Chapter 1027 Destiny

Since Nagoya was bombed by the Xuebing Army, the bombed area in the center has become the ruins where five people lived.Therefore, this strange scene was not seen by others.

The light cluster only appeared for a few seconds and then disappeared, and after the light cluster disappeared, a figure stood up from the darkness.There was a street lamp a little farther away, and the faint yellow light of the street lamp shone over, just enough for people to see the profile of the figure clearly.A very young man, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a black combat uniform, holding a rifle in both hands, and carrying a huge package on his back, and a line of words written in luminous paint on the back of the package: "National Self-Defense Force"—is this the uniform that only Japanese soldiers had in the era before Ouyang Yun traveled?Is this person, like Ouyang Yun, also a professional time traveler?
The answer is yes.

"The time travel was actually successful! I just don't know what year it is, if World War II has ended?" The figure was talking to himself, his gaze was fixed on a calendar hanging on a wall.Due to the explosion, only the upper half of the calendar is left, and the words 1939 and so on are clearly written on it.The figure had already turned on the lights on the helmet, so he could see everything around him clearly. The ruins of the explosion were everywhere, and some places had turned into piles of ashes because of the intense burning.Suddenly, his whole body was shaken, and he said to himself: "No way? I'm so unlucky? I just don't know, is this Hiroshima or Nagasaki——" He took out a gas mask from his backpack and put it on. up.

It seems that he regards this place as a nuclear explosion zone.

Ming Xiacun is a policeman in Nagoya.When the figure was fully armed and trekking through the ruins, Mingxia Village was riding a bicycle and was on his way home.

Nagoya was ordered to be blocked by the government because of the plague attack, and then many areas with severe epidemics were forcibly doused with gasoline by the government and burned down.Therefore, many blocks and many factory areas have actually become no-man's land.Mingxia's family had better luck in this plague attack. So far, no one has died of the plague.Of course, because it is still blocked, running around every day to provide food for the whole family has become the most important task of the "civil servant" Ming Xiacunzheng. "When will this kind of life be the end?! If it's not for Linzi and Xiaoshan's sake, I really want to die—" pedaling the bicycle vigorously, glancing at the shriveled rice bag in the basket from time to time, Feeling tired, Mingxia thought so, his eyes were full of confusion.

The Japanese high-level authorities blocked the truth about the plague attack in Nagoya. Up to now, the survivors in Nagoya thought they were abandoned by Amaterasu. to this opportunity.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and Ming Xiacun was just about to ask a question, when a light shone over him, dazzled his eyes, staggered, the bicycle's center of gravity was unstable, and fell down immediately.

"Who?" He asked instinctively, and after falling to the ground, he hurried to pick up the shriveled rice bag—although today's harvest is not much, it can finally give the family a meal of porridge. , The meaning to the Ming family at this time is no less than a thousand taels of gold.

A circle of light shot from five meters away, locking him firmly.A dark figure full of oppression came over, and after a while, he asked dully: "What's your name? Where is this? What year is it now?"

The light circle firmly fixed Mingxia's face, making him dizzy, who was already a little dizzy due to hunger and exhaustion, and he hardly had the ability to think normally. "My name is Mingxia Muramasa, this is Nagoya, and it is now Showa 14," he said instinctively, and opened his mouth wide after speaking, a little surprised why he was so obedient.

"Showa 14, the Gregorian calendar is 1939? So, World War II has just begun, and everything is still too late," Hei Ying said, which made Mingxia feel inexplicable. He gathered his eyes and looked over, and finally saw the figure and face of Hei Ying clearly. .

"What's going on here? Why did Nagoya become like this? By the way, you can call me Koizumi."

"The plague just broke out here. Why did you come here? It's too dangerous to come here at this time!"

"Plague?!" Koizumi was obviously taken aback, but he calmed down after a while.He thought about it seriously, and asked, "How did the plague happen? During World War II, Japan never had this kind of infectious disease!"

If Ming Xia is sober enough, he will definitely find that there are many unreasonable things in Koizumi's words. Of course, the current him does not have the energy to pay attention to these.He just said curiously: "It's nothing strange, God Amaterasu wants to punish us, so—"

"Bage! What kind of bastard is this? Huh, I understand—" Koizumi said, helping Ming Xia up, "the plague is nothing to be afraid of! Well, now, take me to see the supreme leader in Nagoya. sir!"

"What?" Mingxia understood this sentence, he blinked and looked at this young man who called himself Koizumi, wondering why he would say such nonsense.Who does he think he is?To meet the top officials of Nagoya, not to mention the mayor of Nagoya and the chief of police and other high-ranking officials who have long since fled to Tokyo.But he didn't know that Koizumi, who came across from nearly a hundred years later with a special purpose, as long as he wanted, let alone a dignitary in Nagoya, even Japan's supreme spiritual leader, Emperor Hirohito, could see him.

Koizumi's full name is Koizumi Toshiichiro. Before crossing, he was a major in the "Central Mobile Group" of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.So why did he perform such a seemingly bizarre mission in Nagoya in 1939?

This has to start with the time and space where Koizumi and Ouyang Yun lived in 2011.

2011 was a year full of disasters for Japan - earthquakes occurred frequently, which triggered tsunamis, which led to leaks in nuclear power plants... In 1912, not only the frequency of earthquakes became more dense, but the intensity also increased. Increasingly, these have induced the activation of some volcanoes in Japan—thus, talk about Japan's imminent sinking began to spread.When some experts in Japan were thinking about solutions, some people proposed the "Parallel Plane History Deviation Theory", thinking that the reason why the Japanese island is today is because of the two nuclear explosions in 1945, so if you want to change Japan The only way to change the fate of the island is to modify the history of Japan, so as to use the "butterfly effect" to completely change the fate of Japan.

Is this theory scientifically tenable and ignore it? It is worth noting that some people believe it and do it. Therefore, as the person who changed the fate of Japanese history, Koizumi Toshiichiro was sent to 1939 by the space-time shuttle. year in Nagoya.

(End of this chapter)

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