Chapter 1076 Devil
On the coast in the distance, there are sparkling fires and many fires caused by explosions are burning. On the 26th of the lunar calendar, the moon is at its shyest time. Since there are no clouds in the sky, she only shows a tooth-shaped face That's all.Of course, or, she was surprised by the murderous aura below——

Onitsuka Shoshiro stood in Oshimamaru's captain's cabin, with his arms around his command saber, his eyes followed Oshimamaru's main searchlight to patrol back and forth, and the expression on his face gradually became serious.On Ozu Island, the embers caused by the explosion were still burning. What Onitsuka was puzzled about was why not only was there no trace of people on such a large island, but even no trace of fortifications?Could it be that there are no people living on this island?

Aikawa Mingxian stood on Onizuka's right hand. As the frontline commander of this landing battle, his face was tense. The searchlights on the three ships illuminated the scheduled landing point a dozen times back and forth, and his expression relaxed. "Your Excellency, I'm going down, do you have any explanation?" He asked Onizuka.

"Send a squadron to the island first, ask them to bring more flashlights, and search the entire island immediately after landing!" Onizuka said.

Aikawa was a little puzzled, but he respectfully agreed.

Ten minutes later, a small landing craft left Oshima Maru and headed for the scheduled landing point.Under the watchful eyes of Onizuka, Aikawa and others, more than three hundred devils jumped into the shallow water with the lights provided by the three large ships, and then trekked towards Ozu Island.

"Your Excellency Onizuka, why do you have such an expression?" Oshima Maru's captain, Major Toyama Kosan, returned to the captain's room after finishing his work. Seeing Onizuka's expression, he blurted out and asked slightly surprised.

"I always feel something is wrong. Mr. Yuanshan, have you read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?"


"Then you should know the 'empty city plan'?"

Yuan Shan looked at Onizuka with a puzzled expression on his face—the "empty city strategy" refers to a strategy to cover up the emptiness of strength and deceive the enemy by using cover-ups, but the current scene of Ozu Island seems to have nothing to do with this, right? ? ——"Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

"Anti-empty city plan!"

Anti-empty city plan?Yuan Shan was still puzzled.

Onizuka didn't want to continue to explain, he said: "Look, I hope I am worrying unfounded."

More than three hundred devils went up to the land under the guidance of more than ten searchlights of different sizes, and then searched in small groups.Being nagged by the God of Onitsuka made him a little nervous, seeing a squadron of soldiers scattered away, Yuan Shan felt relieved.However, he wanted to find a topic to continue chatting with Onitsuka, when suddenly, "Bah! Bah!" Gunshots rang out on Ozu Island.The gunshots were a little far away from here. First they rang twice, and then they set off firecrackers without stopping. "Sure enough, there is indeed an ambush on the island!" Shocked by Onizuka's foresight, Toyama yelled.

"Fire flares! Don't be stingy!" Onizuka suddenly shouted.The orderly under the captain's cabin heard it and immediately conveyed his order downwards.After receiving the order a few minutes later, Aikawa immediately ordered his subordinates to fire flares.Flares one after another swept over Dazhou Island, and immediately illuminated the southwest side of Dazhou Island.In the light, more than a dozen devils waved their pistols and ran back in a daze. They shouted something while running.

The distance was a bit far away, so I couldn't hear what they were shouting clearly, but what happened next made everyone who witnessed it horrified, each of them was jumping wildly, and they were collectively speechless.

A dozen devils ran out of a mountain, and suddenly, the last two fell down for no reason.The people in front screamed in horror, they turned around and shot wildly, and some even threw grenades.However, what they hit was their own people who fell to the ground.Then, an unimaginable scene appeared, others struggled and fell to the ground suddenly. They cried out in horror and struggled, but it was as if they were possessed by a demon, and everything was in vain.

The distance is a bit far, and because there are rocks on the mountain, the searchlights can't shine through, so although there are flares to provide light, even with binoculars, they can only see their blurred figures——

"The devil! The devil! It's the devil!" I don't know who shouted this first, and immediately, as if the devil had come to the side, the deck of Oshima Maru was in chaos.Oshima Maru carried a total of two small landing craft, each of which can transport about 500 people at a time.Just as the first small landing craft left Oshima Maru for Ozu Island, another landing craft was already full of soldiers.There are lights on the Oshima Maru, so although the soldiers feel flustered, because of the existence of the light, they can find support from the acquaintances around them, so the degree of timidity is limited.It was different on the small landing craft. It was located on the inner side of the Oshima Maru, and the lights on the "Least" and "Chokai" were blocked.When the flares were burned out and most of Dazhou Island fell into darkness again, the horror in the hearts of the devils on the small landing craft was beyond words when facing the shadowy Dazhou Island.At this time, people always hope to see the light, and always hope to be in a relatively safe environment. Compared with Oshima Maru, this small landing craft is really too dangerous.As a devil shouted: "The devil is coming! Go to Oshima Maru quickly!" All the devils on the landing craft fought bravely to get back to Oshima Maru, and there was a mess.In the midst of crowding, falling into the water inevitably happened.A ghost fell into the icy sea, and the fear of unknown danger immediately made him shout: "I fell into the water, help me! Help me!" He didn't call for help, but when he shouted for help, the others were eager to return. The mood to go to Oshima Maru became more urgent.

A good landing battle has evolved to this point. As the scale of the riots became larger and larger, Onitsuka Shomuro finally came to his senses. He walked out of the captain's cabin and stood on the bridge, and then let the searchlight soldiers shine the searchlight on himself , he waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Bage, what do you want to do? What the devil? They are just the remnants of the Chinese soldiers! Bage, look at yourself now, you are still worthy of being called the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire Is it? Yuanshan Xiaosan!"

"Your Mightiness!"

"Put down the anti-aircraft machine gun. From now on, if anyone dares to disturb our army's morale again, he will be punished with treason!"


The Oshima Maru is equipped with three 20mm caliber anti-aircraft machine guns. As the muzzles of the three anti-aircraft machine guns face the deck, the rioting devils are immediately deterred.

"Master Aikawa!"

"Here!" Xiangchuan Mingxian squeezed out of the crowd sweating profusely.

"You are a well-behaved regiment captain. Now I wonder, are your soldiers really part of the imperial army? Devils! If the Chinese people are devils? Then what are we who have captured most of their land? The Chinese people If it is a devil, our Yamato nation is a god! Bage, now I order you to bring two brigades to the island yourself!"

"Hay!" Xiangchuan responded loudly, then turned around and began to growl at his subordinates: "Shame, shame! You were so frightened by the small ambush of the Chinese people! Are you still worthy of being called soldiers of the empire? This The shame must be washed away with the blood of the Chinese people, now, attack me, I will smash those Chinese people who pretend to be gods and ghosts to pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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