Chapter 1026

Just when the whole of China was in a carnival because of the great victory of Ma Dang, what happened in Japan, the losing party?

The citizens of the Wa country are no better than China. If they want to get news about the Chinese battlefield, they can only go through the government.The Japanese government is used to reporting good news but not bad news. This time, will they reveal the truth and slap their mouths?
First of all, it was the people in power of the Wa Kingdom who heard the news of Madang's defeat.The news of the defeat spread to Nanjing and back to Tokyo. Whether it was Hata Shunroku or Emperor Hirohito, it was like a bolt from the blue, knocking them unconscious instantly.

Neiji Okamura is against Jun Hata, and the latter naturally does not have a good impression of the former.But even so, Hata Shunroku never doubted the former's ability.He didn't think that the former could easily defeat the Xue Bingjun, and at the same time, he didn't think that Ouyang Yun could easily defeat the former.He made this judgment based on the fact that, regardless of other things, the strength of the 11th Army is really nothing to do with it.Three divisions plus Bo Tian detachment, nearly 8 troops, let alone Ouyang Yun only has two and a half divisions in Pengze, even five and a half divisions are all there. at an absolute disadvantage.

You know, at present, the Japanese army and the national army have a one-to-three ratio in individual combat power.One soldier of the Japanese army is worth three soldiers of the national army. Under such circumstances, Ouyang Yun only has more than 6 troops, but how can he have any regrets against the [-] Japanese army?
The fact gave Hata Jun Liu a resounding slap in the face.

Just received the telegram from Katamura Siba, Hata Shunroku thought it was a problem with the deciphering by the communications staff.However, after being confirmed, the old devil was immediately dumbfounded! "Impossible?! How is it possible?"

"Your Excellency, the Fourth and Eighth Commander of Katamura mentioned that if you don't believe me, you can ask His Excellency Nishio for confirmation."

Hata Junroku has accepted this fact intellectually, but still has a little fantasy in his heart.He immediately ordered the communications staff to send a telegram to Hisao Nishio to inquire about the matter.The telegram from Hisao Nishio arrived soon, and at that time, the 2nd Army, as the only Japanese armed force in the Wuhan area, began to accept the rout of the 11th Army along the way.From the rout of the 11th Army, Nishio obtained detailed information, and the credibility of his call back was completely different—"...Second Class Soldier Yamashita Shota Yun ..."

Nishio listed several words to gather the soldiers, and at this moment, Hata Shunroku was completely desperate.How many armies does the empire have in China?This army is actually gone like this? "Why is this happening? Who can tell me why this is happening?" For three consecutive days, Hata Shunroku was furious in the headquarters of the Japanese Army in China in Nanjing, and every subordinate would question him like this.The 11th Army almost ran out of ink, and regardless of the loss of nearly [-] imperial troops, the total strength of the Japanese army in China immediately shrank by nearly one-eighth.What's worse is that the various arrangements of the Japanese side before the Wuhan battle were completely disrupted. Now, if the Japanese army wants to launch the Wuhan battle again, it will have to draw troops from other places or even the country.However, as far as the current force distribution of the Japanese army is concerned: the forces of Taiwan and South China cannot be moved. Not only that, but additional troops will be sent to Taiwan.So, should we draw troops from Northeast and North China?It is also unrealistic. In Northeast China and North China, guerrilla-based local resistance forces frequently harass the Japanese rear and supply lines, which has seriously threatened the foundation of Japanese rule in these two places.In this case, if the troops are deployed outside, it will only make the activities of the guerrillas more rampant. If one is not good, it may even happen that one or two counties or even one or two regions are discarded.

That's all, what makes Hata Shunroku the most anxious is that although he did not command the Battle of Madang, it was initiated by Okamura Neiji on his own initiative. However, as the supreme commander of the Japanese army stationed in China, he must bear a considerable burden. Responsibility—whether he can continue to stay in Nanjing depends on the face of the headquarters.

Inside the Japanese Imperial Palace in Tokyo, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly oppressive.

This is not the first time the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties in China.The previous 108th Division was wiped out in the Battle of Tianjin, and the head of the newly promoted division, Kenji Doihara, was arrested; the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties in the Second Great Wall Battle not long after... These once made Hirohito think about the "China Incident" "The outlook expressed caution.But at that time, because this was only a small-scale defeat on the battlefield, it was not so important that it could affect the overall situation, so Hirohito did not feel a sense of crisis.At that time, he agreed with the Konoe cabinet's handling method, that is, deliberately concealed the news of these defeats, and continued to advocate the great victory of the Japanese army in China.Now, in the face of such a huge number of casualties, Hirohito was finally shocked.

Regarding the quick resolution of the "China Incident", there are many optimists in the Japanese base camp.Among them, Moto Sugiyama, who was then Minister of War, performed most prominently.Sugiyama once arrogantly declared that China would be destroyed within three months, but now, how many three months have passed, the war in China is still in a state of anxiety, and the fierce offensive of the Japanese army has now been contained, and it has suffered huge casualties.This time, not only Hirohito lost confidence, but the Japanese hawks led by Moto Sugiyama also began to speak cautiously, thinking that the resolution of the "China Incident" would be a long process.

The change in the attitude of Sugiyama Moto and other hawks on the "China Incident" has a huge impact on Hirohito.When the generals in the base camp once again proposed to deal with the "Madang defeat" in a low-key manner, he clearly expressed his opposition, thinking that since the "China Incident" was in danger of getting out of control, it would only be counterproductive to continue to conceal the people, and the correct way now is to tell the people the truth Everything that is happening ahead, only in this way can the power of the whole country be unified in order to win the decisive battle with China.

Hirohito, as the leader of the Japanese Showa Warlord Group, since he made such a statement, the generals of the Ministry of Army dare not disobey.So, starting the next day, newspapers across Japan began to report on the Battle of Madang in the form of "mourning Yamamuro Zongwu and other heroes". Soon, news of the imperial army's defeat in China Madang spread throughout Japan.

"What, the imperial army was defeated in China?"

"Why did this happen? The generals at the front, are they all dozing off?"

... This news immediately caused a shock among the Japanese people no less than that of the earthquake in 1932.Perhaps the news about the imperial army's victory has been heard too much. This occasional defeat did not cause the Japanese people to have too much negative emotion. The topic they discussed most was not how the defeat would bring disadvantages to the empire. Influence, but what the empire should do, and what the Japanese people should do, so that this war can be ended as soon as possible to achieve peace.

This reaction of the Japanese naturally made Hirohito and other main combat factions happy in their eyes. Therefore, under the instigation of the generals in the base camp, a stricter wartime system was formulated, and the biggest feature of this system is that it requires Concentrate the strength of all enthusiastic citizens and strive for an early breakthrough in China.

On the day when this wartime system was announced, in Nagoya, which had just been bombed by the Xuebing Army, in the middle of the ruins that night, a light group suddenly appeared——

(End of this chapter)

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