Chapter 1054
In Plum Blossom Hall, there are only six Japanese left in charge of the door.

The purpose of setting up the Mei Agency is to steal China's wealth by any means.Under the guise of prosperous military ticket consumption, the Japanese forcibly realized the so-called "price book" status of military ticket through consumption in different places. In addition to stealing China's hard currency such as gold and silver, they also forcibly purchased and plundered Chinese calligraphy and painting and other cultural relics.In order to better plunder China's wealth and maximize the value of military tickets, Kagezuo Zhenzhao divided the Mei Agency into four departments, and among them, the "Finance Department" was the one that was most impacted by Ding Yi and the others. "Finance" is actually just a synonym for "seeking wealth". The head of the "Finance Section" is Hikojiro Suga, and at this time, it is he who is in charge of the Plum Blossom Hall.

Hearing the news that Yagyu Quansai was killed by Fox Shisan, Suga Hikojiro didn't believe it.He is also a senior agent and knows Kagesa Haruka's methods, so he doesn't think that under the latter's careful arrangement, there will be problems in this martial arts tournament.He didn't believe it until he received a call from Yingzuo asking him to send someone to help.

His first reaction was that this is not a bad thing.He said to his most trusted subordinate, Ando Cunsheng: "During this period, there have been a large number of counterfeit military tickets on the market. This is obviously caused by the Chinese people. Taking this opportunity to clean up the underground forces in Shanghai is just convenient for us to carry out work in the future. "

"What your Excellency said is very true. The underground forces of the Chinese people in Shanghai are a mixed bag. They have provided hiding places for hostile forces such as the Xuebing Army and the Military Command. It is time to deal with it severely. Alas, Your Excellency Yagyu is really unfortunate. He thinks highly of the Chinese people. Yes. The Chinese are treacherous and cunning, how could it be possible to have an open and honest contest with him?"

According to the news from Ying Zuo, Liu Sheng Quanzhai died because of being plotted against by the Chinese people.The reason why Ying Zuo said this was naturally to find a brilliant excuse for Liu Sheng's death, so as to avoid hurting the self-esteem of some extreme rightists in the country, and also to alleviate his guilt a little.Ando, ​​with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, believed in Kagesa's words, but Suga Hikojiro understood that this was just Kagesa's excuse.He has been in China for a long time, and he has heard many legends about strange people in China. He didn't think that Yagyu, who defeated the invincible Japanese, would be able to dominate China. Just won't let this happen.

Hikojiro Suga was still an "upright" person, and he didn't want to tell lies against his conscience. He changed the topic and said, "Is there any news from Shi San? How did the military department respond to the reprinting of the military ticket?"

Due to the proliferation of a large number of military tickets on the market, the current military tickets are extremely depreciated, their credit is almost zero, and they have lost their circulation value.In order to get rid of this embarrassing situation, Suga then proposed a revision of the general ticket.He suggested that the military department, in order to avoid being imitated by the Chinese, can make some fuss about the sequence of issuing military tickets, such as printing the sequence of troops issued in addition to the general ones.Shi San Sazuo Banner was ordered to return to Tokyo to report the matter to the military headquarters. Counting the time, it has been two days since he returned to Tokyo.

Ando was in charge of telegraph communication, he shook his head and said: "I didn't receive Shi San's telegram, he—" Before he could finish speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by an exclamation from downstairs.

In an emergency, Suga Yanjiro was very vigilant. He immediately stood up, drew his pistol, walked to the door, and then shouted downstairs: "Iwashita, what's going on?"

There are a total of four Japanese downstairs, of which Aoyama Iwashita is the little boss.

"Your Excellency, please come down!" Iwashita's voice came, and Hikojiro Suga was relieved. He put away his pistol, and asked as he walked towards the stairs, "What happened?"

"A few expatriates have come, and they have important intelligence reports."

"Important information?" Hearing the words, Suga thought about it, and instinctively linked "information" with the killing of Yagyu Quansai. Realizing that the opportunity for him to perform meritorious deeds had come, his spirits lifted, and he walked on at a faster pace.

Ando followed closely, neither of them suspected him, until they found that there were a lot of people in the living room, and Yanxia and his three subordinates were not among them, they realized that something was wrong.

"Who are you? Where is Iwashita?" Suga asked, his right hand already gripping the handle of the gun.

The group of people that suddenly appeared in the living room of Plum Blossom Hall was naturally Ding Yi and the others.The Spikes brought out by Ding Yi this time all have special skills, for example, the one who just imitated Yanxia's tone of voice, is known as the "Old Raven" in the Spike Special Battle Brigade, and is best at imitating other people's Voice speaks.

"Old Raven" spoke again, still with Yanxia's accent, he said: "Who is Yanxia?" Then, like Suga walked over.

The voice of Yanxia actually appeared in the mouth of a stranger. This scene was too weird. Suga's heartbeat accelerated immediately, and his nerves also tensed up. He instinctively wanted to shoot, but his pistol was not out of the sheath yet, "Old Raven "It had already rushed in front of him, and then directly punched him in the stomach, knocking him down directly.

Ando's reaction was relatively slow, and only then did he realize that the situation was wrong. He shouted: "Who are you?" Then he drew his gun out in a panic.

Hu Shisan had already rushed over at this time, and he shouted: "I, Hu Shisan!" Then he directly grabbed his hand holding the gun with his right hand, and with a strong force, three of Jiujiang Ando's five fingers were pinched and broken.Ten fingers connected to the heart, this is too painful, Ando instinctively opened his mouth to scream, but just as he opened his mouth, Hu Shisan's left and right sides pinched his throat, and it was like a crowing chicken suddenly broke its neck , just made a "chirp" and there was no sound.

"Old Raven" struck so hard that Suga felt his stomach burst with this punch.He knelt down on the ground, vomiting heavily, and asked in a vague voice: "You, who are you?"

"Didn't you hear clearly? Hu Shisan, you are hunting Hu Shisan all the way!" Hu Shisan slapped Ando unconscious, then went to Suga and knelt down and said softly.As he spoke, he reached out and stroked his head.

Hu Shisan is the worst Japanese among this group of people, so he said these words in Chinese.Suga could understand Chinese, and immediately, his scalp exploded, and the pores all over his body opened up, letting out the cold air.

Hu Shisan was already a demonic existence to the Japanese in Shanghai. After he killed Yagyu Quansai, Japan's number one kendo master, his notoriety became even more notorious.Hikojiro Suga is considered a tough guy among the Japanese, but now he is afraid to death in front of him.

"Dingtou, did you just do it too?!" Hu Shisan asked, pinching the watermelon rind on the back of Suga's neck with his right hand.The latter couldn't help shrinking his neck, and even the instinctive vomiting of his body was frightened to stop.

Among the four Japanese including Iwashita, only Iwashita said a few words, and then his neck was directly twisted.These Japanese agents who are not known for their force, in front of Langya and Hu Shisan, the number one killer of Hutong, are like chickens and dogs, and they have no power to fight back.

"This kid seems to be a head, keep it, that's solved," Ding Yi said.

Hu Shisan stood up and walked towards Ando, ​​and then, Suga only heard a "creak" that made his heart palpitate, and he fainted from shock.

(End of this chapter)

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