Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1045 Another Definition of Traitor

Chapter 1045 Another Definition of Traitor

Ouyang Yun's car had anti-peep stickers on the glass. Ouyang Yun could see the outside, but not the inside.After knowing the truth of the matter, he was outraged.He shook down a little glass, waved to Huang Minjun, and signaled her to handle it by herself.

Rolling up the window glass again, he said to Pan Meiren: "Whose brother-in-law he is, this time I want to make an example!"

Pan Meiren was a little worried, and said, "What if he is really Commander Li's brother-in-law?"

"The prince breaks the law and commits the same crime as the people, huh? I have said this more than once in public, right? This kind of rubbish, the moth of society, should be killed as soon as possible!"

Perhaps, Ouyang Yun was still an angry youth at heart after seeing so many injustices before time travel.Before crossing over, every time this kind of thing happened, although he was filled with righteous indignation and wanted to fight the injustice, but his strength was limited, so he could only grit his steel teeth and helplessly watch those sons of a certain Li or students of a certain college get away with it.It's different now, as long as he can stick to it, let alone Li Hanhun's brother-in-law, even Li Hanhun himself has the right to deal with it.

Ouyang Yun's face was gloomy, and his eyes were burning with anger, which gave Huang Minjun the best hint.Ouyang Yun wanted to give her a chance to reciprocate - because "Li Hanhun's brother-in-law" offended him first, and even threatened to hit her, at this time, she could not react too much - this It is indeed a good opportunity to make an example to others.It's a pity that Huang Minjun failed to appreciate his good intentions. It just so happened that the nearby patrolmen arrived, so she followed suit and absolutely handed over the matter to the local policemen.

"Old man, if you have any grievances, go to the police station and complain! They will give you justice," she said to the old man.

Before the old man could speak, someone from the onlookers said, "No! Sir, you can't hand it over to the police. They protect each other. Sir, please do me a favor and help me deal with it!"

"Stop talking nonsense! When did something like this happen at our Pingshan Police Station? Sir, please hand him over to us, and we promise to deal with it seriously!" A patrolman in his 30s said, saluting Huang Minjun, and then He waved his hand and motioned for two police officers to take him away.

Seeing the patrolling policeman, the expression on the face of "Li Hanhun's brother-in-law" calmed down a lot. He shrugged off the old man's pull without a trace, and took the initiative to lean towards the two policemen.

It was the first time for Huang Minjun to encounter this kind of thing. As the regiment-level chief of staff of the Niangzi Yunwei Regiment, she rarely had the opportunity to get in touch with the society, so she didn't know the market conditions in Guangzhou.The onlookers were excited and asked her to take the initiative to take responsibility for this matter. The voices of the crowd had only one meaning, that this person should not be handed over to the police.Huang Minjun fell into a dilemma for a while——

In the car, Ouyang Yun's expression became even uglier.He had heard about the so-called collusion between the government and businessmen, and the corruption of ink by police officers, but he always thought that the level was relatively light.The reason why he thinks this way is that Guy feels that it is the Sino-Japanese War and the country is in the most perilous situation. In this situation, no matter who it is, it will curb its own selfish desires and put the main energy into saving the nation. matter.Furthermore, the director of the Guangdong Provincial Police Headquarters is now Guo Biao, and Guo Biao is a direct descendant of his direct descendants. He took it for granted that Guo Biao would not do anything to offend the Xuebing Army, so this fact hit him hard .

Pan Meiren has been watching him.She couldn't understand the nature of her "big brother" very well. Seeing his expression like this, she immediately realized that he was about to suffer.Women are always afraid of things by nature, and they always hope that big things can be turned into small things, so as not to hurt everyone's harmony when things get out of hand.She persuaded: "The time agreed with Consul General George is long overdue, let's go there first. I'll call this matter when I get back and ask Brother Guo to intervene in person."

"No!" Ouyang Yun shook his head, and he said with a bit of heartache: "Charming, don't underestimate this matter. Do you know how foreigners view our China now? A backward and corrupt China! I always thought that the reason why foreigners It was out of prejudice that I said that. Now I know that this is actually our failure to live up to expectations! We must not encourage this kind of atmosphere, we must crack down hard!" After speaking, he opened the door and walked out.

"Commander-in-Chief!" Huang Minjun immediately greeted him, and other guards surrounded him in other vehicles.Ouyang Yun waved his hands to stop them from following.He took Pan Meiren to the "Li Hanhun's brother-in-law" and everyone.He walked up to the old man, first bent down to help him up, then bowed to him upright, and said: "Old man, I'm sorry, it was our negligence in work that caused the daughter to suffer, I hope you can forgive me .”

As soon as Ouyang Yun got out of the car, he was recognized by the crowd.

Currently in Guangzhou, TV is very popular.Ouyang Yun, as the leader of the military and political affairs of the Xuebing Army, often appears on TV, so he is still very well-known in Guangzhou.

"Commander-in-Chief, it's Commander-in-Chief!" The crowd became excited, and many people shouted and rushed forward one after another.

Ouyang Yun looked at the crowd with a smile, while Huang Minjun and his subordinates looked worried. They were very scared. If there were assassins mixed in the crowd, it would be an excellent opportunity to kill them now.

"I said before that the Xuebing Army is the soldiers of the people, and what we protect is the interests of the people. The Xuebing Army has grown to this point, and has been able to make great achievements on the anti-Japanese battlefield. It is also closely related to you. Without your support in the rear and without your sending your children to the army, we would not have achieved such a record. I have also said that Ouyang Yun is not alone in the Xuebing military government, nor is it part of it. It belongs to people, but to all of us. Therefore, the object of her service is all of us... I assure you, as long as I, Ouyang Yun, is still in the Xuebing Army for a day and in front of this family, the nature of the Xuebing Army's people's soldiers will be the same. It will not change, and the nature of the Xuebing military government to serve the people and the country will not change. For thousands of years, why have we suffered disasters in China? Is it because our people are not diligent enough? Are they not brave enough? No! It is because some The corruption of those in power and the mutiny of some military officers led to this. It was they who weakened the power of the country and the government, which led to the opportunity for foreign enemies. From this perspective, they are actually traitors! Everyone knows What I, Ouyang Yun, hate the most are traitors. I never tolerate traitors! Therefore, I will take advantage of this occasion to put my words here today. Whoever dares to violate the interests of the people and go against the purpose of the Xuebing Army? OK, the student army must be wiped out. Who gave us the power of those in power? It is you who are here, and the hard-working people in the factories and fields. Why do you give us power? It is because you want us to To be able to manage this country well, this government, the meaning of our existence in power is actually to serve the country and the people..."

"Good!" "Commander-in-Chief, we support you!" "Long live the Commander-in-Chief!"


(End of this chapter)

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