Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1025 Blue Sky White Sun Medal

Chapter 1025 Blue Sky White Sun Medal
"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, very good news, our army has achieved a great victory in Madang, annihilating nearly 5 Japanese troops, the Japanese 11th Army Corps
It's all gone!The commander of the 112th division of the enemy chieftain, Yamada Castle No. 11, was killed, and the commander of the [-]th division, Yamamuro Munetake, was captured alive..."

On the streets of Guangzhou, newspaper sellers poked their heads out of the kiosks, waving the "Xue Bing Jun Daily" in their hands and yelling loudly. People who were in a hurry to go to work around heard the news and immediately rushed forward. "Give me one!" "I want one!"... Soon, thirty copies of "Xue Bingjun Daily" were sold out.

More and more people rushed forward to hear the good news. Later people couldn't buy "Xue Bingjun Daily", and they all shouted anxiously. Someone shouted: "Boss, why did you buy so little?"

The boss smiled and said loudly: "No hurry, no hurry, "Xuebingjun Daily" is gone, "Guangzhou Daily" and "Renqiu Times" are still there, and they also have reports. "Guangzhou Daily" also published Mei Lan A review of a book—”

"Give me a copy of Guangzhou Daily!"

The reporter who accompanied the army took the lead in publishing the story of the Madang Great Victory in the media affiliated with the Xuebing Army, which immediately caused Guangzhou paper expensive.For the Cantonese, and even the Cantonese, Fujianese, and Hainanese, the Xuebing Army is their children's soldiers.Such a great victory for the subordinate soldiers naturally aroused the ecstasy and carnival of the people.The next day, there was no one to organize, and celebration parades broke out in Guangzhou, Fujian, and Qiongzhou.In the afternoon of the same day, more than [-] stores in Guangzhou announced price cuts to celebrate the victory. At the same time, they announced that, in order to show their support for the frontline soldiers, families with military ID cards can get a small gift of about [-] yuan for free...

Not only in the areas under the jurisdiction of the Xuebing Army, but also in other parts of the country, celebrations are also happening.In Chongqing, in the name of stability, the authorities dispatched the military and police to expel those who participated in the celebration parade, but people still couldn't hide their smiles when they talked.The current Chinese people need this victory too much to boost the morale of the people.A large area of ​​the country fell, the national army was repeatedly defeated on the frontal battlefield, and the "subjugation" speech was rampant. No matter if they were old or naive, as long as they had a concept of right and wrong, they were looking forward to the news of victory all the time.At this time, the Xuebing Army had achieved such a great victory, so it was actually normal to cause any kind of scene.

In Guangzhou, where the general headquarters of the Xuebing Army is stationed, Ji Xingwen, as the top officer left behind, has become the busiest person.Congratulatory messages from all walks of life, congratulatory messages from the Chongqing authorities and awards, and congratulatory messages from overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese associations... Telegrams came from all over the world like snowflakes, so that his work during this period was completely monopolized by the reply telegrams.

Among them, the most noticeable telegram is naturally from the highest authority in Chongqing.The highest authority highly praised the outstanding achievements of the Xuebing Army, and awarded Ouyang Yun, the supreme commander of this battle, a Qingtian Bairi Medal, and Ye Zhao and He Zhengjiang a Baoding Medal respectively.In addition, a bonus of 10 yuan will be given, and the Franchise Office will withdraw to the area under its jurisdiction for rest...

Ma Dang, when everyone across the country was cheering for the achievements of the Xuebing Army, Ouyang Yun and other senior officials of the Northward Legion were counting the battle damage figures with a heavy heart.

Although the 106th Division of the Japanese Army moved towards Pengze in strict accordance with Okamura Ningji's order, it was still unable to break through the defense line set up by the 106th Division.When Mianchuan Island was bombarded indiscriminately by groups of artillery, Zhongdao Qing Village took advantage of the situation and decisively issued an order to retreat.The remaining troops of the [-]th Division were no more than four brigades. Nakajima worried that if he crossed the river rashly, he might be attacked from behind by the Xuebing Army, so he chose to march towards Duchang, and then via Panyang, preparing to attack from the southeast. Go back to the Japanese control area.

Jiangbei's troops are still dealing with the Japanese army, but Ouyang Yun is not worried at all about whether they can break through the Japanese army's encirclement.Just kidding, there are as many as six regiments of chariot units accompanying the army. With the current level of armored forces of the Japanese army, the Jiangbei army is not invincible. At least, the Japanese army should not try to take too much advantage.Of course, considering that the Japanese army will definitely re-deploy air forces from the country and other places, the withdrawal of Jiangbei troops is already imperative.

In the battle of Madang, outsiders only saw how many devils the Xuebing Army had eliminated, but they didn't know how much the Xuebing Army had paid for it.In terms of the battle damage ratio, the loss of the Xuebing Army is absolutely acceptable.However, as students and soldiers, Ouyang Yun and the others naturally hoped to sacrifice as little as possible.In the battle of Ma Dang, those who really participated in the battle of the Beishang Army were actually the [-]th Xue Division stationed in Hukou, and the [-]rd Xue Division stationed in Pengze.Among them, the [-]th Xue Division lost a brigade, and the [-]rd Xue Division lost one and a half brigades. If you count the loss of nearly half a brigade of troops directly under the Legion, the loss of the Xuebing Army has reached one division.This level of casualties has never been seen since Xue Bingjun became an army——Ouyang Yun couldn't help his eyes widen when he saw the [-]-page list of dead officers and soldiers handed over by Ye Zhao and He Zhengsheng. famous.

Many names were familiar to him when he was in Renqiu.They followed him to the north and south, never leaving him, but in this foreign land, they fell down. "Shichang, after you go back, set up a special team to investigate the living conditions of the survivors of the fallen soldiers. If you have any difficulties, report it to the General Political Department and let President Ji handle it as appropriate," Ouyang Yun said, and collected the list of dead soldiers. up.

Chen Shichang nodded, and said: "Ye Zhao just got a telegram back. They successfully ambushed Okamura Ningji in Maiyuan, Taihu County. The old devil threw away his helmet and armor, and took the remnant to Qianshan Mountain."

Ouyang Yun nodded and asked, "How many people does Ye Zhao have now?"

"More than 2000. The day before yesterday, they just instigated another group of Taiwanese soldiers. He originally wanted to capture Neiji Okamura alive, but he was still slipped away by the old devil."

"Let them withdraw to Jiangbei. That's fine. With these 2000 people as examples, the Japanese will have to think about it when they want to recruit Taiwanese in the future. Has there been a telegram from Taiwan and the headquarters recently?"

"The Japanese army continues to increase its troops in Taiwan. However, we have the air force to provide support, and the Japanese army cannot take large-scale suppression operations. Now, Tainan has been firmly controlled by our Taiwan Corps."

"Where's Stern? How's the situation over there?"

"Commander Stern sent a telegram. They had just fought a battle with the little devils. The Japanese army was defeated and voluntarily withdrew from the battlefield. Commander Stern said in the telegram that on the border between Fujian and Zhejiang, his fully mechanized The army is not as useful as the guerrillas, and he asked to enter the frontal battlefield."

"It seems that Stern failed to achieve the expected big victory. Also, the investment of the Jewish Independence Army is much higher than ours, but the output is average. Heh, it seems that the Jewish Chamber of Commerce is not satisfied. Well, we will wait until we go back. Discuss in detail. Ladies and gentlemen, Chen Cheng's striker will arrive in Pengze in three days, so hurry up and do the aftermath. As soon as Chen arrives, we will return to the division immediately!"


(May [-]st is here, all the workers are happy, um, including those who read in front of the computer - during the May [-]st period, it may not be guaranteed twice a day, and the classmates are back...Everyone wants to have fun, but I will definitely make up for it in the future together--)
(End of this chapter)

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