woman from the bottom of his heart, for Ouyang Yun's sake, he didn't dare to do too much in person.Facing Takahashi's questioning, he just asked Lin Bing with a cold face: "Captain Lin, what did I ask you to come here? Why did you bring Miss Takahashi here? It's very dangerous here, don't you know?"

Lin Bing was very aggrieved, she brought Takahashi here, she was completely passive.As the former super high-tech elite and the proud subordinate of Kenji Doihara, Ryoko Takahashi is a master in fighting and capturing.Although Takahashi was "protected", she had been paying close attention to the battle situation from the beginning to the end. When she found out that the Japanese army had put up such a lineup, she knew that the Niangzituan was in trouble.Therefore, she changed her polite and polite image, and became arrogant and unreasonable.She suddenly became a "shrew". The female soldiers were brought down by her one after another, and they were hesitating whether to resort to violence when Lin Bing appeared.

Ordinary soldiers didn't know the status of Ryoko Takahashi and others in the student army, but Lin Bing knew it very well. She immediately stopped the female soldiers, and then negotiated with Takahashi in a pleasant manner.

Lin Bing originally wanted to comfort Takahashi and the others, and took them along to organize others to approach the Shanpao Group. However, Takahashi's first words after the meeting forced her to give up this idea.

At that time, Takahashi seemed a little domineering: "Commander Lin, the fighters of our anti-war alliance are here to fight, not to visit the mountains and rivers! Is this the intention of Commander-in-Chief Ouyang to put us under house arrest? Where is Head Liu? I want to ask him face to face!"

Lin Bing had to take her to find Liu Kui.

"It's not about Commander Lin, Commander Liu, please believe me, maybe we can delay the Japanese offensive—please let us try it. Since the establishment of the Guangzhou branch of our anti-war alliance, we have not yet played a substantial role. Role, today, let us do our best for the Chinese and Japanese people to end this evil war as soon as possible! Please—” After Takahashi was tough, he showed a gentle side.Under her soft and hard methods, Liu Kui thought about it for a while and decided to give them a chance.

In fact, he didn't have much choice.

More than four hundred devils completely ignored the hail of bullets and rushed forward, which made the defense line of the Niangzi regiment already precarious.That being the case, let the dead horse be treated as a living horse—he thought so, and asked Lin Bing to return the anti-war alliance to Takahashi Ryoko and others.

(End of this chapter)

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