Chapter 1033 Fox Thirteen Again

When Hu Shisan was massacring Huasheng Yangxing in Shanghai, Kagezuo Zhenzhao was accompanying Emperor Hirohito's special envoy to enjoy a French meal in a French restaurant.The special envoy came to Shanghai for those Buddha statues.When Kagezuo's men were knocking on the door in a panic, the special envoy who had drunk a little was saying to Kagezuo: "Kagezuo-kun, you have done a good job on this matter. When I go back to Tokyo, I will speak to you in front of Your Majesty." Those who talk about your merits, you just wait to receive the credits and rewards!"

"This is what should be done in a lowly position, Special Envoy Your Excellency, thank you so much—come in!" Yingzuo said, nodded to the special envoy to apologize, and then turned to the restaurant door and shouted.

A middle-aged man dressed as a ronin in a kimono opened the door and walked in with a bow. He leaned over and whispered in Yingzuo's ear: "Your Excellency, something is wrong. Your Excellency Takehiko was killed. The Buddha statue and Huasheng foreign firm Some of the important supplies inside have been stolen."

"What?" Yingzuo was horrified when he heard that, and he didn't care about being rude in front of the special envoy. He stood up and grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar, and asked, "Is everything you said true?"

"Yes, the Shanghai Gendarmerie Command has confirmed that they are looking for the murderer. The murderer has left his name on the wall of the foreign company, and it is Hu Shisan again!"

"Bage, Hu Shisan, Hu Shisan, Hu Shisan again?!" Yingzuo staggered and almost fell.The middle-aged man quickly supported him, and asked, "Your Excellency, Director of the Agency, what should we do now?"

"Catch it back, at all costs!"

"Hay!" The middle-aged man bowed to the special envoy, and backed away.

The special envoy looked at Yingzuo with a serious face, and asked, "Mr. Yingzuo, what happened? I heard the Buddha statue. Could it be that something happened to the Buddha statue?"

Yingzuo turned around, bowed to the special envoy, and said earnestly: "Your Excellency, I'm really sorry, I may have to delay you for a while. There is indeed something wrong with the Buddha statue. Don't worry, I will be able to get the Buddha statue back within three days at most. !"

The special envoy narrowed his eyes. He looked deeply at Kagezuo until the latter was sweating profusely, and then said: "Kagezuo-kun, you should know that His Majesty the Emperor attaches great importance to these Buddha statues. Well, you can do it yourself. Bar!"

Ying Zuo sent the special envoy back to the cruise ship "Jiu Maru" respectfully, and then rushed to Huasheng Foreign Firm with a dozen capable men.In Huasheng Foreign Firm, the corpses of Wu Yan and others have been restrained. Looking at the dozen or so subordinates who have been covered with white cloth, and then looking at the blood-splattered "Fox Shisan kills the thief here" on the wall, the effect is vivid. Zuo was startled, angry and in pain. Finally, he pulled out a long knife from a ronin's waist, slashed at the three bloody characters "Fox Thirteen", and shouted at the same time: "I swear, I will not kill you in this life!" 'Fox Thirteen', swear not to be human!"

This oath was cruel and poisonous enough, but it couldn't help him find Hu Shisan and those Buddha statues.Three days passed quickly. Although during these three days, Yingzuo Zhenzhao led a group of men and almost turned Shanghai upside down with the help of the Shanghai Gendarmerie Command. However, Hu Shisan still had those Buddha statues It was as if it had never appeared in Shanghai at all, leaving no clues behind.And as Ding Yi and other Langya entered Shanghai, Yingzuo's campaign against Hu Shisan and Hu Tong not only failed to make any progress, but killed more than a dozen of his subordinates. Finally, he realized that Shanghai is still China's land , on the land of China, the Japanese can't do whatever they want...

Within the Xuebing Army, Ding Yizhan became famous for his acupuncture skills.His needle can not only save people, but also kill people, and the most amazing thing is that it can be used as a tool of torture. With his pair of skillful hands, so far, no one has been able to carry it.As a traverser, Ouyang Yun has a relatively special physique. Whether it is resistance to blows or other abilities, he is much stronger than ordinary people. A man who keeps his mouth shut has not yet been born.

If it is said that the reason why Ding Yi was remembered by the soldiers before was because of his acupuncture skills, now he is famous in the military system of the soldiers because of the counterfeit money work he presided over.The military ticket financial system of the Japanese army is actually very rigorous. Moreover, each occupied area has a special military police force and a special agency responsible for supervising the military ticket market.Of course, in front of John Niu and Diana, two counterfeiting experts, the various precautions taken by the Japanese are really not enough.These two criminal geniuses were able to imitate even the beautifully printed U.S. dollar bills, not to mention the military bills of the Japanese army that had no security measures at all.The fake military tickets made by John Niu and Diana can be confused with the real ones, and the unscrupulous businessmen in the Japanese military circle played by Ding Yi and others also have this characteristic. They are like the real Japanese agents of the Mei Agency. In the underground, they sell the military tickets in their hands with both soft and hard methods, and sometimes even use black and black methods to collect some hard currency from unscrupulous sources.Their crazy behavior of soliciting money has greatly damaged the good reputation that Yingzuo Zhenzhao had worked so hard to manage before, and was kept in the dark. Yingzuo suddenly found that he couldn't eat in front of some people in Shanghai. He didn't know it was Fox Tong. The ghosts of the people, only thought that the Chinese would not buy his account, and this is the way to vent before.

Ying Zuo decided to use the opportunity of the martial arts competition to clean up the Chinese gangsters in Shanghai. Under his arrangement and with the help of Yoshikawa, the news of the martial arts competition spread rapidly in all walks of life in Shanghai.Among them, some scum of the rivers and lakes bought by Yingzuo took the opportunity to fan the flames. They looked full of righteous indignation and expressed in various public occasions: The Japanese regard Chinese people as the sick men of East Asia, but anyone who has a little ambition in my Shanghai martial arts should stand up Courageously accept the challenge.Among them, there are those who hide the cloak of "traitors" relatively deeply, and they even directly suggested to some veterans in the Shanghai martial arts: the few people who are studying soldiers and army Hutong are very powerful. If they are willing to participate, they will definitely help us in Shanghai. Wu Lin raised his face.

On June 6, in a residential building in a lane in the French Concession, Ding Yi, Hu Shisan and others gathered in the restaurant, talking about the Madang victory that happened not long ago while eating breakfast.

Ma Dang's great victory is something to be proud of and celebrate for any soldier.After Ding Yi came to Shanghai to preside over the counterfeit currency work, he had breakfast together every day, which became a meeting where everyone met to discuss the day's work arrangements.In the past few days, the most popular topic at the breakfast meeting was the victory of Madang. As students fighting on the special front, they gave full play to their imagination to construct the scene of the victory in their minds and never tired of it.

(End of this chapter)

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