Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1048 Daqing Anshan Sumatra Island

Chapter 1048 Daqing Anshan Sumatra Island

The Qingyuan Tungsten Mine Industry has been under construction since last year, and its main sales target is Germany.Every month at the port of Fuzhou, at least one cargo ship from Europe comes to load tungsten ore.In this regard, George has a lot of opinions.Between the German government and the Jews, he has a firm position, so he has been persuading Ouyang Yun to give up dealing with the rogue German government.And at this time, he offered to let Wynn and others invest in Qingyuan Tungsten Mine, just to cut off the economic and trade exchanges between the Xuebing Army and the German government.

Tungsten ore is widely used in the modern steel industry, and the demand in the United States is also huge. Of course, its profits are very considerable, which makes Wynn and others very tempted.If it wasn't for Wallace's special care, I believe someone of them would jump out and take the initiative to take care of this matter at this moment.

"But I heard that Qingyuan is very close to the Japanese-occupied area. Your Excellency, if we really invest in Qingyuan Tungsten Mine, how will you ensure the safety of our investment?" Wynn asked this question after thinking about it. Then he said: "We came all the way from the United States, and we don't want to return there empty-handed. Sir, there is one thing I didn't want to say at first, for fear that you might misunderstand. But now, I think that since you regard us as friends, we will never leave. From the standpoint of a friend, we should still tell the truth. Your Excellency, the aircraft carrier under construction of your army is currently in a lot of trouble."

"Huh?" Ouyang Yun put on a serious look.

"The Japanese know about this and are putting pressure on our government. They believe that the Newport News shipyard violates the neutrality law and demand that we seize the 'St. George' which is being rebuilt and sell it to the Japanese People," Wynn said, staring at Ouyang Yun without blinking.

Ouyang Yun's reaction made him a little disappointed. "Really? So, has your government succumbed? No, maybe you shouldn't ask that, Mr. Wallace, has he succumbed?" Ouyang Yun said slowly, with a calm expression on his face.

Instead, Wynn couldn't help it. He asked, "Sir, aren't you worried?"

Ouyang Yun smiled: "Should I be worried? Objectively speaking, right now, I am just a customer representative of the Newport News Shipyard in your country. I don't think that with the reputation of the Newport News Shipyard, No, it should be the reputation of Mr. Wallace and the group he represents. I have nothing to worry about. We build aircraft carriers not to invade any country, but to protect ourselves. Your Excellency, if you think Newport If the behavior of the Neus Shipyard is considered a violation of the law of neutrality, then I can only say with regret that for your government, which has always insisted on truth and justice, this time it was subdued by the despotic power of a rogue country. I express my deep regret. Ladies and gentlemen, I know that it is not easy for you to come to China from such a long distance. The Chinese people have always been friendly and hospitable. We will do our best to satisfy.”

Politicians and businessmen are the most professional hooligans in the world.Sometimes the conversation between hooligans really cannot be deduced by common sense.

After Ouyang Yun said these words, Wynn and the others finally laughed.The next thing is much simpler. After reaffirming the friendship and support of the American people and the government to the Chinese people, Wynn and others put forward their request half-heartedly. They hope to obtain the second-generation technology of transistors. .

The transistor was produced by Xuebing R&D Institute. Since then, Xuebingjun's electronics industry has leapt to the forefront in the world, and it has become the largest exporter of transistors and other electronic components.When Ouyang Yun went to the United States last time, in order to raise money to build an aircraft carrier fleet, he sold the first-generation transistor technology.At that time, the Americans thought they had taken advantage of the sky, but now, with the emergence of smaller and more powerful semiconductor components, the Americans realized that they had been fooled by Ouyang Yun.Perhaps it was because of this that they felt unhappy, so the Americans magnified the matter of the aircraft carrier to make Ouyang Yun look bad.Now it seems that the good intentions of the Americans seem to have paid off. No, Ouyang Yun finally let go of the transfer of the second-generation transistor technology.

While Ouyang Yun was arguing with a group of American businessmen at the U.S. Consulate General in Guangzhou, Toshiichiro Koizumi and Yamamoto 56 were on board a heavy cruiser near Nagasaki, Japan, with a map of China and a Southeast Asia map pointing to something.

"There is oil here!" Koizumi said, pointing to a place called Daqing in China's HLJ province.

"Oil!" Yamamoto 56's eyes widened.

"There are iron mines here!" Koizumi pointed to Anshan.

And as his fingers pointed to place names one after another, Yamamoto 56 gradually lost his excitement.Later, he said: "It's just missing the rubber."

"Rubber is here," Koizumi pointed to another map.He pressed his finger on the place name "Sumatra Island", and then said: "There is not only rubber here, but also oil. Here, it must be captured."

"We still have to go to war with the United States!" Yamamoto said, his right hand began to pinch his chin.

"Yes, what's the matter? Are you scared?" Koizumi said, his eyes shining brightly.

"You know, I have stayed in the United States. Do you know what is the most terrifying thing about the United States? Its strong manufacturing capabilities, as long as there is a need, American factories can be immediately transferred to the wartime mechanism. At that time, there will be a steady stream of military industries Products are rolling off the assembly line. In East Asia, the empire may be strong enough, but compared with the United States, our industrial base is still too weak."

Hearing what Yamamoto said, the corners of Koizumi's mouth turned up slightly, and he thought in his heart: "It's really exactly the same as what is recorded in the history books. Your Excellency Yamamoto opposed war against the United States because he knew the United States' strong industrial production capacity. The former Yamamoto-kun, He is a tragic character. But it is different now, with my assistance—the attack on Pearl Harbor will definitely not end hastily, but will definitely hit the US military hard, and by then, the entire situation in the Pacific War will be changed." Thinking like this, he couldn't help Spontaneously, as a traveler's unique sense of superiority in understanding the current situation.He narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "But we are not without opportunities, as long as we inflict heavy damage on the U.S. military at the beginning, so as to gain a year or two of development time, then the empire will be able to produce enough armed forces to dominate the Asian battlefield. At that time, even if the Americans can regain their strength, they will not dare to bet lightly. Your Excellency, please rest assured, with me, the fate of the empire has changed."

"I hope so!"

"No, Your Excellency, you are the soul of the Imperial Navy, please be sure to build strong confidence. I believe that as long as you can continue to dominate the Imperial Navy, then the Empire will definitely be able to win the Pacific War in the near future."

"The Pacific War?" Yamamoto looked at Koizumi in surprise.

Koizumi did not tell Yamamoto about many things.At this moment, Yamamoto didn't even dare to think about launching the Pacific War. After all, after experiencing "sink it", the United Fleet lost two main aircraft carriers at once. Now, he really doesn't have the courage to challenge the powerful US Navy.

Koizumi, on the other hand, didn't care about it at all.After learning about the growth process of the Xuebing Army and the current focus of military equipment development in detail, he already has a series of countermeasures in mind.In his mind, because Ouyang Yun is still only a warlord and cannot yet command the power of China, he is nothing compared to the entire empire.What he thinks about most now is still the greatest enemy of the empire: the United States.

(End of this chapter)

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