Chapter 1063 Plan ahead
The Xuebing Army stationed on Hainan Island is the one-man Xuewu Army.When Ouyang Yun called the Military Headquarters of the Fifth Army, Shan Renxiong was instructing the 38th Brigade for training.The brigade commander of the 38th Brigade was once Liu Zheliang, but when the whole army moved south, Shanglang approached Ouyang Yun to intercede, hoping to keep his prospective son-in-law in Guangzhou. Liu Zheliang was transferred to the Seventh Brigade.The current brigade commander of the 38th Brigade is Zhang Dali, a squadron leader who Shan Renxiong personally poached from Langya.When he was still in Renqiu, Shan Renxiong, as a company commander of the Second Gendarmerie Regiment, once competed with Zhang Dali in throwing bombs.Later, Shan Renxiong gradually emerged and began his promotion journey like a rocket, while Zhang Dali was still serving as a soldier in Langya. When Shan Renxiong was the commander of the Fifth Army, he was just a major. Just the captain.Zhang Dali served as the brigade commander with the rank of major general, which once aroused criticism in the army.However, because of Ouyang Yun's support and Shan Renxiong's determination to ask for someone, he finally came to Hainan.

When the communication staff officer of the 38th Brigade rushed into the playground to find someone, Shan Renxiong and Zhang Dali were lying on the sandy ground, starting an offensive and defensive battle around a small island piled up with sand.

"Army, your call is from the Commander-in-Chief!"

"No, what? The commander-in-chief called?" Shan Renxiong said, dropped the branch in his hand and got up, then rushed towards the headquarters of the 38th Brigade.

Zhang Dali stood up immediately after him, and he said to his guard Zhang Yun: "Don't let people destroy you," and then he chased Shan Renxiong away.

"Commander-in-Chief, I am a single hero, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

Ouyang Yun really got a little impatient for waiting.The military situation is like fire. In his opinion, every minute and every second from now on is precious.He asked openly, "Renxiong, how is the construction of the shoreline fort going?"

Shan Renxiong was taken aback for a moment, and then beamed with joy: "Commander-in-Chief, is it true that we in Hainan are about to fight a war!" His tone was hurried, as if he couldn't wait.

Ouyang Yun over there couldn't help laughing, he laughed and scolded: "Damn it, you want to fight so much? Fighting will kill people and consume..."

"Hey hey," Shan Renxiong smiled "hey hey", and when he saw Zhang Dali walking in, he winked at him.

"Army seat, is there a battle?!" Zhang Dali couldn't help rubbing his hands when he heard his words, with a look of uncontrollable joy.

Compared to Ouyang Yun, Shan Renxiong and Zhang Dali are more like professional soldiers.Soldiers are born for war—Xue Wujun came to Hainan. Based on the situation at that time, Shan Renxiong thought that he would be insulated from war from now on, so he felt like being thrown into the cold palace for a while.As a man, he often got angry with Ouyang Yun because of this matter.Ouyang Yun told him that sooner or later there will be a battle in Hainan, and it will be a fierce battle and a big one.He only thought that the commander-in-chief was comforting himself, and it was no surprise that he behaved like this now.

"Now tell me the progress of the shoreline battery!"



The shoreline fort in Hainan is a huge project, and the general staff of the Xuebing Army estimated that it would take at least two years to complete the general construction, and if it really wanted to achieve the ideal impregnable effect, it would take at least three years.The shoreline fortress started construction before the Xuewu Army entered Hainan, and it has only been about a year and a half so far. Is this completed?Ouyang Yun had no choice but to express his doubts.

"Commander-in-chief, how can I joke about this kind of thing. Don't worry, the little devils really dare to come here, I guarantee that they will never come back," Shan Renxiong said confidently, which dispelled the suspicion in Ouyang Yun's heart. doubt.

He immediately said: "Renxiong, listen to me, the destination of the Japanese fleet has been determined this time, and it is Hainan. From now on, the whole territory of Hainan will be mobilized. In addition, all military enterprises must immediately enter a wartime state. Well, I will tell Lao Chen personally about this later."

Whether Shan Renxiong or Zhang Dali, both of them sincerely look forward to fighting, Shan Renxiong immediately licked his lips and said: "Commander-in-Chief, the little devil actually dared to attack us in Hainan, that's great!"

"Damn it, you want to fight so much?" Ouyang Yun was amused by his attitude, and laughed and scolded again.

Shan Renxiong said seriously: "I don't think about it all the time, Commander-in-Chief, as you said, soldiers are born for war, and only war can reflect the true value of soldiers."

"Okay, let's execute the order! Pay attention to vigilance, and pay attention to contact Commander Chen!"


Chen Ce is not only the commander of the navy, but also the director of the Hainan Special Zone.When he received a call from Ouyang Yun, he was very calm and said, "This day has finally come."

Unlike Shan Renxiong, a pure "martial artist", Chen Ce has a mature political mind.As early as the First Great Wall Anti-Japanese War started, he predicted that the Japanese would attack Hainan sooner or later.Hainan's strategic location is too important, and Japan, which has the strongest navy in Asia, will definitely covet Hainan if it wants to take advantage of this advantage.So when he received Ouyang Yun's first telegram, he started mobilizing within the Hainan Fleet just like before.

"The Japanese fleet is dispatched again. If their target is not Taiwan, it will be Hainan. Therefore, we must prepare well to prevent being attacked by the Japanese."

"Commander, could it be Southeast Asia?" Someone from Chen Ce's staff team raised this point of view.

"Impossible!" Chen Ce denied it. "Southeast Asia is the traditional sphere of influence of Britain and the United States. The Japanese are still relying on American resources. How could they have turned against the United States? Even if the Japanese really want to attack Southeast Asia one day, they will do so after capturing Hainan. Don't you think that Japan Is it too far away from Southeast Asia? The Japanese are not fools, if they really want to attack Southeast Asia, they definitely need a forward base."

In the General Staff Headquarters of the Xuebing Army, some staff members also raised this point of view.And Ouyang Yun's answer was almost the same as Chen Ce's.

Ouyang Yun and Chen Ce communicated much more tacitly because they maintained an astonishingly consistent view on this matter.Ouyang Yun said: "Commander Chen, the submarine force is our trump card. Before we have an absolute advantage, I hope we can report this secret."

"Commander-in-Chief, I understand. Don't worry, our army's defense focus this time will be on the coastline. If the Japanese want to occupy Hainan, they must send out marines, and as long as they land and fight, our army's superiority in strength will be reflected Commander-in-Chief, the protagonist of this defensive battle will be the Fifth Army, and I will not exceed my authority."

It is convenient to communicate with smart people, and this is actually what Ouyang Yun is most worried about, that's why he called Shan Renxiong first.Hearing what Chen Ce said, he relaxed a lot, and said, "Commander Chen, I feel relieved when you say that. One more thing, the ongoing development in Hainan must be kept secret. I hope you can communicate more with the local ethnic minority leaders. , to ensure that Japanese spies have no gaps."

"Yes. I will definitely manage it."

"That's hard work. I still have some things on hand and I can't get away. When I'm done, I will go to Hainan in person. See you then."

"Goodbye, Commander-in-Chief."

(End of this chapter)

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