Chapter 1035 Undercurrent
Japan Yagyu Xinyinliu came to China to hold a martial arts competition. The news of making friends with martial arts was quickly spread in the land of China through the operation of Ying Zuozhen. Just when Yang Sanping, Ding Yi and others were preparing to help Hu Shisan participate in the competition At that time, in Guangzhou, Ouyang Yun also learned the news through the Shanghai newspapers weaved by Fox Tong.

In Ouyang Yun's memory, in the past, during the period when the little devils invaded China, there were many martial arts competitions.

"Commander-in-Chief, do you think our Langya will send people to participate!" On this day, Guo Biao came to report to him on his work, and after the report was over, he made a casual mention.

It is a pity for Guo Biao that he was not able to participate in the battle of Madang, especially the scene where all the guns were fired.Although the battle at the junction of Fujian and Zhejiang was equally fierce, but because Matsui Iwane had already learned his lesson, he would never easily engage in a decisive battle with the Xuebing army. Therefore, in Guo Biao's view, this battle was quite dull and tasteless. of.After the Northward Legion returned to Guangzhou, Guo Biao expressed his dissatisfaction secretly more than once. In order to make up for him, Ouyang Yun specially handed over the handling of the devils captured in the Battle of Madang to him.

In the matter of dealing with prisoners of war, the Xuebing Army is experienced. Thinking back to the Tianjin victory, the 108th Division captured a total of 8000 devils.However, this time, because of the photos and information Hutong sent back from the occupied areas, Ouyang Yun really became murderous, and decided not to implement the so-called "leniency for confession" policy as before.

During the Battle of Nanjing, the reason why Ouyang Yun was willing to stay behind regardless of the high sacrifice rate was to avoid the Nanjing Massacre.However, although large-scale massacres were eventually avoided, small-scale massacres were everywhere.The Chinese in the occupied area were being ravaged by the Japanese like pigs, dogs, and livestock. For some of the scenes, Ouyang Yun was mentally prepared because of the memory of that time and space. After seeing those photos, he was still filled with righteous indignation and could not help himself.The crimes committed by the Japanese during their invasion of China can be described as too numerous to describe. If we search carefully for the truth of history, the Japanese did everything from burning, killing, and looting. The most heinous thing is that the word "kill" is not even enough. The old babies are not spared; rape, even the old woman is not spared; burning, how many houses and historic sites are destroyed in the hands of the little devils, the number is impossible to carry out exact statistics; as for the looting, the Japanese The antiques, treasures, and even resources looted from China would not be enough to pay for the entire island of Japan.After the Xuebing army became an army, Ouyang Yun planned to settle accounts later in the fall, and set up a special department for this purpose, responsible for recording and counting the crimes committed by the little devils in China.And after these years of statistics, now, the various crimes related to the little devil are already hundreds of kilograms.

Many of the devils captured in the Tianjin Great Victory failed to pass the trial and were shot for committing various crimes.In the end, about 70.00 devils who were sentenced to labor imprisonment because of relatively minor crimes, [-]% of them died in the mountain where the Dingzhou base was excavated, and others died one after another due to various reasons. In the end, there were only a very small group of people who survived and were able to be absorbed by Takahashi as members of the anti-war alliance.

The reason why Ouyang Yun adopted a more "friendly" policy towards the devil prisoners of war at the beginning was that he was worried that if the treatment was too drastic, the little devils would not dare to surrender, thus increasing the deaths of frontline students.Now, after reading too many reports of Japanese crimes, he has changed his mind.When reporting this new policy to the General Headquarters for deliberation and approval, he explained the changes in this way: Why do we serve as soldiers, isn’t it to kill devils?In this way, if we adopt a fixed rate policy for prisoners of war because we are worried about excessive casualties, does this violate our original intention of being a soldier?My idea is, as soldiers, instead of keeping these devils to continue to do evil and threaten the people of the country, it is better to keep the danger to ourselves!We are going to completely wipe them out on the battlefield.Therefore, for the devils captured in the battle of Madang this time, we must adopt a new policy of strictness and strictness, so that they will regret why they participated in this criminal war!
The Xuebing Army has an internal newspaper "Military Daily" that circulates in the army. The "Military Daily" usually reports the most about the evidence of the Japanese army's crimes that Fox Tong collected from the occupied areas.Therefore, as long as you are a Chinese with a conscience, even if you have a good impression of Japan at first, under the impact of those appalling pictures in the "Military Daily", you will feel a deep hatred for the devils in your heart.

Soldiers have a stronger sense of right and wrong than normal people, and they cannot tolerate enemy officers and soldiers killing their own compatriots. When Ouyang Yun said this, all the officers above the division commander at the meeting agreed.Even Jiang Guangnai, who has always been more gentle, also said: The little devil should be killed!In my opinion, what kind of trial is going on!Pull it out and kill it!
The only objection was the Bonn father and son of the Jewish Chamber of Commerce. They pointed out that since the International Committee of the Red Cross has a permanent delegation in Guangzhou, in order to avoid them making a fuss about this matter, it should be carefully considered.When the German Hitler government massacred the Jews, the Red Cross once gave the Jews all the help they could. Because of this reason, the relationship between the Jews and the Red Cross is quite good, and the Bonn father and son will speak out against the eyes of Chinese generals who can kill people. own point of view.

"Commander-in-Chief, Ms. Takahashi is receiving treatment from Dr. Dai Shan of the Red Cross recently. They are often together. If we really execute Japanese prisoners of war in this way, I'm afraid Ms. Takahashi—" Old Bonn reminded Ouyang Yun kindly.

"Don't worry about them! I will go to work with Takahashi! Hmph! The Chinese are kind, but it depends on who you are dealing with. For friends, we will always do our best to help, but if it is an enemy, I'm sorry , we will only retaliate!" Ouyang Yun waved at Old Bonn, and killed the words in one gulp.Then he said, "Let's vote with a show of hands!" After speaking, the leader raised his hand.

The Chinese generals raised their hands one after another. Stern, his three division commanders, the commander of an independent brigade, five chiefs of staff, and five political directors looked at the Bonn father and son. In the end, only six people did not raise their hands. .

Chen Shichang was in charge of counting the votes. He said: "The only opponents are Mr. Bonn and Mr. Bonn, as well as Li Yang, White, Lieutenant General Yetler, and Major General Brandt. They are in the absolute minority. This proposal has been passed!"

Ouyang Yun glanced at the Jews who didn't raise their hands, and said, "Deputy Commander Guo is in charge of the trial. Deputy Commander Guo!"

"Humble job!" Guo Biao stood up.

"Resolve this matter as soon as possible, and don't be afraid of causing criticism. We have a lot of evidence in our hands. Hmph, if the Red Cross really has an opinion, I think this is a good opportunity for us to publicize! Dismiss the meeting!"

This is the last topic of today's enlarged meeting.Everyone stood up one after another and left step by step with their respective documents.Bonn and his son were the last to leave. They all felt Ouyang Yun's anger and wanted to have a chat with him alone to explain the misunderstanding.However, Ouyang Yun didn't give them a chance.

The two Jews left the headquarters a little nervously, and they ran into Stern outside.Little Born said to Stern: "Look at the commander-in-chief's expression, I'm afraid he's angry with us."

Stern nodded: "I would be angry if I did it differently, Mr. Bonn, you forgot that both Bai Liusu and Takahashi were injured in this battle, and they are both the commander-in-chief's beloved woman. The commander-in-chief is extremely Protect your weaknesses, at this time, don't you offend his Ni Lin by objecting?"

Old Bonn said: "However, nearly [-] people died—Stern, think about it, our compatriots in Germany, how similar are their experiences to these Japanese?"

Stern shook his head: "Mr. Bonn, I don't agree with what you said. It's a completely different concept. Alas, those photos in the "Military Daily" didn't touch you? We are also Chinese now, if The Japanese really occupied China, and with the nature of the Japanese, do you think our end will be better than those compatriots who stayed in Germany?"

Old Bonn fell silent.In any case, compared with the Jews still in Germany, they are undoubtedly in heaven now.

Little Born looked around, and then sneered, "Chinese? General Stern, it seems that you are really satisfied to be a Chinese. Don't you realize that in Guangzhou, we Jews Do you still enjoy the treatment of second-class citizens?"

Stern was taken aback.In his impression, little Bonn was much more open-minded than old Bonn, and he had a very good personal relationship with Ouyang Yun. He really couldn't figure out what caused little Bonn to suddenly have such an idea. "I don't quite understand. According to my observation, the Xuebing military government doesn't care about us. Is there any misunderstanding?"

Just as little Bonn was about to answer, he was glared at by old Bonn, who immediately fell silent.

(Free 700 words... Is the old poison interesting enough?)

(End of this chapter)

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