Chapter 1070

Ouyang Yun chose to come to the Panyu military camp at this time to visit the uprising Taiwanese officers and soldiers, with the purpose of taking this team to Hainan to participate in the war.The reason why they were given the title of "Taiwan Corps Special Warfare Brigade" is that in the end, they will return to Taiwan and join the Taiwan Corps.

As the commander-in-chief of the Xue Bing Army, Ouyang Yun's aura is too strong. In front of him, even Guo Dai, who is rebellious and rebellious, behaves honestly, and the others dare not jump out and say shocking words.From the moment Xiao Yi appeared in front of them, he showed a "tyrannical and tough" side, which made the Taiwanese soldiers absolutely dare not express it in front of him even if they had some thoughts in their hearts.

In this "visiting show", Ouyang Yun and Xiao Yi were always in charge of everything, so this group of Taiwanese soldiers became a member of the "Taiwan Corps Special Operations Brigade" in a daze, and boarded a chariot to Hainan.

"Are we going to fight the imperial army?" Chen Laifu, who had just been promoted as Guo Dai's deputy, asked Guo Dai on the army card going south. "What imperial army, watch your words, devil!" Guo Dai said, looking around.

Guo Dai, who was once depressed, was isolated by almost all the officers and soldiers in Taiwan, and now he has transformed into the second-in-command after Xiao Yi, in fact, the highest officer of the Taiwan Special Warfare Brigade.

"Oh, we, are we going to fight the devils? It seems that the Xuebing Army is going to use us as cannon fodder."

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe it's just to let us increase our combat experience?"

"Would Ouyang Yun be so kind? Don't you think that the people around him look at us with deep wariness?"

There were two divisions and two regiments accompanying Ouyang Yun to Hainan, one of which was the so-called "Taiwan Army Special Operations Brigade".Another group is the girl group.The news spread that there was a battle to be fought in Hainan, and the militants of the Xuebing Army immediately called for the battle in various ways, and in the end, Ouyang Yun brought the Ninth Xue Division and the Second Mountain Division directly under the General Headquarters.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon on the 21st, when Ouyang Yun and his party were still rushing to Hainan, the large-scale battle in Hainan had already begun.At noon, the aviation forces of the two sides exchanged fire first, but as a result, neither of the two enemy planes on reconnaissance missions returned.

As Koizumi Toshiichiro expected, the Air Force of the Xuebing Army is still limited in size, and it is not enough to be compared with Japan. However, in part, the technical advantages of the Xuebing Army Air Force largely offset the lack of numbers.For a province as large as Hainan, it is obviously not realistic to rely solely on learning from the Five Armies and the still small navy to ensure absolute defense.It is definitely necessary to support a certain amount of air force. Of course, because Taiwan needs to invest in the main force of the air force, it is impossible to deploy too many fighters in Hainan.

The production speed of the Guangzhou Aircraft Factory of the Xuebing Army can guarantee that one learner will come off the production line every week, and in addition, one aerial fortress can be produced every one and a half months.Before the Xuebing Army took over, the aircraft manufacturing industry in Guangzhou could be said to be a blank sheet of paper.Ordinarily, it is already very good that the Xuebing Army can expand the aircraft manufacturing industry to this scale not long after they came here.However, considering the actual needs, this output is really not enough.And this is one of the reasons why Ouyang Yun had to succumb to the Skull and Bones. He needed to import planes and a large number of spare parts from the United States.

There is currently only one Hainan military airport, located in Qiongzhou.The Air Force, which is part of the Navy, is equipped with a brigade of fighter jets and a squadron of bombers.According to Ouyang Yun's instructions, the Air Force is now under the command of the Fifth Army.

When the two Japanese Type 99 fighters acting as reconnaissance planes had just entered the combat radius of the Xuebing Army fighters, at the order of Shan Renxiong, four Baiji dolphins soared into the sky, and then greeted the invading enemy planes in a two-plane formation.The two sides then met about 50 kilometers from the coastline of Hainan Island.

The numbers of the two Japanese planes were 1104 and 1107 respectively, and Wang Jian, who was driving H1104, and Shen Geng, who was driving H0013, faced 0021.The Baiji fighter planes are all equipped with airborne radars with a detection range of about 50 kilometers. The lead plane, Wang Jian, first spotted the trace of 1104, and he immediately shouted to Shen Geng: "Xiao Shen, I have spotted the target, please follow."


The two Baiji dolphins flew towards the silver-white Type 99 one after the other like two huge silver birds, but the Japanese pilot Akira Fujisawa of 1104 did not realize that he had been locked by someone at this time. The Type 99 fighter, as a new type of fighter developed by the Japanese army to deal with baiji and sky fortresses, has been placed too much expectation by the Japanese.And the aviation troops who can fly this new type of fighter are all outstanding among the active Japanese aviation troops.

When there were still about 99 kilometers away from the Type [-], Wang Jian and Shen Geng first turned the fighter plane to the west, and then lowered the flying altitude so that the fighter plane remained on the line between the sun and the Japanese plane. The sun's rays began to advance at high speed.

When the two baiji dolphins approached, Kudo felt something was wrong out of intuition, so he asked the shooter and bomber Zongqing Iwago behind him: "Iwago, I don't think it's right! The Xuebing Army has no aviation troops stationed in Hainan. Why? Why didn't fighter jets take off to intercept us?"

Yanhou didn't feel anything, so he replied: "Maybe it's dinner time for Chinese people now!"

Kudo thinks it makes sense, so he speeds up and flies to Hainan Island.What he didn't know was that, about ten kilometers ahead of him on the left, two baiji dolphins galloped forward one after the other, and the corners of their pilots' mouths had already begun to form a cruel smile.

After first discovering that the two Wang Jian and the others belonged to Yanhou, the little devil glanced to the left, and then opened his mouth wide in surprise: "Enemy plane, enemy plane!" He slammed the back of Kudo's seat vigorously, scream.

Kudo turned his head to look, and he cursed: "Bage!" He quickly pulled up the nose and started to turn at the same time.

At the same time, the machine gun sounded, and almost at the same time as 1104 began to climb, Wang Jian pressed the firing button. "Empty, empty..." More than a dozen rounds of 20mm caliber shells flew out in succession, and the tracer bullets among them drew obvious traces in the air.In the first round of firing, none of the shells hit.Wang Jian didn't feel discouraged, he scolded: "Sun, I've been discovered! Shen Geng, go to the front and intercept, I'll pursue!"

"Okay!" Shen Geng agreed, turned around, and the fighter flew to the front left.

Wang Jian raised his fighter plane and accelerated to catch up.

The attack battle has turned into a chase battle, and the performance parameters of the two fighters have become the most critical factor in determining the outcome of this air battle. Ten minutes later, Wang Jian caught another shooting opportunity.And relying on his superb driving ability, Kudo dodged it.However, he couldn't get rid of his tail, nor could he get rid of the fate of being pursued.

In terms of fighter performance and stability alone, Baiji is obviously better.Not long after the chase started, Kudo began to scold the designer of Type 99 in his heart: "Bage, these bastards, don't they claim that Type 99 can compare with Baiji dolphin? Why can't I recover the disadvantage with all my efforts?"

(End of this chapter)

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