Chapter 1075 Dazhou Island

Because it was night, Yamamoto was not prepared to dispatch fighters during the first wave of attacks.The Japanese army is notoriously bad at night battles, and Yamamoto insisted on launching an attack that night. From this point, we can also see his gambling-like traits.He believes that although the Japanese army is not good at night battles, night is more unfavorable to the defensive side, so this is a matter of more advantages than disadvantages for the United Fleet.

Koizumi did not comment.So far, his consultant is more in charge of technical aspects. For commanding operations, he thinks that he does not understand the characteristics of warfare in this era, and he thinks that he needs to study for a while.

Yamamoto 56 didn't mean to sneak attack. In fact, because of the order of the attack, he didn't have to do it either.The defense situation of Hainan Island is still unknown to him. Of course, because the two Type 99 fighter planes sent for reconnaissance missions in the afternoon failed to return, it is certain that the Xuebing Army already knew of their arrival and Prepared accordingly.That being the case, let's start the war in an upright manner, so as to find out how many troops the Xuebing Army has invested in Hainan.

First take down Dazhou Island, which is about three kilometers away from the coastline of Wanning, and then use Dazhou Island as an offshore base to find a corresponding landing point. As long as you stand on the coast of Wanning, this battle is half won——

Around 07:30, the United Fleet began to adjust its formation, among which some light cruisers and frigates began to move closer to the coastline.At eight o'clock, as three red flares suddenly rose from the Kaga, the shelling began.Different from the bombardment of the vanguard fleet, this time, because more than a hundred warships fired at the same time, and nearly a thousand cannons participated in the bombardment at the same time, Arima Masamune, who directed the artillery battle, was able to coordinate all the Japanese ships participating in the battle to carry out regional bombardment.

"Empty air——" With the sound of the cannon, first six fireballs flew out from the three heavy cruisers, and the next moment, six fireballs roared, and then smashed into Beipo Town, Dazhou Island and Dahua three places.It was about 500 meters away from the North Slope Fort that hit Beipo Town. With the flickering of the fire and the sound of the explosion, the students inside felt a clear vibration. "The caliber should be more than 180 mm!" A student judged.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Dali, who was already staying near the fort, issued an order to the units of the 38th Brigade through the walkie-talkie: "Now, I order everyone to enter the air-raid shelter immediately to avoid it."

These six shells were obviously used by the little devil to determine the shooting of Zhu Yuan. Within a few minutes of the six huge explosions, it was as dense as the sound of firecrackers being set off in every household on New Year's Eve. Immediately, hundreds of fireballs dragged dazzling The tail hit Dazhou Island.That's right, the Japanese's first bombing target was Dazhou Island, which is only about three kilometers away from the coastline of Wanning.

Although the Japanese did not know much about Hainan's defenses, they did have a good grasp of Hainan's geography.To fight Wanning, Dazhou Island must be the first to occupy it, because as long as Dazhou Island is captured, it is equivalent to having a springboard to continue to attack Wanning.Of course, if Yamamoto knew what Shan Renxiong had prepared for himself on Dazhou Island, I believe he would change this decision.

The sound of explosions resounding across the entire island of Hainan lasted for about 10 minutes, and Dazhou Island, as the first coordinate of the shelling, turned into a piece of scorched earth after 5 minutes passed.

As the nearest island to Wanning, it seems that Shan Renxiong and others never considered its defense from the very beginning.Are they negligent?No, but this island, there is no need to send troops to defend it.

The shelling stopped, and under the escort of the heavy cruisers "Mogami" and "Chokai", Oshima Maru and two small landing ships sailed towards Ozu Island with their navigation lights.

In the shelling just now, Wanning endured the rain of bullets for about 2 minutes. As a result, a full third of the houses were damaged or even collapsed, and at least 100 houses were burning.Shan Renxiong's original plan was to ask the citizens of Wanning to give up their properties, so they were asked to bring their important belongings with them during the air defense mobilization.But now it seems that his idea is too unrealistic.Home is too important in the minds of Chinese people. Although it may be life-threatening, since it is under the nose, how can they sit idly by?Although the temporary administrators of various prevention and control measures begged hard, the citizens of Wanning rushed to the ground in batches when the shelling was suspended, and then began self-rescue work.

Solo heroes don't have time for this.His temporary headquarters has been moved from the urban area of ​​Wanning to Dongshan Ridge.Through the binoculars, he saw the movement of the Japanese fleet, and he said, "It really is Dazhou Island."

"Old Dan, do you think the little devil is that stupid?" It was Brother Kuang Lai, the deputy chief of staff, who asked.The chief of staff, Huang Ye, was in charge of radio monitoring, and the leadership of the staff fell to brother Kuang Lai.

Yamamoto 56 did not expect, and Onizuka Shomuro, who commanded the landing battle, did not expect that Ozu Island has now become a snake island.That's right, there are hundreds of thousands of snakes on Dazhou Island, among which there are five or six kinds of poisonous snakes.At least half of these snakes were hiding in their own snake lairs, but because of the shelling, they all escaped.Although at least hundreds of thousands of snakes were killed because of this, more snakes clustered around the island, and they were waiting for the "enemies" to come automatically with their blood-red tongue letters.

"To fight Wanning, Dazhou Island must be occupied. That is a ready-made landing ship. As long as the little devil has a foothold on Dazhou Island, he can continue to attack."

Brother Kuang Lai actually thought so in his heart, he smiled and said: "It's a pity that I can't watch this human-snake battle in person. Military seat, let's make a bet? Who will the final winner of the bet be?"

"Snakes! Little devils don't have so much time to entangle with them. Besides, Yamamoto 56 is such a shrewd person. If he realizes that this is a game we arranged, he will definitely want to get rid of it subconsciously. I'm only worried about it now. , if the little devil prepares enough snake medicine, then we will be miserable."

Dazhou Island is too close to the coastline. In order to prevent these snakes from migrating to Hainan Island and causing snake disasters, the coast of Wanning has been specially processed. Not only the flood control wall is erected at 90°, but also planted behind the flood control wall. Sufficient quantities of herbs with snake repelling properties.

The shelling, which lasted for 10 minutes, not only blasted the suspicious facilities on Dazhou Island to the ground, but also plowed the Wanning Hainan Line.It should be said that the bombardment achieved good results, but what worries Yamamoto 56 is that because there has been no counterattack from the beginning to the end, the defense force in the Wanning area is still a mystery, and his hanging heart has become more and more disturbed. "Dazhou Island, as long as we take Dazhou Island, everything will be decided!" He thought, staring at the lights on the sea ahead, and never moved from his nest since then.

(End of this chapter)

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