Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1034 Grandson Japanese Sword Vs Grandpa Miao Sword

Chapter 1034 Grandson Japanese Sword Vs Grandpa Miao Sword
After Ding Yi arrived in Shanghai, because of the needs of work, he not only started to dress in suits and leather shoes, but also grew a mustache.Now, as long as he wears a top hat, he is a very authentic Japanese businessman.Ding Yi and several of his Langya's subordinates live in another place, and he completes their communication with Hutong by delivering breakfast every morning.He stuffed the deep-fried dough sticks in his hand into his mouth, chewed them twice, swallowed them, took a sip of porridge and said, "Once our army wins the battle, the Chongqing side can't sit still. I wonder why Hu Bao's people suddenly become active these days." Now, I understand what's going on now. Well, everyone is Chinese, and they are also beating devils now, why is this necessary?!"

Hu Bao is the person in charge of Juntong in Shanghai. Juntong and Hutong once had a big fight because of the "military exercise" (see Chapter 9 and other related chapters in Volume [-] for details), and Hu Shisan was there In a confrontation, he shined brilliantly and began to attract the attention of the military command and Mei organs.But recently, as Ouyang Yun took the side of Chiang Kai-shek during the Chongqing Incident, Hu Bao and the others were very polite to Hu Tong's people and rarely came to disturb them.However, during this period of time, the people of the military command frequently waded across the boundary, which naturally attracted Ding Yi's attention.

The current person in charge of Shanghai Hutong is Yang Sanping, a handsome middle-aged man with glasses.He said to Ding Yi: "Brother Ding, this time, Hu Bao and the others have no malicious intentions. Hu Bao sent me a message through his subordinates, saying that the Japanese are going to hold a martial arts tournament, and he wants to invite us to participate in the martial arts tournament. You recently The guys I met all came to me for this purpose." Then, he looked at Hu Shisan, and said with a smile: "It's only because Shisan has been so outstanding recently, maybe the people in the military command are not convinced. Bar?!"

Hu Shisan seldom spoke on such occasions. He just buried his head in his meal. At this moment, he raised his head and smiled, and said, "I've been very honest these days."

"Haha——" Hearing what he said, many people laughed.

Hu Shisan, as Shanghai Hutong's first killer, has always been on the front line of punishing rape and eradicating evil. This guy who doesn't know how many lives he has in his hands will be honest. Only ghosts will believe his words .

Ding Yi was originally a taciturn person, but the reason why he has become talkative now is really because of his duties.He has been in contact with Hu Shisan for some time, and he has a good impression of this simple-looking and agile man.He thought for a while and said, "I've also heard about the Japanese martial arts competition. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Thirteen was too much in the limelight in the operation to seize the Buddha statue a while ago, and it's not ruled out that the little devil took the opportunity It’s possible to lure him to make a public move. The old devil Yingzuo can’t win us if he plots against us, and it’s not ruled out that he wants to use overt schemes. We must be cautious about this matter.”

Everyone looked at Ding Yi thoughtfully.

Hu Shisan raised his head, looked at Ding Yi and said, "Dingtou, I've inquired about the martial arts tournament, and it's true. The devil who initiated the martial arts tournament is the current head of the Yagyu Xinyinliu in Japan. Kendo No.1 Yagyu Quansai. I have met this devil before, and he really looks like a master. But, hehe, their Japanese swords are all Miao swords passed down from our country, and they actually want to beat us in sword skills. It’s really overwhelming.”

Ding Yi was born in a family of martial arts, and he was obsessed with martial arts in his bones. After hearing what Hu Shisan said, he became interested and asked, "I have heard some stories about Miao Dao and Japanese Dao. Thirteen, I know you are Master Guo Changsheng's successor, I just don't know how much of his Miao Dao skills you have learned?"

Hu Shisan stuffed the last bit of fried dough stick into his mouth, smashed it twice and swallowed it, then wiped his hands on his clothes, and said, "I don't dare to say how much I have learned, but I have to deal with that little devil Liu Sheng." There must be no problem." As he spoke, he suddenly blinked his eyes, looked at Ding Yi and said, "Dingtou, how about we end up showing the little devil a little more power?"

Ding Yi smiled and shook his head: "The task on me is too heavy, so I don't dare to end it. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if something goes wrong and affects major events, the commander-in-chief will definitely skin me. As for you, I am optimistic about you, but it depends on what Xiao Yang wants."

All eyes are on Yang Sanping.Yang Sanping shook his head with a wry smile, and smiled at Ding Yi: "Brother Ding, you will be a good person, but you will solve the problems for me." Then, he turned to Hu Shisan, looked at him seriously and said: "San, I To be honest with you, I am actually in favor of your final competition, not for anything else, just to take off the title of "sick man of East Asia". However, Fox Tong's headquarters has sent a telegram, because of your performance some time ago, the headquarters has already Nominate you to participate in the award ceremony on July 7. At that time, the commander-in-chief will personally award the award-what kind of honor is this for our students on the hidden front? The little devil is engaged in the so-called martial arts competition in Shanghai Assembly, there must be various security measures, I'm afraid—"

Before he finished speaking, Hu Shisan stood up and said firmly: "Head, don't say anything. The more this is the case, the more I want to participate in this martial arts tournament! I can't take off that Liu Sheng's head. How can I accept that honor? Even if it’s just to live up to my love for the commander-in-chief, I want to participate!”

"But Thirteen, your appearance, the little devil has already prepared a file! As long as you show up, they will recognize you!"

"Yeah Thirteen, I think it's better for you not to participate. Shanghai Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger is not bad for us!"

"Hmph, but who dares to chop off the head of little devil Liu Sheng in front of so many people?" Hu Shisan said, his eyes gleaming brightly.

Ding Yi looked at Hu Shisan admiringly, and suddenly stood up. He flipped his right hand, revealing a silver needle.The small silver needle flashed a few lights in his hand, and he said: "Thirteen, you go to the martial arts competition boldly, and as for the problem of appearance, I will help you solve it." Looking at everyone, he said: "It's a pity Officer Bai is not here, if she is, with her disguise technique, she can completely change Thirteen's appearance. Well, although my acupuncture can temporarily change the appearance, the recipient will suffer a little pain, but I think ten Three won't care."

Hu Shisan nodded: "Dingtou, thank you very much!" Then he said: "Actually, it's best to go to the competition like this, but I'm afraid that if I just come on stage, the little devil's sniping will come, so it's not a good idea." Beautiful." After speaking, he looked at Yang Sanping.

Others also looked at Yang Sanping.Yang Sanping gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, then it's decided. Well, I have an idea. Since our apprentices are going to end, we must show our signs in the end. This will also be good for publicizing our army of apprentices. It's just that If Shisan comes, Shisan's situation will become even more dangerous. Therefore, in order to ensure Shisan's safety, we must make arrangements early!"

Ding Yi: "I agree. At that time, our Langya people will all participate in the security work!"

Yang Sanping nodded and said, "Then it's settled!" Then he looked at Hu Shisan and said solemnly: "San Shisan, don't let us down!"

Hu Shisan smiled: "I'm really looking forward to grandson Wo Dao vs grandpa Miao Dao!"

Everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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