Chapter 1069

Qian Xianglin finally met Ouyang Yun.Qian Xianglin tried every means to hold the uprising officers and soldiers in his hands, just for this moment.Xue Bingjun made his fortune in Renqiu, then Yang Wei in the Second Great Wall Battle, and even blossomed in Guangzhou. Now, at least in Chinese circles, Xue Bingjun and Ouyang Yun have become a legend.

Before meeting Ouyang Yun, Qian Xianglin had this kind of imagination. What kind of person is Ouyang Yun?After meeting, he was still shocked - Ouyang Yun was too young, and, from his expression, it was impossible to tell what was going on in his heart at the moment.

Xiao Yi hurried over.In his subconscious mind, the uprising Taiwanese should be organized to hold a grand welcome ceremony.However, the commander-in-chief appeared too abruptly. Even if he had such a heart, he had no time to prepare at all.

"Brother Qian, you have worked hard! Thank you for raising the flag of rebellion. The motherland cares too little for Taiwan, and it is too late, so you have been subjected to such a shame and humiliation. What happened before has already happened, and I, the younger generation, cannot comment. However, from now on, as long as you are still in the army for a day, I promise, you will not suffer any grievances! I was too busy with work a while ago, so I have no time to see you, are you still getting used to the life in Guangzhou?" Ouyang Yun said. And talking, the words are full of apologies.

Qian Xianglin had prepared for today's scene for a long time, but because Ouyang Yun's performance was completely beyond his expectations, especially, he actually met Guo Dai first, which made him feel guilty, and he couldn't help being a little at a loss: "Commander-in-chief , you are too kind, we live a good life, we..." He spoke a little incoherently, with sweat gradually appearing on his forehead.

Ouyang Yun smiled and said to Xiao Yi: "Call everyone else out!"

The mental state of the Taiwanese soldiers was very bad. Most of them looked very decadent like Guo Dai, and a few of them were rosy, but they were completely eaten.Xiao Yi has absolute prestige in the minds of Taiwanese, he shouted: "Assemble!" Everyone ran out with a whoosh.Then, seeing Xiao Yi, seeing Ouyang Yun who kept Xiao Yi highly respected, and seeing the battle behind Ouyang Yun, most people had already guessed Ouyang Yun's identity without Xiao Yi's introduction.

"This is General Ouyang Yun, Commander-in-Chief of the Xuebing Army!" Qian Xianglin introduced to Zhong Ren, with an excited expression on his face: "Brothers, the Commander-in-Chief has finally come to visit everyone, applaud!" After speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

The soldiers looked at Ouyang Yun with complicated eyes. "Crackling!" The applause still rang out.Many people looked at Ouyang Yun carefully, but many people subconsciously avoided his gaze, and some people noticed those female soldiers, and their eyes immediately changed.If you don't see a woman in March, the sow becomes a diaper.Some of them have not seen a woman for more than three months, and now they suddenly see a woman, she is still such a beautiful woman. Also within reason.

Ouyang Yun suddenly stood at attention and saluted. Then, looking at the messy Taiwanese soldiers, he frowned slightly and said to Qian Xianglin: "You officials are not good enough, why are you so chaotic?"

The word "powerful" is naturally not something that Qian Xianglin can understand. He let out an "ah" and was thinking about what to do, but Ouyang Yun had already shouted: "Everyone has it, line up! Look to the right!"

The shout was a bit loud, and all the Taiwan soldiers were taken aback. Then, everyone subconsciously started to line up, and then moved to the right, and soon formed three neat rows in front of Ouyang Yun.Qian Xianglin stood there blankly, watching the chaotic crowd suddenly turned into a neat line, he saw sweat on his forehead, and suddenly realized something.He ran up to report to the whole team, when Xiao Yi came over, grabbed him, and said, "You stay here."


Xiao Yi gave him a cold look and didn't speak again.But Qian Xianglin's heart immediately became cold, and he suddenly realized that he was wrong.The Xuebing Army left the Taiwan soldiers here, perhaps not to deal with them at all, Ouyang Yun should have other intentions - this is the Xuebing Army's territory, and the Xuebing Army's all-pervasive investigative method of fox pupils is out of the question. It's famous, our performance should fall into Ouyang Yun's eyes without any omission, right?Thinking of this, he immediately felt like crying without tears.If everyone disobeyed Ouyang Yun's order just now, he could still be used. However, no one dared to stand up and express resistance. Lost influence!
"Soldiers have to look like soldiers. I don't care what you did before, but since you joined the army, you should abide by the military rules of the army! Xiao Yi!" After playing the role of a good guy, Ouyang Yun said, After tearing off the mask, he finally revealed his sharp teeth.

"Someone is going to be unlucky!" Bian Jingdao said softly to You Xiaolian who was standing beside him.

"Could it be Brigadier Xiao?" You Xiaolian whispered.

Bian Jingdao smiled and shook his head.

"Here!" Xiao Yi stood in front of Ouyang Yun.

"Is this how you lead troops?" Ouyang Yun looked at Xiao Yi coldly and asked.

"Ah?" Xiao Yi exclaimed, why did he listen to the commander-in-chief, do these Taiwanese people belong to him?
"You let me down. I thought that when I came to Panyu today, I would see a lively team, but now, what are they? Do they still look like soldiers?" Ouyang Yun pointed at the Taiwanese soldiers without hesitation. Said politely.

"Commander-in-Chief, I was wrong, I didn't train them well," Xiao Yi said, a sharp light gradually appeared in his eyes.And the Taiwanese soldiers who saw his eyes suddenly fell silent one by one.They were not familiar with Ouyang Yun, and they didn't know his behavior habits and expressions, but Xiao Yi, many of them knew it very well, so they naturally knew what it meant when he showed such eyes.

"Go back."


"I heard that you volunteered to join the student army?" Ouyang Yun asked Guo Dai on the side.

It's very strange that Guo Dai, who should have the biggest opinion on Ouyang Yun, is now in good spirits.He immediately stood at attention and replied loudly: "Yes! Commander-in-Chief, we have done a lot of wrong things before. We hope that under your leadership we can beat up the devils. Only in this way can we express our determination to break with the past. .”

"Very good!" Ouyang Yun said and looked at everyone: "How about you? You?"

"I think the same as Brother Guo." "Beat the devil!" "We have to reform..." "Commander-in-Chief, we will be apprentices and soldiers from now on!"...

Ouyang Yun said, "Very good. However, in order to ensure the purity of the team, I will give you one last chance to quit the student army. Don't worry, even if all of you want to quit, I will not make it difficult for you. If you want to go to Chongqing, I can arrange someone to take you there; if you want to go back to Taiwan, I can also arrange a boat. But there is a premise, if anyone dares to do things for the Japanese, sorry, I will not be punished in the future It’s okay if we catch it, if we catch it, we will settle the old and new ones together. Well, now, those who don’t want to join the student army take a step forward!”

Silence, no one dared to take a step forward.Are you kidding, everyone is an adult, who doesn't know the truth that people have to bow their heads under the roof, even if they really have other thoughts in their hearts, is this an opportunity to express it?

"Okay, very good, since everyone is willing to stay in the student army, I now announce that the Special Operations Brigade of the Taiwan Corps is now officially established. Now, let's present the flag!"

(Drinking with my brothers, I actually got high... Sorry, I can only make up for it today)
(End of this chapter)

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