Chapter 1047 Qingyuan Raiders
Ouyang Yun really didn't know that George had invited people from the American business delegation to the living room of the Consulate General, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised to see so many Americans.

"Commander-in-Chief, you are an hour late!" George said bluntly as soon as we met.

"I'm sorry," Ouyang Yun hurriedly apologized, "I kept you waiting for so long."

It was the first time for Huai En and others to see Ouyang Yun himself. Although they had heard that he was very young, they were still shocked by his youth when they saw him.Wynn couldn't help thinking: "A person's self-cultivation and age are related. Perhaps this is why the commander-in-chief is not a gentleman enough."

George introduced all the members of the delegation to Ouyang Yun one by one, and finally said: "They came to Guangzhou for the purpose of helping the Chinese people, Commander-in-Chief, in view of this, I hope you can have an open and honest discussion with them."

Ouyang Yun smiled, disapproving in his heart, and said: "Of course, here, I welcome and thank you all for coming. If you need anything, as long as I, Ouyang Yun, can help, please feel free to speak up. "

Pan Meiren was the interpreter. The appearance of her, a beautiful Chinese woman who can speak fluent English, eased the atmosphere in the living room a lot.Two Americans, including Wynn, looked at Pan Meiren's charming curve unscrupulously, and their eyes gradually narrowed.

Seeing all this, Ouyang Yun could not help but sneer in his heart.In the United States, there are indeed quite a few people who sympathize with China, but the few in front of me are certainly not among them.

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries, George told the intention of the delegation. They hoped to invest in some industries under the rule of Xuebingjun.

Although he already knew the purpose of these Americans, Ouyang Yun still asked with a smile: "I don't know which industries you are interested in? Is it Qingyuan's tungsten mine? Or Taiwan's sugar cane plantation? Fujian's copper mine? Well, before you came to Guangzhou, did you have any specific investigation and research? If you are not clear about the mineral resources that our Xuebing Army currently has, we can provide relevant information.”

Ouyang Yun had already figured it out, since the Americans wanted to blackmail the student army through the aircraft carrier, then give them a little sweetness.Of course, Hainan's oil and gas resources are definitely out of the question, but some mining industries in Fujian can give some shares to the Americans.Taiwan and Tainan's sugar cane gardens can also be considered for Americans to operate. Of course, it depends on whether these Yankees are enough to grow them.After all, these places are the most prone to war.Once the Japanese attack these places, the fun will be great. "If Japan and the United States can have conflicts or even wars earlier in this way, it will definitely be beneficial to China, but I don't know if these Yankees are stupid enough!" Ouyang Yun explained his intentions to Jiang Shuren in this way. , the latter shook his head and said that he could never believe that Americans would be fooled by this.

Facts have proved that these Americans are also so greedy that they bite eggs at the sight of them.As soon as Ouyang Yun finished speaking, George's face changed.He was familiar with the geography under Xue Bingjun's rule, and immediately heard Ouyang Yun's ulterior motives.However, because Ouyang Yun winked at him when he said these words, he resisted not to expose it on the spot.As for those Americans, they may be interested in Qingyuan's tungsten mine, but when they heard the word Tainan, especially Taiwan, they exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then Wynn came forward and said: "Commander-in-Chief Your Excellency, Taiwan should still be under the control of the Japanese, right? Although we recognize that Taiwan is your country’s territory, under the current circumstances, it is impossible for your proposal to be realized. Your Excellency, to be honest, we heard that Hainan has discovered Petroleum only came to China. We all know that your country’s chemical industry is still in its infancy. I think it will be difficult to develop Hainan’s oil well with the current level of your government. And we happen to have some important related technologies , Your Excellency, we are willing to provide assistance within our capacity to your government's chemical industry."

Hainan's oil is Ouyang Yun's control, and it is the energy guarantee for the Xuebing Army to send troops to Japan.In this matter, it is absolutely impossible for Ouyang Yun to allow any foreign company to enter.Hearing this, he smiled, then stared at Wynn and asked, "Hainan has oil, why didn't I know? Can you provide the specific location? If you can guarantee the development of oil, I am willing to rent that place to you Or your company. I only have one condition, that is, all the fuel you produce must be sold to our student army, how about it?"

After listening to Pan Meiren's translation, several Americans looked at each other and exchanged a few words in a low voice. Wynn said, "We are willing to believe the words of the Commander-in-Chief, and agree to the lease terms you proposed. To be honest, we do have With some information on oil distribution in Hainan, can you arrange for us to go on a field trip?"

Ouyang Yun heartily agreed: "Of course there is no problem. You must have heard that our Xuebing Army has a very large-scale armored force and has a great demand for fuel. At present, our oil supply depends on imports from Sumatra. If Hainan It would be great to find oil. Well, whenever you are ready to go, I can have someone ready right away."

The happier Ouyang Yun agreed, the more uncertain Wynn and the others were.The news of the discovery of oil in Hainan was originally hearsay, and there is no way to verify the source of the specific information. Although they came here for the oil, they secretly came to learn the second-generation transistor technology of the army.They originally thought that Ouyang Yun would definitely hold on to the oil, which would be conducive to their bargaining, and finally turned the topic to transistor technology to win the battle.In order to achieve their goal, they even hid George, but now they find that the oil thing is nothing at all, and their wishful thinking can no longer be carried out.Several Americans looked at each other, with a tendency to stare wide-eyed.Seeing this, George couldn't stand it any longer. He coughed twice to attract everyone's attention, and then said to Wynn and the others: "I haven't heard of the oil thing, did you make a mistake? Actually, the sugarcane garden in Tainan Not to mention, the tungsten mines in Qingyuan are still very valuable for investment." Turning to Ouyang Yun, he said: "Commander-in-Chief, I heard that the Germans sent people to discuss the purchase of tungsten mines. I don't know how the talks are going. .”

Ouyang Yun smiled slightly: "The Germans are very sincere, and I really wanted to sell them, but considering the sentiments of the Jews, I finally refused. The tungsten ore in Qingyuan has a large reserve and is of high quality. Consider increasing investment. I personally think this is a very good investment project. Everyone, I wonder if you are interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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