Chapter 1016 Give Me 5 Minutes

Ryoko Takahashi has no experience in instigating rebellion on the battlefield.The rebellion methods she used to train her subordinates and will be put into use are actually all imagined out of thin air.

In 1939, the Sino-Japanese War was still in a one-sided situation. Therefore, the anti-war alliance did not have much use on the battlefield, and there was no experience to learn from.

Lin Bing directed several female soldiers to deliver several packages to Gao Qiao and others.The middle of Takahashi was opened, and there were actually some kimonos and banners inside.I have to admit that Ryoko Takahashi in a kimono is very glamorous, which makes Lin Bing and others look a little staring.

"We'll start working now!" Takahashi nodded to Liu Kui and Lin Bing, and then went to the front line.Seeing that they actually intended to be directly exposed to the little devil's guns, Lin Bing was a little worried.She looked at Liu Kui, but the latter looked calm.Of the more than 300 Daredevil members organized by Canaan, there are now only more than 300 left.But these 100 people are less than [-] meters away from the defense line guarded by the Xuebing Army.

Liu Kui was worried that putting the devils too close would cause the female soldiers' psychological defenses to be breached prematurely, so this time at a distance of nearly 200 meters, he gave the order to fire.This order has indeed played a role in stabilizing the psychological state of the female soldiers.Although many female soldiers felt chills because of the fierce face of the little devil, none of them lost the courage to fight because of this.

Although it was the first time for many female soldiers to participate in actual combat, they were growing rapidly, such as Li Xiaochun.From the moment when she was so nervous that she had to urinate, which exposed the team's goals, to the time when she was vomiting because of the bloody scene just now, although Li Xiaochun's face is still ugly, the expression on her face is resolute and decisive.The results of the daily hard training were finally reflected at this moment. She was lying on her battle position, with the gun stock on her left cheek.

She used to be a sniper training target, but was later rejected because of her lack of psychological quality. Now, on the battlefield, she has finally reproduced her talent as a sniper.

"Xiaochun, great job!" During the break in the battle, the platoon leader Zhang Caifeng praised her.

She pursed her lips and said in a low voice, "I want to avenge the monitor and the others!"

"It's less than 100 meters away, go up! Go up!" shouted an officer of the Death Squad, wearing the rank of major commander and waving a command knife.A group of devils who had already made up their minds to die roared in a low voice and accelerated their pace of advancement.Suddenly, a ghost soldier was stunned. He pointed to the front and said, "Look! Japanese women!"

"Despicable Chinese people, they actually took our country's civilians as hostages!" a second lieutenant roared, the muscles on his face throbbing vigorously, and his hateful eyes made his whole face look terribly hideous.

The Japanese woman who suddenly appeared in the sight of the Japanese army was Ryoko Takahashi.

Ryoko Takahashi climbed up a rock that served as a temporary shelter under the incredulous eyes of some female soldiers of the cadet army. She stood calmly, picked up a very primitive loudspeaker in her right hand, and suddenly shouted loudly in Japanese: " Warriors of the Empire of Japan, I am Yoshiko Takahashi, a native of Sango, Tokyo. I have something to tell you—for the sake of being citizens of the Empire of Japan, please give me 5 minutes, please? Only 5 minutes?!"

The sudden appearance of the Japanese woman not only surprised the daredevil team members rushing to the front, but also made the Japanese soldiers behind talk a lot.Many people's instinctive first reaction was that she was kidnapped by the Chinese, so they couldn't help but slow down their pace, and turned their attention to their chief for consultation.

"Your Excellency, Major? What should we do?" The devils of the Death Squad all looked at the Major.

The Major was also hesitant to make up his mind, he turned back to find Colonel Canaan, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't see his expression and gestures clearly.

Canaan's eyes straightened when he saw Takahashi.The so-called no coincidence, he and Takahashi are actually acquaintances, and the relationship between the two seems to be unusual. "Sakaya Junko (the relationship between Takahashi Yoshiko and Sakeya Junko is explained in detail earlier, if anyone can't understand it, please look for it—hehe)? It's Junko? How did she appear? Here?" Thinking like this, he also instinctively thought that Takahashi had become a hostage of the Xuebing Army, and they were now trying to use this despicable method to contain the imperial army's offensive.

Yuzhu noticed the abnormality of the chief, and reminded: "Your Excellency!"


"Very authentic Tokyo accent, that woman may really be our compatriot."

"Of course—I mean, Cocoa can tell that in her accent. What's she talking about?"

"As if asking us to give her a moment."

"Let the troops suspend the attack, I'll go and get in touch with it myself!"

"Your Mightiness?!"

"Execute the order. As soldiers of the Great Japanese Empire, we have no reason to give up any of His Majesty's subjects," Canaan Masayoshi said solemnly, and then led several gendarmes and staff officers to the front line.

The messenger passed on his order, and many devils in front lost ground. The smarter ones got down on the spot, and the duller ones retreated. This round of offensive was abandoned like this.

Although Yuzhu has only worked with Canaan for more than a year, he knows his temperament quite well.As an officer who actively pursues progress, it is impossible for him to give up his military merits at his fingertips because of the life of a civilian.Looking at his back, he secretly wondered: who the hell is this woman, that the Colonel is willing to make such a big concession?At the same time, he was a little worried, if this woman was really the chief's friend or even his lover, would the chief make foolish things because of his children's affair?Going one step further, what should he do if things really develop to that point?
The Japanese stopped their offensive, which seemed inconceivable to Liu Kui.A little worried about what Takahashi said, he asked the female soldier next to him: "Which of you can speak Japanese?"

A female soldier raised her hand and replied, "Sir, I understand something."

"What did Miss Takahashi say just now?"

The female soldier translated it truthfully, and Liu Kui couldn't help but fell into deep thought.Immediately, he said to the female soldier: "If Miss Takahashi has anything to say, you can translate it to me truthfully."


Takahashi's psychological strategy has already begun: "Warriors, thank you for listening to me. Do you know? When I see you, I think of my cousin. My cousin is called Yamagami Jiewu. He is 23 years old this year. He I got married the year before last, and now I have a two-year-old child. Girl, very cute girl..."

(End of this chapter)

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