Chapter 1046

Ouyang Yun completely ignored "Li Hanhun's brother-in-law" and just delivered a passionate speech to the crowd, which made the latter's face turn from blue to white and then from green to red, until his face was as white as paper and sweat fell like rain.

"Commander-in-Chief, I'm really Li Hanhun's brother-in-law," he said in a low voice. He didn't get a response from Ouyang Yun, so he changed his name and called his uncle: "Uncle Ouyang, do you remember me? My brother-in-law's house, you have seen mine, and you even ate the wine I toasted!"

Ouyang Yun couldn't help laughing. He looked at this cheap nephew "kindly", and a strange metaphor came to his mind. He said earnestly, "Boy, you remind me of Japan. Why do you hate Japan? Because he bullies the weak and fears the hard. I have never had my own position on international affairs." He raised his head and said loudly: "Why do I always emphasize that Japan must lose and we must win? Because I have seen through the essence of this country. This country has no mature sense of right and wrong at all. He is like this guy who needs to be beaten. He talks to people when he meets people, and he talks to ghosts when he meets people. When dealing with this kind of country and people, we have to use violence. Otherwise, he doesn't know how high the sky is and how big the earth is How wide! Are you from the Pingshan Police Station? What's your name? What's your job title?" He said, looking at the patrolman.

"Report! I am a sergeant of the Pingshan Police Station. My name is Chen Xiaojian. Commander-in-Chief, I just retired from the Third School Division last year. During the defense of Nanjing, I was shot in the left chest—" Khan, from Ouyang Yun's words, he realized that something was wrong. Comparing with Ouyang Yun's words, he suddenly found that he was also one of those who deserved a beating.

Hearing that he was retired from the Xuebing Army, Ouyang Yun's expression darkened, and he was no longer as pleasant as before.He stared at him with a stern face and said: "The Xuebing Army retired? Have you ever thought about maintaining the reputation of our Xuebing Army? Yes, it is something to be proud to retire from the army after beating devils and being wounded, but, like this Can you ride on the heads of the common people and act as a domineering? Don't quibble, do you dare to say that you have not done anything wrong? Have you ever thought about it? Why can you be this police chief? Because the people treat us as soldiers They gave us the right to maintain law and order with confidence, and I was able to arrange you anti-Japanese heroes to engage in this kind of decent work! But, what have you done? Are you worthy of everyone's trust by doing this?"

As Ouyang Yun spoke bluntly, Chen Xiaojian's face suddenly turned from red to white, followed by sweat dripping all over his face on a larger scale.

Ouyang Yun finally gave an answer on this matter. He said to the old man: "Old man, since I have encountered this matter, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Please rest assured to go back and collect his dead body." , things have happened, the dead have passed away, and the living are so sad. Don't worry, even if there are only two elders left in your family, the government will take care of your old age." Finally he said: "This is not my personal The promise made by the Xuebing Army, but the promise of the Xuebing Military Government. This promise is not only for the elderly, but also for tens of millions of people under the Xuebing Army's rule. We are not doing well enough now, but we will continue Do it seriously. This battle cannot be fought endlessly, the victory must belong to us! And after driving away the little devils, our life will be better, and the better it will be! Okay, everyone, leave. Chen Xiaojian !"


"I'll ask you to handle this matter. I hope you can handle it fairly. If you encounter any resistance and you can't solve it, just come to me. I warn you, if you still dare to handle this matter in the same way as before matter, hmph, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

"Yes. Certainly, Commander-in-Chief, don't worry. I was confused before, but now, I, I am completely awake!"

"Comrades, do you have any comments?"

Everyone was immersed in the bright future that Ouyang Yun had just described, so they said in unison: "No opinion, no opinion." Another said: "The commander-in-chief Rili Wanji is so busy, let's get out of the way. Commander-in-Chief, you have worked hard."

The road cleared quickly.Ouyang Yun watched Chen Xiaojian and two of his subordinates help away the "Li Hanhun's brother-in-law" who had turned into a puddle of mud. He waved to everyone, and then got back into the car.

When Ouyang Yun gave a speech, Huang Minjun and other female soldiers stood quietly and listened, the admiration in their hearts was like the water of the Yellow River.The commander-in-chief got into the car. After being reminded by several male drivers, they came to their senses and quickly got into their own car. The group immediately started again, heading for the US Consulate General in Guangzhou.

In the car, Pan Meiren said to Ouyang Yun gently: "Are you really planning to use this incident to set off an anti-corruption storm?"

As a woman, what I am most happy to see is the high-spiritedness of my own man.Naturally, Pan Meiren was no exception. When Ouyang Yun was giving a speech outside, she sat in the car watching and gradually became obsessed.The previous affection disappeared, and at this moment, Pan Meiren can completely restore the previous tenderness like water.

"Of course, this is an opportunity. After the great victory in Madang, we should have a period of time to recuperate, just in time to launch a rectification movement internally. Charming, you will understand later. Our biggest enemy in China is not foreign countries, but ourselves. As long as we do our best, I can say here that no country in the world dares to underestimate us, and China will surely become one of the largest powers in the world."

"Then Commander Li, I'll go there sometime, don't let him misunderstand that it's aimed at him. Mrs. Li and I have a good relationship, and I will enlighten them. I think they will understand."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It should be. I am also a member of the Xuebing Army."

In the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, George sat with several fellow villagers. As time went by, his face gradually became ugly.Americans have a strong sense of time, and these businessmen are even more so.Ouyang Yun was late for more than 10 minutes, which made them doubt whether Ouyang Yun was sincere.

An oil businessman named Wynn said angrily: "I said that Chinese people can't work together. You don't believe me. What do you say now? Ouyang Yun is also a senior official of the Chinese government, but look, he has no sense of time." . I think we should not count on this matter."

The others nodded in agreement, and someone said to George: "Mr. Consul General, I think this matter will stop here. This is not the first time we have experienced the barbaric arrogance of Chinese warlords—"

Although George was dissatisfied, he still excused Ouyang Yun and said, "Wait a minute. I didn't tell the commander-in-chief that you would be there. Maybe he thought it was a private meeting with me, so he didn't pay much attention to it. The leader, there are too many things that need him to deal with. Please give me face, and wait a little longer."

"Then just wait another five minutes!" Wynn said, looking at the time.

George bit his lip and reluctantly agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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