Chapter 1077 The Snake
How bad will the lack of intelligence be?
More than [-] devils went to Dazhou Island, but only [-] people escaped in the end.Although lower animals like snakes don't have much wisdom, their numbers win.Moreover, in terms of survivability at night, humans cannot be compared with snakes.Snakes can grasp the terrain by sticking out their tongues, but people have to rely on their eyes.Because the searchlights on the three large ships "Mogami", "Chokai" and "Oshima Maru" were shining on the southeast side of Ozu Island, the snakes instinctively gave up this area.And after leaving the range of the searchlights of these three ships, the snakes appeared like ghosts and ghosts, always appearing in places that the little devil least expected. Soon, the ghost soldiers of the two brigades tasted the feeling of lying in ambush.

"Snake, it's a snake!" A devil exclaimed—feeling something entangled his feet, he bent down and reached out to touch it, and immediately knew what he had caught.Snakes really hate being touched by people. This devil is obviously used to being rude, and he uses a lot of force. Well, he opened his scarlet mouth and bit down hard, and the devil immediately howled in pain and fear.His miserable howling didn't last long, because soon, more snakes came to him, including a viper.

Snakes swarmed out, and soon, more than a thousand devils in the front were surrounded by snakes. "Snake!" Some devils are obviously very afraid of snakes. Once they feel a snake swimming towards them, they can't help but pull the trigger.

Because of the previous lessons, these two thousand devils acted in groups. In this way, although they found support for each other, at the same time, it was extremely easy to cause accidental injuries.The devils in these two brigades carried limited flashlights, so although they wanted to shoot snakes in their minds, once they shot, the sights would often catch the comrades around them.As soon as the gunshot rang out, someone was accidentally injured.There was a miserable howl, and the team became even more chaotic.

Aikawa walked in the middle surrounded by more than a dozen military policemen. He reacted quickly, and immediately ordered flares to be fired as soon as there was chaos ahead.However, it's okay not to fire the flares, once the flares are fired to have a panoramic view of the surrounding environment, even Aikawa can't help but gasp.Snakes, lots of snakes!At a glance, there are densely packed snake heads and tongue letters moving up and down. "Bage, what's going on!"

"Snake!" When he found himself trapped in a snake's nest, the devil's mentality immediately collapsed.Regardless of military discipline, they turned around and ran away. However, when they turned around, they were horrified to find that behind them was the same sea of ​​snakes as in front of them—at some point, they had been surrounded by snakes.

"Don't panic! The machine gunners gather in the middle! Others form an array, and the officers take action, organize a volley of guns to shoot! Retreat!" Aikawa forced himself to restrain his mind and calmly ordered.

The machine gunners gathered quickly, and some soldiers also lined up under the orders of officers at all levels. They resisted their fear and fired with volley guns to clean up the snakes on the retreating road.The sound of machine guns rang out, and amidst the rain of bullets, hundreds of snakes were crushed and sent flying. However, more snakes rushed up.

The gunfire rang out again, and as the gunfire became more and more intense, and some soldiers fled to the first landing point, Onitsuka Shomuro took a deep breath and then let it out slowly, his face could no longer keep a steady face. The expression changed: "Did the Chinese actually build a powerful fortification on Dazhou Island? If that's the case, it at least shows that Ouyang Yun had expected that the imperial army would attack Hainan, so this time's Hainan strategy might not be successful." It went so well!"

Yuan Shan could no longer stand at this time, he suggested to Onizuka: "Your Excellency, do you want to send more reinforcements? It seems, it seems that Aikawa Colonel can't resist it anymore!"

Another batch of broken soldiers fled back, and they threw themselves into the sea regardless of their care. Many people ran to the landing craft and shouted something loudly.Although I don't know what they are calling, but from their actions, it can be seen that they have clearly received a heavy blow, and their morale has completely collapsed.

"Let'Least' and 'Chokai' prepare for bombardment!" Onitsuka Shomuro said, a painful expression flashed across his face, and then he looked like a millennium-year-old ice.

"But Your Excellency, Colonel Aikawa hasn't withdrawn yet."

"Can he still escape?" Onizuka asked back.

The sound of gunfire on the northeast side of Dazhou Island has gradually faded away, and as more than a hundred officers and soldiers escaped from the mountain in a panic, Onizuka Shaoshi directly shouted to the messenger below: "Command Watanabe!" Commander and Major Miyazaki, let them bombard! Cover the evacuation of officers and soldiers!"

"Hay!" The orderly responded loudly, and then raised the signal light and raised the semaphore.

In the captain's room of the "Mogami", Watanabe Hanchuan questioned after receiving the report from the messenger: "Did you read it correctly? Is it really shelling?!"


"This round of attack failed again? The imperial army of the two brigades!" Watanabe said, gritted his teeth in pain, and then gave the order to shell.

When the cannons sounded, Ai Chuan, who was guarded by more than a dozen military police, gritted his teeth in pain, and then shouted: "Everyone, run for your lives! Whether you can escape depends on your luck!"

"Your Excellency, let's go together!"

"Can I go? Do you want to see me appearing in the dock of the military court covered in bruises? Hahaha, the majestic Imperial Japanese Army was defeated by a group of beasts. I am not willing!" Ai Chuan said and pulled He drew out his own command knife, and then amidst the exclamation of several "Your Excellencies" of his subordinates, he directly grabbed the blade with both hands and inserted it into his abdomen fiercely.

"Anyone who can escape, please, please bring a message to Commander Yamamoto, information, information!" After enduring the severe pain, Aikawa pulled out the knife with his last strength, and blood gushed from his abdomen immediately Fell down in the rain.

Yamamoto 56, Koizumi Toshiichiro and others have been closely following the Ozu Island battle.However, because of the night and the distance, they didn't know that the attack had failed until they received a telegram from Onitsuka Shomuro.

"What? Failed? Also, lost two brigades of the Imperial Army?" Koizumi said with disbelief before Yamamoto had yet to speak after the communication staff read the telegram from Onizuka.

Yamamoto didn't believe it either.In fact, all the Japanese officers in the captain's room didn't believe it—it doesn't make sense in common sense. Even if it was a premeditated ambush, it would take at least two to kill the two brigades of the imperial army in such a short period of time. double the strength.Dazhou Island is only big in total. If the Xuebing Army really ambushed 4000 people on it, where are they hiding?You know, the previous bombardment almost completely plowed Dazhou Island.The smallest caliber of shells is 150mm. Even if Ouyang Yun hides people in the cave, the bombardment of this shell may cause deafness and other symptoms due to the violent explosion.

The more he thought about it, the more incomprehensible he became, the more he thought about it, the more incomprehensible he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt Ouyang Yun was unfathomable.Now, even Toshiichiro Koizumi changed from his former arrogance, and treated Ouyang Yun, his destined opponent, seriously.

(Old poison: today's third watch--)

(End of this chapter)

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