Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1053 The most dangerous place is also the safest place

Chapter 1053 The most dangerous place is also the safest place

Hu Shisan held the bloody seedling knife in one hand and the "Great Prajna Everlasting Light" in the other, and ran out of the playground covered in blood. Wherever he went, the citizens of SH cheered from the heart.

"Fox Thirteen, great job!"

"Fox Thirteen! Give us Chinese people a face!"

Ding Yi was the general planner of this martial arts competition, and he said to Hu Shisan: "Take off the bloody clothes quickly, you are too conspicuous like this."

Hu Shisan grinned and said, "Dingtou, this is not acceptable. I still want to keep this dress as a family heirloom."

Yang Sanping shook his head.Hu Shisan's ability is beyond doubt, but this temper?Hu Shisan is either short-tempered or too naive, and oftentimes he doesn't understand the situation.He said: "I asked you to change it, not to throw it away! Where is there so much nonsense? Don't you think that you have slaughtered the number one kendo master in Japan, and you will be invincible in the world? Let me tell you, we learn Bingjun lacks everything, but Dou Yong is the only one who is not lacking. You know the commander-in-chief in Tianjin, two people killed more than 200 devils, then—”

Ding Yi: "Okay, okay, hurry up. Thirteen, you go directly to Wuxi, we have someone waiting for you there. He will take you directly to Guangzhou. Well, dedicate this knife to the president at the commendation meeting Commander, you boy will be in the limelight this time."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you," Hu Shisan said, and finally took off his bloody clothes.Everyone didn't notice him when he was wearing a bloody shirt, but only now did they realize that he was covered in wounds all over his body.Some of these wounds were still foaming outwards. Even a tough guy like Ding Yi couldn't help being speechless when he saw it. He asked, "San Ping, don't you hurt? San Ping, let him deal with it quickly. If we The hero didn't die at the hands of the little devil, but died from bleeding too much, that's really a joke."

In order to prepare for this competition, everyone was very well prepared. Naturally, there were necessary medical equipment for the cadet army to march and fight, such as the triangle belt.So, while running out according to the route they had planned before, they helped Hu Shisan wrap up the triangle belt, and then took out a clean piece of clothes for him to wear.

When they first ran out of the playground, there were many Shanghai locals around them, but gradually, the crowd dispersed.After running for about 10 minutes, a person suddenly appeared in the front alley. It was Guo Xiaomeng, a member of Shanghai Hutong. A machine gun was set up." Guo Xiaomeng looked around nervously while talking.

"Dingtou, what should we do now?" Everyone looked at Ding Yi.

Ding Yi thought for a while and said, "Then we have to find a place to hide nearby. It's just that it's impossible for so many people to hide in one place. Well, there is!"


"Isn't it far from the Japanese Concession?"

Yang Sanping squinted at him and asked, "You mean—"

"The most dangerous place is also the safest place, let's go, let's go to the lair of the Mei Agency!"

"But Fox Thirteen!"

"Leave this to me. Please bear with me!" Ding Yi said, he had already picked out a silver needle in his right hand, and walked towards Hu Shisan.

Hu Shisan ran away, screaming: "I don't want it!" However, he didn't run hard enough, and Ding Yi went after him with all his strength, so he was soon pressed against the wall by Ding Yi.Hu Shisan closed his eyes in pain, and said, "Dingtou, take it easy!"

Ding Yi's silver needle technique can not only cure diseases and save lives, and can be used to extort confessions by torture, but it can also be used to disguise faces.It's just that because the acupuncture is performed on the face, although it is not very painful, it is scary.Because of work needs, among this group of students, Hu Shisan received the most "surgery" and had the greatest psychological burden.

Ding Yi's hands and feet were extremely fast, and he helped everyone change their faces in a few minutes. Among them, Hu Shisan's brows and eyes were stretched, and the muscles on his cheeks were also tightened a lot, which made his appearance look completely new, stiff and angular , it looks a lot like the Japanese.

In fact, it's not only Hu Shisan, everyone, except Ding Yi, after Ding Yi's wonderful hands, the lines on his face now look a little stiff, and the most amazing thing is that there is a natural arrogance in the expression .As for Ding Yi himself?He was originally a taciturn person with no expression of emotions or anger. Basically, as long as he acted sternly, he looked like a Japanese.

It was not the first time for Ding Yi and the others to dress up as Japanese. In fact, the fact that they were able to make such rapid progress in forging military tickets was due to Ding Yi's almost unreal "disguise".

The death of Yagyu Quanzhai and the loss of the "Great Prajna Changguang", Yingzuo Zhenzhao and others dare not hide it.Either of these two incidents can cause shocks in the Japanese government and the public, and now they are happening at the same time. If Kagezuo can't quickly catch Hu Shisan and retrieve the "Great Wisdom Everlasting Light", then his future can already be settled. Expected - the military courts are still light, the most serious punishment will come from those extreme right groups.Even his relatives and clansmen may be affected by this incident.This is why Ying Zuo threatened to launch a war at all costs.

It is not only Kagesa who is affected by this incident, but Ono, Yoshikawa, Okada and others will also be affected. These Japanese who control all aspects of Japan's forces in Shanghai are now united as never before. Under the plan, an unprecedented scale of violence is unfolding in Shanghai.

The gendarmes of the brigade led the wolfdogs around the streets and alleys. They had no usual arrogance, and their faces were tense, as if "His Majesty the Emperor" had already "returned to the imperial court" (Chinese: Jiabeng). Armed with live ammunition, house-to-house searches were carried out, and the citizens of SH would be severely beaten if they disobeyed.

Groups of ronin also appeared, and their main activity area was in the concessions of various countries.It is not easy for the military to enter the concessions of these Western countries, and these ronin and agents have become the main search force.Some Japanese expatriates living in Shanghai also joined this operation. They uniformly wrapped their heads with the emblem of the Japanese flag on their heads, and wore long and short Japanese knives such as rib chasms and Taidao, aggressively looking for suspicious people in Shanghai. Cadet soldiers.

All entrances and exits in Shanghai were heavily guarded by the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai. They set up temporary roadblocks, fortifications, and mounted machine guns.The consuls and expatriates of Western countries who usually show no pretense to the Japanese are also silent, fearing that if they are not careful, they will offend the Japanese.

As for the citizens of SH, they finally realized how hard this incident has hit the Japanese. Some of them may still be cheering in their hearts, but on the surface, they are unprecedentedly cautious and dare not take a step beyond the threshold.And those gang members who have been attacked in the past few days, under the instructions of the leaders of the various factions, are even more clinging to their tails. Few of them dare to show the arrogance they should maintain as members of the underground forces.

Shanghai is falling into white terror.

(End of this chapter)

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