Chapter 1064 Difficulties
The shoreline fortresses in Hainan are arranged along the edge of the South Island. There were 240 seats in total at the time of design, namely Dongying, Puqian, Jinshan, Changsa, Longlou, Dongjiao, Longgun, Hele, Beipo, Dazhou, Guangpo, Haitang Bay, Fenghuang, Tianya, Donglou, Leluo, Huangliu, Foliu.These eighteen forts mainly defend the southeast coast. Each fort is equipped with a 180mm caliber main gun and two 36mm caliber secondary guns. Nine shells, while the secondary battery can fire [-] shells per minute.These eighteen forts were originally managed by the navy, but they were handed over to the army after the Fifth Army came in.Now responsible for the defense of the fort is the independent shore artillery brigade directly under the Army established by the Fifth Army for it.

Ouyang Yun invested a huge amount of money in these eighteen forts.For each fort, the cost of cement and steel is not counted. The cost of one main gun alone is the cost of ten "platypus". Two tank divisions left.

After Shan Renxiong finished talking on the phone with Ouyang Yun, he immediately couldn't sit still.The commander-in-chief has repeatedly been concerned about the construction progress of the fort, which shows that the fort will definitely be used in the Hainan war in the near future.And since he didn't pay enough attention to the shore artillery brigade during this period of time, he couldn't help but worry a little. The battle is about to start, can the shore artillery force play the mainstay role?He immediately rushed back to the military headquarters in Qiongzhou, and then together with chief of staff Huang Ye, deputy army commander Chang Geng, and political director Guo Yucheng convened a combat preparation meeting for senior officers above the brigade commander.

At the beginning of the meeting, Shan Renxiong was not surprised and swore endlessly: "I just received a call from the commander-in-chief that the Japanese naval fleet is heading towards Hainan. There is no doubt that the Japanese are planning to attack Hainan this time. Everyone, and others Compared with other armies, our army has not experienced battle for a long time, and this battle will definitely be very difficult. Are you ready to sacrifice?"

Everyone was shocked, except Huang Ye, Chang Geng, Guo Yucheng and Zhang Dali.

Shan Renxiong continued to speak in horror: "The eighteen forts are the only thing we can rely on to defend the inland sea. The Japanese must have dispatched aircraft carriers. At that time, they will have aircraft and cannons. We only have forts. What we will face is the firepower of the little devils." Intensive bombardment. The turret is our only hope. In order to prevent the little devils from destroying them one by one, we must send a considerable number of troops to assist in the defense. These front-line troops may fall under the bombing of the planes if they have no chance to fight the little devils. Under the bombardment of the giant cannon—what I said above is by no means alarmist!" After he finished speaking, he looked around, and his gaze swept over everyone's face.

Fang Daming, the commander of the Independent Coastal Artillery Brigade, stood up immediately. He stood upright, straightened his waist, and said loudly: "Report! Devil ships are approaching Haiphong."

As soon as he finished speaking, "Report!" Zhang Dali stood up: "Secretary, all officers and soldiers of the 38th Brigade are willing to shed the last drop of blood for Hainan."

"Report!"...The brigade commanders stood up one by one to express their determination, and the combat preparation meeting gradually turned into a swearing-in meeting.

This is not what a solo hero needs.Although he didn't take over the Fifth Army for a long time, but because of his trust in the education system of the Xuebing Army, he didn't think that there would be local troops under his command similar to those in the Battle of Nanjing. Xiang immediately launched an escape race, running fast like rabbits one by one.He said: "I can understand your determination, but the determination to die is not enough. The commander-in-chief said that there are several ways to die, and as soldiers, even if we die, we must die worthy and worthy. At present, we do not have more detailed information about the Japanese army. But one thing is certain, if the Japanese army really wants to occupy Hainan, they will definitely send infantry to land in the end. And this is our opportunity.”

Huang Ye, Guo Yucheng and others had communicated with Shan Renxiong before.Huang Ye stood up in a timely manner and said: "Junzuo, what do you mean, to defend the fort so that the Japanese can't make a breakthrough in the front, and then launch a landing battle from the southwest according to our plan?"

The reason why shoreline forts are mainly set in the southeast and due south is to prevent Japanese troops from landing in this direction.And once the Japanese army chooses to land in the southwest direction without a fort, then the Xuebing Army can use the complex terrain in the southwest of Hainan Island to attack the landing Japanese army.As for the Qiongzhou Strait, because of the cooperation of the Guangzhou defenders, it will only be more difficult for the Japanese to land from here.

This strategy is well known to all the participants, and everyone's eyes can't help but turn to Shan Renxiong.

Shan Renxiong nodded, and he said: "We thought of this, and the Japanese must also think of this. War is like a fight. We use our strengths to avoid weaknesses, and the Japanese's strength is long-range strike capabilities. So, how to let the Japanese It is a difficult problem to actively give up strengths and start from weaknesses."

"Stick to the fort, let the little devils think that capturing the fort will pay an unacceptable price, then there will definitely be 'smart' devils who want to find another way—" Zhang Dali stood up and shouted, he was so eager that he even forgot Called for a report.

No one blamed him for this, because he was not the only one who had this thought, after all, Shan Renxiong's previous words had already made this point clear.Everyone's eyes focused on Shan Renxiong's face again, and many people's thoughts came alive——

Sticking to the fort, not only can only be the bodyguard of the shore artillery force, but cannot gain real combat exploits, but also must pay a huge sacrifice.However, if the defense is deployed in the southwest region, not only are the risks relatively low, but the chances of committing crimes are greater.

As if he had guessed what everyone was thinking, Shan Renxiong looked at everyone's faces again, and he said slowly: "Helping the shore artillery to defend the fort will be the most important thing in this defensive battle. Now, I need A team that dares to fight and is not afraid of sacrifice, does any of you voluntarily sign up?"

Everyone fell silent.Zhang Dali looked around, stood up again, gritted his teeth and said, "Report, the 38th Brigade is willing to take on this task!"

"Very good!" Shan Renxiong nodded and said, "One brigade alone is not enough, at least two brigades are needed. Our fort has three main defense directions, and at least one brigade must assist in the defense in each direction. Who else will take the initiative? Signed up?!"

Miao Qiushen, head of the 41st Brigade, Qiu Hongsheng, head of the 42nd Brigade, and Yun Dian, head of the 43rd Brigade, will stand up at the same time.The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, Qiu Hongsheng suddenly said: "If I knew you were going to come out, I would have sat down first."

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

From this point of view alone, this battle preparation meeting was a success.

(End of this chapter)

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