Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1062 Ming Xiu Plank Road Crossing Chencang

Chapter 1062 Ming Xiu Plank Road Crossing Chencang
In Guangzhou, in Room 204 of the Guest House of the Xuebing Army General Headquarters, Yangzuka Qingya was crying silently in front of the mirror in the bathroom.At the most difficult time, she hypnotized herself: Yangzuka Qingya is dead, that innocent and lively girl no longer exists.Then, until she was thrown into the river, when her life was really about to end, her body instinctively resisted death, and her consciousness was activated again.

Accidentally rescued by Fox Shisan, unexpectedly came to Guangzhou, unexpectedly found that Guangzhou is so pure and beautiful compared with Shanghai, the girl's dead heart recovered again.After unexpectedly finding that no one doubted her identity as a Shanghai native, a bold idea was born in her heart: I want revenge!As soon as this idea came into being, it actually possessed a strong vitality, and gradually took root in her heart, so that she could no longer bring up the will to die.

The Japanese girl wants revenge, who is her enemy?

"Since then, Yangzhong Qingya has disappeared from this world. From then on, I will be called Yang Qin," tearing off her long hair, Yangzhong Qingya, no, it should be called Yang Qin now——Yang Qinza Drying the tears, he resolutely walked out of the room and went to Hu Shisan's room.

Hu Shisan drank too much last night.Hu Shisan's drinking capacity is well-known among Shanghai Hutong, but in the end he was defeated by Bian Jingdao.When Ouyang Yun invited wine, he invited people around him.Among the senior officials of the Xuebing Army, there were two people who attended: Ji Xingwen and Li Tieshu.

Soldiers are born with a capacity for alcohol.Alcohol strengthens the hero's courage. In other words, the hero's courage is also tempered by alcohol.Due to their personalities and professional habits, Ding Yi and Yang Sanping usually don't drink at all, but they drank too much last night.

He knocked on the door lightly, but there was no response.Gritting his teeth and knocking hard, the door opened soon.Hu Shisan was wearing a vest and shorts and opened the door, rubbing his eyes to see the person standing at the door, his face immediately blushed.I really didn't expect Yang Qin to come looking for her. She thought she was a comrade-in-arms, everyone is a man, and it's so hot, it seems that there is nothing wrong with shorts and a vest.

"I'll put on some clothes!" Hu Shisan said, shrinking back like a thief.

Yang Qin suddenly wanted to laugh, she didn't expect an old man to be so shy, after all, his pair of panties is not considered revealing.A smile will appear on the face and disappear soon, the hurt in my heart is too deep, it seems that even a smile is inappropriate.

The door was wide open, and the well-dressed Hu Shisan stood in front of her, and said politely: "Please come in, Miss Yang wants to do something with me?"

"I want to join Fox Tong!" Yang Qin didn't go in, but stood at the door and said, "Brother Fox, I want to take revenge, please help me."

The girl who called herself Yang Qin was taciturn and depressed all the way, but now her mental outlook has undoubtedly undergone a qualitative change.Hu Shisan was a little unaccustomed, and he said: "Revenge doesn't have to be done by yourself. If you trust me, I will help you get revenge. Your enemy should be that Shenshui Kenta, right? Don't worry, Mr. One day, I'll break his neck myself."

"Brother Fox, I want to avenge myself. Don't worry, I will suffer," the girl said with a firm tone.

Hu Shisan just looked at her, seeing her clear eyes and resolute expression, he touched his nose and said, "Hutong is not that easy to join, Hutong belongs to a special department, and the selection of personnel is very strict. First of all, you have to prove yourself identity of."

"Both my parents were killed by the Japanese, Brother Fox, I beg you!" Yang Qin knelt down as she said.

"No!" Hu Shisan immediately helped her up, he gritted his teeth and said, "If you really want to join, I can prove it for you, but the special training for Hutong is very hard, and if you can't pass the test, you will Were eliminated. In fact, as a girl, being a medical soldier is not bad. It also works for the Anti-Japanese War, and it is suitable for you girls."

"Brother Fox, I want to fight on the front line like you. Only in that way will I have a chance to kill the enemy. Brother Fox, don't worry, I will definitely pass the special training."

Hu Shisan is very fierce to his enemies, but he is very loyal to his friends, and because he already believes that Yang Qin is a girl who was harmed by a little devil, he has great sympathy for her.He thought for a while and said, "Since you are determined, let me help you find Yang Tou and Ding Tou. There is no guarantee, but as long as they are willing to prove your identity, there will be no problem entering Fox Tong to receive special training."

"Brother Fox, thank you very much, I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life."

"This—" Hu Shisan blushed, and when a woman said the word "lifetime" to a man, it always reminded people of other aspects.

Fujian, more than 40 kilometers east of Dongquan Island, a motorized fishing boat is trawling.Three young men were pulling in the net with two winches, when suddenly someone in the cab shouted: "There is a problem! Hurry up, cut the net."

The three young men were stunned for a moment, then took out a knife from their bodies and cut the fishing net quickly.The tallest boy among the three asked, "Boss, what's going on!"

The so-called boss has been looking northeast with a high-power telescope. He is about 40 years old, and he replied at this time: "There are many warships, the little devil's warships."

"The little devil's navy is going to attack the Taiwan Corps again?"

"I don't know, let's go back quickly."


This fishing boat was one of the scout fishing boats used by the Xuebing Army to monitor the enemy's situation in the East China Sea. An hour and a half later, Ouyang Yun in Guangzhou saw such a piece of information: The Japanese fleet was dispatched, targeting Taiwan.

Ouyang Yun actually wished that the Japanese would make big moves in Taiwan. After all, Taiwan was still occupied by Japan at this time, and the Japanese had limited troops and resources. Correspondingly less.He approved the emergency information, and then asked Bian Jingdao to call Huang Hua in, and asked him to forward it to Tie Linfei, Chen Ce, and Jiang Guangnai.

The Japanese have limited military resources, and the same is true for the Xuebing Army.Therefore, at present, the only thing Ouyang Yun can give support to the Taiwan Corps is the air force.As for why Jiang Guangnai and Chen Ce were notified, it was to make them more vigilant and prevent the Japanese from building plank roads and crossing Chen Cang secretly.

Although the Japanese never made a move against Hainan, Ouyang Yun always kept an extra mind in view of the historical process of time and space, and was always on guard against the Japanese's idea of ​​attacking Hainan.

Hainan is very important to the development and growth of the Xuebing Army. After the loss of Renqiu, although the Japanese did not get the light of the oil field in the end, the Xuebing Army also lost its good oil resources.Therefore, Hainan's oil and gas resources have become more and more precious.The armored forces, the air force, and the navy are all inseparable from oil, not to mention that the cadet army also has a large chemical industry.For the Xuebing Army, Hainan is now equivalent to the existence of a "nanny".

Since the Scholar Army successfully landed in Taiwan and established a base area, the Japanese navy has dispatched a large scale not once or twice, and each time, Ouyang Yun will plan ahead to prevent them from attacking Hainan.This time, his prudence finally paid off-new information came soon, and the target of the Japanese fleet was indeed Hainan.

(End of this chapter)

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