Chapter 1061 Hainan Raiders
After Fujian Qingyuan, Ouyang Yun and Jiang Guangnai accompanied the American guests to inspect the tungsten mine, the group began to formally discuss cooperation matters in the reception room of the mine.Qingyuan Mining Factory is not exclusive to the Xuebing Army, among which *** holds about 30.00% of the shares.Of course, because the CGD led by Kang Dafu is only in charge of the mine, while the Xuebing Army monopolizes the two areas of finishing and sales, so the management right still belongs to the Xuebing Army.

Ouyang Yun was the representative of the Xuebing Army, accompanied by Jiang Guangnai, and the two sides reached a cooperation agreement after negotiation.The US business delegation will form a group to buy 30.00% ownership of Qingyuan and be responsible for the sales business outside of China.This also means that the Germans will not be able to obtain any tungsten resources from Qingyuan in the future.After the signing of the tungsten mine cooperation agreement, it is the technology transfer agreement related to transistors.And this is undoubtedly the highest new technology that Xue Bingjun has mastered so far. Both parties to the agreement are aware of the value of this technology, so the bargaining went on for several rounds. In the end, Ouyang Yun agreed to sell two production lines, and the Americans Then the construction cost of "St. George" must be reduced by a third.

There is a saying that good things come in pairs. The US business delegation has just been settled here, and Ding Yi and the others have returned with gold.When he was in Fujian, he received a call from Pan Meiren, saying that Ding Yi needed to see him urgently, and Ouyang Yun was still a little stunned.When Ding Yi sent a telegram about the tournament, he was clear about it.Of course, he didn't think it was anything special.So what's the matter?Ding Yi is not a careless person, since he solemnly asked for "seeing", then there must be something serious.With doubts, he rushed back to Guangzhou. At this time, Ding Yi and others had been arranged by Pan Meiren to live in the guest house of the headquarters.

"Commander-in-Chief!" Ding Yi shouted excitedly as soon as they met.

"Commander-in-Chief!" Others shouted one after another, and several Spike soldiers stood at attention and saluted.

Ouyang Yun returned a military salute to everyone, and asked Ding Yi: "Old Ding, what happened?" His eyes rolled around everyone's faces, and then fell on Hu Shisan's face.

The "needle effect" had passed long ago, and everyone returned to their original state. In this way, Hu Shisan's distinctive expression immediately caught Ouyang Yun's eyes.

The commander-in-chief noticed him, and Hu Shisan immediately became agitated.He immediately untied the "Great Prajna Changguang" on his back, then took a step forward, and suddenly knelt down on one knee, raised his hands high, and said loudly: "Commander, the sword is given to the hero, this "Great Prajna Changguang" , I dedicate it to you!"

The famous Japanese sword was mentioned in the telegram sent back by Ding Yi, and Ouyang Yun immediately confirmed his guess, saying, "You are Hu Shisan!"

"It's the subordinate!"

"Okay! Get up!" Ouyang Yun took the "Great Prajna Everlasting Light" with his left hand, and helped Hu Shisan up with his right hand.Looking at Fox 13 again, he smiled and said, "I've heard about you, it's amazing! Well, this pistol is for you." He took out his own gun with his right hand and handed it over. He glanced at everyone and said: "After all, it is the era of hot weapons. Therefore, when practicing martial arts, you must also master marksmanship. Only in this way can you become a real enemy of a hundred men. Thirteen, let me ask you, are you willing to lead troops in the front line? Although now I can't give you too many officials, a company commander can't escape. Of course, as a company commander, command skills are more important than personal bravery, I hope you can remember this."

Ouyang Yun presented the gun, regardless of the performance of the gun, the key is this honor.Hu Shisan was playing with the pistol, his face flushed.Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, Ding Yi hurried forward to push Hu Shisan and said, "San Shisan, don't forget our main purpose."

Hu Shisan came to his senses and immediately returned to his original position.

Ouyang Yun was surprised, he looked at Ding Yi and asked, "Old Ding, what mystery are you making?"

Ding Yi chuckled, and suddenly shouted: "Guys, untie your burden!"

"Yes!" The ten people answered in unison, and then untied the burdens on their backs together, and put them in front of Ouyang Yun.When the package was unwrapped, a bright yellow color appeared inside, which almost dazzled Ouyang Yun's eyes.Over there, Pan Meiren covered her mouth and her eyes widened.

"Gold?!" Ouyang Yun's eyes widened, and he gasped for a moment: "So much?" Immediately, he looked at Ding Yi eagerly and asked, "Old Ding, tell me what's going on, what's going on? Got so much gold?"

The Commander-in-Chief's astonishment and joy were naturally the expressions Ding Yi and the others wanted to see the most. He, Hu Shisan and the others looked at each other and smiled, and then explained in detail how they had obtained this batch of gold.

Ouyang Yun listened carefully, and finally grinned loudly: "Old Ding, you are really a lucky general. Well, I want to credit you with great credit! Charming, please go down and let the cafeteria prepare a big meal. Today In the evening, I want to welcome the warriors. By the way, you go and ask Minister Ji to come over. This matter must be witnessed by him, and then someone can ask the people in the logistics department to register. With so much gold, hehe, we At least two armored divisions can be added, no, maybe three or more..."

Ouyang Yun is not usually such a mother-in-law, but now——Ding Yi and the others looked at each other and smiled, they all understood the commander-in-chief's gaffe, and even felt a little proud of it in their hearts: Look at how well we did , Even the commander-in-chief lost his composure.

This amount of gold was definitely a windfall. When Ji Xingwen and the officers from the Finance Department saw this batch of gold, they were also shocked.Due to the high degree of mechanization of the cadet army, every time a major battle is fought, the consumption is astronomical.Just after the battle of Madang, the financial crisis followed.The appearance of this batch of gold can be regarded as a solution to Ouyang Yun's urgent need.

The Xue Bingjun's joy here is naturally worrying and indignant for the Japanese.The amount was too large and had already been reported to the military, and Ying Zuo Zhenzhao couldn't hide it even if he wanted to. After the news was sent back to the base camp, he was greeted with scolding, and then a summons from the military court.Hata Jun Liuben in Nanjing was preparing to make a big move in the three towns of Hankou because of the withdrawal of the student army. Hearing this news, the old devil was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Bage, that bastard Yingzuo Zhenzhao had asked him to send the gold to the headquarters long ago, but he refused to carry it out with the support of someone in the military department. Now it's all right, it's cheaper for the student army."

In Nagasaki, Toshiichiro Koizumi, who was working hard on the new fighter jet project, heard the news. He was silent for 5 minutes and immediately set off to find Yamamoto 56, and formally submitted to the latter the "Hainan strategy" he had drafted in several nights. ": "Your Excellency, the failure of the 'St. George' contest shows that the Xuebing Army and the United States have formed a stable alliance. I think the settlement of the Xuebing Army can no longer be delayed. First take Hainan, and then completely block the Xuebing Army and the United States. The United States will contact the sea route, and then solve the Taiwan issue, only in this way can we effectively curb the growth of the student army, and then find a way to kill it!"

After carefully reviewing the "Hainan Strategy", Yamamoto 56 agreed to Koizumi's plan—after more than a year's delay from the official history, the Japanese army officially began planning an offensive in Hainan.

The Hainan War is about to begin——

(End of this chapter)

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