Chapter 1071
Kudo scolded the designer of Type 99 in his heart, while Wang Jian began to scold Kudo in his heart: This devil is cunning and cunning!
Kudo realized that he couldn't get rid of the pursuit, so he simply didn't try to change the situation.He suddenly turned around and flew in the direction of Hainan Island, making up his mind: Anyway, my mission is reconnaissance, so as long as I can get reconnaissance information, the mission is complete, so why must I try to shoot down the enemy plane?
Wang Jian quickly discovered Kudo's intentions.Kudo received the order to scout the defense facilities of Hainan Island, and Wang Jian and the others received the order to shoot down the enemy's reconnaissance plane at all costs to protect the industrial base in the northwest of Hainan Island.The little devil was slippery, and actually wanted to complete the reconnaissance mission under their noses with his superb flying skills, which made Wang Jian and Shen Geng feel humiliated.Wang Jian said to Shen Geng through the walkie-talkie: "This devil is cunning, there is no other way, let's go together."

"Okay!" Shen Geng was naturally happy to have the opportunity to participate in the battle.

Wang Jian: "Plan B!"

"Yes!" Shen Geng said, making a big turn and returning to Wang Jian's back. Immediately, two baiji dolphins began to fly side by side and launched a pursuit at the same time.

Kudo is no stranger to the tactic of two-aircraft formation.At one point, he was expecting two enemy planes to attack him back and forth. In that case, he would use his climax and delicate driving skills to teach the Chinese people a painful lesson and let them taste what it is like to accidentally injure a friendly plane.It's a pity that the two Chinese pilots have never adopted this tactic, and he has no chance to realize this idea.The two enemy planes pursued side by side, which somewhat surprised Kudo. In his mind, this tactic was really useless—one fighter plane couldn't catch him, so two planes would be fine?Hmph, it's them themselves. If two fighters want to aim at him, it will give him some chances - if two fighters aim at him at the same time, there must be an intersection point in the flight direction. If they don't change direction, then they will There is a possibility of a collision.

"Come on! I'll give you a chance to shoot at the same time!" Kudo sneered, and when he released the accelerator, the speed of the fighter slowed down.

"Kudou-kun, what are you doing?" Yanhou yelled.

Although Wang Jian's repeated shelling failed to hit the target, a few rounds almost flew past the Type 99's fuselage.Kudo concentrated on the operation without any special feeling, but Iwago broke out in a cold sweat.

"Yanhou, do you think I can only be beaten passively all the time? Yanhou, do you still remember the header I tried last time?"

"What? But, this is a battlefield. We are followed by two China fighter planes?"

"Sit still!" Kudo suddenly accelerated as he said, and the speed of the fighter soared again.

"Damn, what is this devil doing?" Shen Geng scolded, unable to adapt to the drastic change in the speed of the enemy plane ahead.

Wang Jian's face was tense and he was extremely vigilant.He accelerated at the same time, and then said: "Xiao Shen, don't rush to implement plan B, this devil wants to play tricks."


"Follow first, I want to see what he wants to do!"

Kudo flew wildly at high speed, attracting Wang Jian and Shen Geng to follow at full speed.Suddenly, Kudo said to Iwako again: "Sit still!" Then he released the accelerator to the end, and at this moment, the speed of the plane suddenly dropped.The sudden deceleration caused the fighter plane to shake violently. Yan Hou grabbed the armrest of the seat with both hands and asked loudly, "Kudo-kun, what are you trying to do? The fighter plane can't take it!"

"Just sit still!"

Later, seeing the speed of the enemy plane drop suddenly, Shen Geng exclaimed in surprise: "Opportunity, opportunity!" Then he pressed the shooting button. "Empty, empty..." A string of shells shot out.But Wang Jian felt something was wrong, he said: "No hurry—" However, Shen Geng had already pressed the shooting button, and it was still too late for him to speak.

After Kudo released the accelerator to the bottom, the sound of the fighter jet engine immediately dropped to the lowest level, and he listened carefully, and when he heard the sound of gunfire behind him, a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he pushed the push rod to the bottom, and immediately , the Type 99 fell headlong as if it suddenly lost control, and when the nose of the plane was almost vertical to the ground, he pulled up the accelerator at full speed, and the fighter immediately roared and fell headlong.

"Ah!" This change came too suddenly, even though Yanhou was prepared, she still couldn't help screaming.

Several bombs exploded at the position of Type 99 just now, and Shen Geng said in surprise: "I hit it, I hit it!"

"Ghost! Quickly, pull away!" Wang Jian saw it clearly.Although the enemy plane hit the ground vertically, it showed no signs of losing its balance. This devil pilot is not simple. He dared to control such a cumbersome heavy fighter to do a "headshot" that a light fighter can do. Hmph, he is not afraid of pulling. Can't get up?He said, reducing the speed to the minimum, while pulling up the nose.

They were originally only about 99 meters away from the Type 500. Such a small distance would pass in seconds for a fast-flying fighter. When the fighter plane is pulled up, the current positions of the two sides are reversed. "Hmph! Are you bullying me that there is no one in the army? Or do you really think that your skills are invincible?" Wang Jian thought, making two big turns in a row, and when Kudo pulled the fighter up, he still maintained his previous position Advantage--

Shen Geng was reminded by Wang Jian, and promptly launched his fighter. In this way, although he failed to maintain his positional advantage like Wang Jian, he also avoided being bitten by Kudo's tail.

Kudo tried his best to successfully make the headlong, but failed to recover the previous disadvantage, which made him look at Wang Jian with admiration.After finally pulling the fighter plane up, it still appeared in front of the enemy plane. This surprised him, but he finally had to admit: "Yanhou, this time we have met a master!"

The head-on action is a huge test for fighters and personnel. Although Yanhou didn't vomit or anything because of it, his face was already ugly.He resisted the pain of overwhelming food left in his stomach, and said in a hissed voice, "Bite the enemy plane in front and fight to the death! The reconnaissance mission can no longer be completed. If so, we can only fight to the death!"

Kudo was also ready to fight to the death, but his goal was Wang Jian.After several rounds of confrontation, Kudo has concluded that Wang Jian is his biggest threat, and as long as he kills Wang Jian, the next fight will be his own meal.He roared: "No, this is something only cowards will do! I have to admit that the Type 99 fighter is still slightly inferior to the Baiji, but air duels depend not only on the performance of the fighter. Kudo, sit tight !"

"You—" Yanhou didn't finish his sentence, and as Kudo made a rollover, he finally couldn't help it, and opened his mouth and began to spit out.

"Fly back!" Wang Jian was instructing Shen Geng to adjust his position, when he suddenly saw the enemy plane in front of him roll over, he pressed the shooting button with a smile, and said with a sneer, "You're looking for death!"

(End of this chapter)

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