Chapter 1049 Conspiracy
Koizumi's tone was astonishingly loud, and in Yamamoto's view, he was simply a lunatic.In the eyes of many colleagues, Yamamoto is also a lunatic—a gambling lunatic—in his private life, Yamamoto is addicted to gambling, and his gambling skills are extremely high.Yamamoto once said: If His Majesty the Emperor can give me a year off, I can win back an aircraft carrier for the empire.Yamamoto himself was already crazy, but in front of Koizumi, he had to admit that the other party's madness far exceeded his own.

As an adviser to the Ministry of the Navy (Yamamoto helped him find this position), Koizumi not only gave instructions on naval affairs, but also submitted opinions to the Ministry of the Army at every turn. This has already aroused the disgust of the Ministry of the Navy and many leaders in the Ministry of Army.Not everyone among the bigwigs in the Japanese military is as talkative and valued talents as Yamamoto.Quite a few of them are stubborn and stubborn, and simply can't listen to other people's opinions.Therefore, during this period of time, Koizumi actually had an unsatisfactory life.

"As long as we have about six more aircraft carriers, we will be able to completely rule the South Pacific. At that time, Southeast Asia will become the front yard of the empire. Your Excellency, the matter of the Yamato can no longer be delayed. Please be sure to convince His Majesty the Emperor," Transforming the battleship Yamato into an aircraft carrier is what Koizumi is currently doing with all his might.However, the reality hit him hard. No matter how extravagantly he talked about the aircraft carrier, those bigwigs in the Ministry of the Navy just didn't agree with the transformation plan.Fortunately, Sanben 56 and Narumi Inoue supported him, otherwise, he should have other ideas at this moment.

Yamamoto 56 was originally an aviation victory theorist, and now he has heard Koizumi's various theories about the victory of the aircraft carrier, and he has fully accepted this point of view in his heart.He nodded and said: "I will try my best to find a solution for the Yamato matter. Now, please worry more about the empire's aircraft manufacturing. After the Xuebing Army sent troops to Taiwan, our navy sent troops to clean up, but because the Xuebing Army's fighter planes It is more advanced than us, so until now, our naval superiority has not been brought into play. If we really want to launch a Pacific war, Taiwan will become a key springboard connecting the mainland of the empire and Southeast Asia. Yes, the aircraft carrier is indeed very important, but if there is no If there are fighter jets that can match it, the theory of aircraft carrier victory is just empty talk."

Koizumi nodded after hearing this, and said, "Your Excellency, you talk too much. The aircraft carrier is just a carrier, and the final victory is still the fighter plane. Please rest assured, in a week at most, I will hand it over to you. A fighter design drawing of a new type of fighter. By the way, sir, I don’t know about the strategy of ‘Using China to control China’ that I submitted to the Ministry of the Army last time—”

Before he finished speaking, Yamamoto interrupted him rudely.Yamamoto said: "Mr. Koizumi, you have been in the Navy Department for a week. Haven't you figured out the situation yet? Both our Navy Department and the Army Ministry are independent departments, and they never ask each other about matters within the scope of each other's management. Yes. I know that your suggestions are definitely good, but in order to avoid misunderstanding, please submit these reports less in the future. Or, you can submit them to me first, and then I will find a suitable opportunity to submit them to the Prime Minister and His Majesty the Emperor."

Koizumi was silent.From his point of view, he hopes that everything in the empire will follow the trajectory he set, because this has been verified by history and can guarantee the correct rate.However, as Yamamoto said, although he has been here for more than a week, he doesn't know the specific situation of the empire, and he often does some thankless things.Regarding the army, he had submitted no less than ten reports of various kinds. However, except for the design of a new tank that was adopted, the others were all put aside, which dealt a serious blow to his self-esteem.

Seeing that he stopped talking suddenly, Yamamoto was worried that the young man would not be wronged, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, take your time, when your proposals and assertions are confirmed one by one, there will be more People believe you like I do. At that time, even if what you say is wrong, they will believe it. Huh? How about we take a gamble?"

Koizumi smiled bitterly: "Your Excellency, it seems that I have acted too hastily. However, judging from the timing, it is true that time is not waiting for me! Your Excellency, I told you that if there is no accident, the empire will unconditionally surrender in 1945. By then , it's too late."

Looking at the resource sites pointed out by Koizumi on the map, Yamamoto gritted his teeth as if he had made up his mind and said, "If what you said is true, we really can't delay. I will deal with the matter of the Yamato." It has been settled recently, but you have to assure me that the resource areas you provided are all detailed. I am worried that once the government invests a huge amount of money in exploration, and finally finds out that it is nothing at all, then—"

Before Yamamoto finished speaking, Koizumi shouted: "Your Excellency, I dare not say anything else, I can guarantee this. These resource lands do exist, and the quality of the minerals produced is not bad. Your Excellency, please report to the government as soon as possible. Well, if these resources can be used earlier, the military industry of the empire can be strengthened earlier, which will help us win the China War, the Pacific War and even the larger Far East War.”

Koizumi became excited while talking, and even "Far East War" came out.Koizumi Toshiichiro's ambition is much greater than Ouyang Yun's.Not only does he want to destroy China, but he also wants to win against the United States and Russia. I really don't know where his confidence comes from.

Yamamoto didn't seem to realize his slip of the tongue. He remembered one thing and said: "Hong Kong agents have information sent back to China, and an American business delegation went to Guangzhou. This business delegation is controlled by the American secret organization Skull and Bones. Yes, it seems that our previous inference is correct. The conversion of 'St. George' into an aircraft carrier is the operation of the Skull and Bones to help the cadet army. The power of the Skull and Bones in the US political circle is too great. If this is the case, we can only watch Watching 'St George' being taken away by the cadets."

"How about sending agents to blow it up?" Koizumi said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Yamamoto was taken aback. He looked at Koizumi, thought for a while and said, "The risk is too great. Once the Americans know about it, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I don't need our people to take action. I have a way to make them fight among the Chinese. Your Excellency, have you heard of the organization of China's military command?"

Yamamoto immediately understood what he was thinking, and couldn't help but look at her again, and said, "Koizumi, you even know the military commander?"

"Of course, I also know that their current person in charge is called Dai Li," Koizumi smiled triumphantly, and continued: "Juntong is someone Jiang's dog. The Xuebing Army wants to build an aircraft carrier, will Lao Jiang agree? Absolutely not. Yes, if he knows about it, hmph, even if we don't make provocations, the military commander will take action."

Yamamoto nodded again and again, and said: "This is indeed a good way, and it is worth a try."

"Your Excellency, please allocate some manpower to me!"

"Okay! Koizumi-kun, if you succeed in this matter, I will give you a great credit. Alas, it's just a pity to lose an aircraft carrier!"

(My classmate passed a birthday, and I still have a bit of a cold. If I come back late, it will be a big deal... Well, I will continue to owe it and make it up before the end of the month)
(End of this chapter)

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