Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1052 Prepare to Start a War

Chapter 1052 Prepare to Start a War

Because Wanguo Amusement Park is located in a downtown area, surrounded by high-rise buildings, there is almost no wind in it.This enhances the effect of the smoke bomb and virtually magnifies the chaos caused by the smoke bomb.When the smoke dissipated, so did the crowd.The Chinese were not fools. Knowing that the Japanese would surely retaliate after Yagyu Kwonsai died, they fled in all directions, which further exacerbated the chaos of the scene.In addition, in order to promote the martial arts of the Great Japanese Empire, the person in charge of the organizer, Kagesa Haruaki, invited consuls and diplomatic officials stationed in Shanghai from various countries to participate, and the Japanese must ensure their safety for these guests, which invisibly restrained the Japanese of troops.In the end, Yingzuo's careful planning resulted in only catching dozens of small fish.

The smoke cleared, and when Yingzuo and others swarmed onto the ring, Liu Shengquanzhai had already died a long time ago.He knelt down in the middle of the ring, with solidified blood stains under his body.In front of him, "Fox Shisan killed people here" in large characters written in blood deeply stabbed Kagezuo and the others. Okada Katsuki let out a mournful cry: "'Great Prajna Everlasting Light'!" fainted.

"Bage!" Ying Zuo cursed angrily, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Ji Chuan and the others looked panic-stricken, and Ono yelled at his subordinates: "We must find Hu Shisan at all costs and take back the 'Great Wisdom Everlasting Light'. This is a cultural relic of the empire, and there must be no mistakes. Do you understand?"

A group of small military police chiefs stood with their heads bowed, not daring to speak out.

"Your Excellency is here!" An agent of the Mei Agency suddenly threw himself onto the ring and whispered to Ying Zuo.

Kagezuo was taken aback, and hurriedly helped Liu Yuquanzhai up, and then he said to Yoshikawa and Ono: "Minister Sakagaki's representative has arrived, what should we do now?"

Seishiro Sakagaki is now the Minister of War of Japan. Although Sakagaki did not achieve any impressive results during his stay in China, thanks to the domestic political struggle, he surpassed some of his former bosses and successfully became the Minister of Army. .It is also for this reason that Sakagaki, who was determined to achieve a breakthrough in the war against China during his term of office, began to frequently send representatives to China to guide the war, hoping to build up his achievements.

Mogami Hiroshi, as Sakagaki's personal representative, originally took Sakagaki's secret instructions to Nanjing to negotiate certain matters with Hata Toshiroku. When he passed by Shanghai, he heard that the No. 1 Imperial Kendo No. [-] Yagyu Quanzhai was being held at the Wan Guo Amusement Park. At the martial arts competition, he decided to come to watch the ceremony in person.So in the eyes of Ying Zuo and others, the worst thing happened.

There are not many people in the Japanese army who admire Sakagaki, and Kagezuo is one of them.However, because the status gap is too large, this does not mean that they can ignore the existence of Sakagaki.But in fact, it was precisely because they stood on the opposite side of Sakagaki that they had to avoid being caught by him and hurt their feet, so they felt so terrified.

"Get ready with both hands! While asking Okada-kun to conceal it, at the same time step up the search and try to find the 'Great Prajna Changguang' as soon as possible. In addition, all the existence of Hu Shisan and the Xuebing Army in Shanghai must be wiped out. Otherwise, what is the face of the empire? Now, those Westerners in Europe must be laughing at us behind our backs!" Yoshikawa said.

Accompanied by more than a dozen entourages, Mogami Daiho drove to the Wan Guo Amusement Park, and gradually felt that something was wrong.Chinese fleeing in panic and imperial gendarmes driving away with guns can be seen everywhere along the way, making Mogami mistakenly think that there was a riot.Yagyu Gonzai, as the No. 1 Kendo in Japan, has a large number of fans in China.Mogami is one of them. He is convinced that Liu Sheng's swordsmanship is unparalleled in the world, and he can't help thinking: "Did Your Excellency Liu Sheng kill the Chinese people so badly, which aroused their resistance? Hehe, it's a pity that he came in a hurry and didn't prepare a flower basket or something." .”

His secretary, Shiraishijo Xia, laughed when he heard the words, and echoed: "Your Excellency's congratulations in person, sincerity is enough. You are now the representative of Minister Sakagaki, and it is also something to be proud of for His Excellency Yagyu to be congratulated by Minister of War Something?!"

"Yes, yes, how did I forget this layer."

The convoy of the last group of people drove towards the Wan Guo Amusement Park, and when they were about to arrive, they suddenly heard some Chinese people cheering for something. He couldn't help asking Baishi: "What are those Chinese people cheering for?"

Baishi could understand Chinese, and his expression had changed.After a little deliberation, he decided to tell the truth, and said: "The Chinese people said that His Excellency Liu Sheng was defeated, and even the famous sword 'Da Prajna Changguang' was also won by the Chinese people."

"What?" Mogami Daihiro's eyes widened.

Because of this experience, after meeting Yingzuo and his party, Mogami asked without waiting for their reaction: "Who really owns Shanghai now? Yingzuo, didn't you say that you have already controlled the Chinese gang?" Why? Why did this happen? Don’t you know the significance of His Excellency Yagyu to the empire? Also, the ‘Great Prajna Changguang’ was taken away by the Chinese! This, this is a great shame! "

Upon hearing this, Kagezuo and the others knew that Mogami had already understood the truth, and their expressions immediately became extremely ugly.

Okada Katsuki originally wanted to lie, but the lie was stuck in his throat and he couldn't get it out.He looked at Ying Zuo with a look of panic and helplessness.Others also looked at Ying Zuo, but Ying Zuo had no choice but to stand up and say: "Your Excellency, this is indeed a negligence in our work. The Chinese people are too cunning, they actually cheated in the competition, which led to—— "

"It's too late to say anything now. The 'Great Prajna Everlasting Light' is a national treasure. No matter what method you take, you have to find it for me. Also, since Your Excellency Liu Sheng was framed to death by the Chinese, this revenge must be avenged. Hmph, I originally wanted to see His Excellency Yagyu's demeanor, but it's so sad to hear such a bad news! I will go to Nanjing later and return to Shanghai in three days. At that time, I hope to hear that Yagyu Good news for you! Gentlemen, the empire asked you to come to China because it expects you to contribute to the Communist Party of China. If you only care about the prosperity and wealth of Shanghai and don’t think about making progress, I’m sorry. I will ask your Excellency to select another one. Candidates. Someone must be responsible for His Excellency Yagyu’s murder, so please take care of yourself!”

Mogami dropped these harsh words and left with his entourage.

Watching his convoy drifting away, Kagesa Haruka and others looked at each other. Suddenly, Ono shouted: "Kagesa-kun, prepare to start a war! The only way to deal with these lowly Chinese people is violence." .”

As the general manager of the Black Dragon Society in Shanghai, Yoshikawa does not belong to the military, but because of the relationship between the Black Dragon Society and the military, it can actually affect his future.He then said: "I agree with Ono-kun's decision to launch a war to completely wipe out the underground forces of the Chinese people. Kagezuo-kun, let's do it, and our Black Dragon Association will fully support it."

Yingzuo looked at him, then at the others, he waved his hand abruptly, and shouted: "That's all. This time I will use up all the resources, and I will also wipe out everyone in the Xuebing Army in Shanghai! Fox Ten Three! I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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