Chapter 1083 Fun Karma

The huge water column was stirred up, and the telescope lens suddenly turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.The surface of the sea was a little calmer, but the sea water turned red—how much blood from the imperial army would it take to dye it red? !

Standing on the bridge of the "Kaga", Yamamoto 56 suddenly thought of this. He only felt his heart beating hard, and he immediately lost his center of gravity and staggered backwards.

"Your Excellency, Commander!" Several officers hurried forward to support him.Koizumi Toshiichiro ran over, his right hand holding the binoculars shook violently, wanting to say some words of comfort, but he couldn't say anything after moving his lips for a long time.The war is so cruel, and the cadet army has such a powerful armed force, all of which are beyond his expectations—it’s because Japan has been at peace for so long, and even I have forgotten the nature of war—he is like this Comforting myself, confusion and fear lingered in my heart, and the previous self-confidence and arrogance disappeared.

On a high platform above the Dongshanling Temporary Headquarters, Shan Renxiong watched the shelling scene through a high-powered telescope. As more landing craft were overturned or even smashed to pieces, a strong pleasure flowed through his body, and his right hand couldn't help it. He squeezed and punched hard, and he shouted: "Grandma, it's fun! Just hit like this!"

"Military seat, let me see!" Brother Kuang Lai said, rubbing his hands together, his heart itching to watch.

Shan Renxiong glanced at him in his busy schedule, and said, "It's cruel, you'd better not look at it, I'm afraid you'll vomit!"

Brother Kuang Lai's face flushed slightly.There is a source for Shan Renxiong’s words. During the Battle of Nanjing, Brother Kuang Lai, the chief of staff of a certain brigade, participated in a battle. Fighting a bayonet with a devil soldier, he was very heroic and chopped up the little devil, but what happened next made him a joke of the whole army—the little devil fell on his front foot, and he lay on the ground with his back foot madly Spit up, and eventually had to be carried off the battlefield by the soldiers on a stretcher.At that time, Ouyang Yun described him: "You can't go to the battlefield if you can shoot bullets and carry guns." Why can't you go to the battlefield?Throwing up at the sight of a bloody scene, can this be used on the battlefield?If there were devils around him at that time, he would have been killed with a single bayonet.

"Military seat, that's all in the past!" After saying these words very seriously, Kuang Lai moved closer to the front of the telescope, and in the camera, a bomb suddenly dropped next to the devils who were struggling desperately in the sea, and the next For a moment, with a bang, the devil closest to the bombing point was immediately dismembered into pieces.Blood and flesh splattered everywhere, afraid of what would come, although Brother Kuang Lai tried his best to suppress the feeling of nausea, but in the end his will was no match for his body's reaction, and he vomited with a "wow".

Shan Renxiong had expected this scene a long time ago—after all, the scene of the shelling was too bloody, and as we all know, Brother Kuang Lai is the most "bookish" among the senior leaders of the Five Armies.Someone helped him to the side, he leaned over to look at it for a while, and said: "It's time to bombard the enemy ship!"

How many devils were killed by this bombardment? After the war, the two sides have different opinions.More than 1000 people from the Fifth Army reported to the headquarters, while more than 600 were killed and more than [-] were injured from the United Fleet to the headquarters.

The marines of a brigade were struggling and moaning under the artillery fire of the cadet army. For this reason, many senior officers of the United Fleet felt like a knife was piercing their hearts.However, this was not a mainstream reaction.For example, Arima Zhengwen, after watching through the binoculars for a few minutes, a ferocious smile appeared on his face: The Chinese people hid deeply enough, and they can really bear it, but what can this change?In the face of the powerful armed forces of the United Fleet, it is only a matter of time before the defense forces in the Wanning area collapse!Under his supervision, telegrams were sent from the battleship "Yamashiro", and soon, with "Yamashiro" as the center, more than [-] warships of various types completed the formation.Immediately, under the unified command of Arima, more than [-] warships fired a thousand guns, and the shells roared towards the three exposed forts like raindrops.

On the "Oshima Maru", Captain Toyama Kosan once again asked Governor Onizuka Shoshi to evacuate.

Onizuka shook his head resolutely, pointing to the landing craft that were struggling to approach the "Oshima Maru" and said: "We have already sorry Aikawa-kun, now, do we have to give up these most loyal warriors of His Majesty the Emperor? No, absolutely not Mr. Yuanshan, please remember, no matter how powerful our navy is, if we want to capture Hainan Island, it will ultimately depend on the officers and soldiers of the Marine Corps! This front and back—”he originally wanted to say, “this front and back have already been sacrificed How many imperial troops?" Before he finished speaking, the sound of sharp artillery shells piercing the air sounded, and several officers who devoted themselves to their duties behind him immediately swarmed up and threw him and Yuanshan down, protecting them with their own bodies. up.

This is a 180 mm caliber shell fired by a secondary gun of the Dazhou Fort.The shell hit the front deck in front of the main gun, and with a loud "boom", the fireball rose into the air, the deck in front of the main gun was torn, and the main gun immediately fell down.As early as when the Ozu Fort was the first to fire the artillery, the Japanese artillery on the three ships "Oshima Maru", "Mogami", and "Chokai" launched a counterattack.At this moment, shells have been loaded into the main gun of "Oshima Maru", and several artillerymen are preparing to fire.Well, the main gun rolled down, and the firing rope just hooked on the protective armor on the left side of the turret. So, under the dumbfounded gaze of a few ghost artillerymen who were standing still, the main gun was fired passively.

The barrel of the main gun just rolled to an angle of about minus 15° from the sea level, so there was an "empty" sound of firing at first, and then, amidst the screams of several devil soldiers, the shells smashed as soon as they flew out of the barrel. On the front deck that had been torn apart—the sound of a violent "rumbling" explosion sounded, and the fireball generated by the explosion expanded in the opposite direction, engulfing the devil artillerymen and the ammunition behind them in an instant.

The martyrdom happened immediately, and dozens of 150mm shells exploded one after another. The entire front deck, including the captain's room where Onitsuka Shomuro and others stayed, was instantly engulfed by the sky-high flames.The "Oshima Maru" whose bow was severely damaged immediately began to roll forward slowly, and the next moment, the speed of the overturning suddenly accelerated-the Devil Marines surrounded by the "Oshima Maru" screamed mournfully.And on both sides of the "Dashima Maru" ship, those devils who were struggling to climb up the rope ladder became the most miserable people. It was better to lose their center of gravity and fall into the sea first. The landing craft swam away, and those who clung to the rope ladder while the "Oshima Maru" was shaking violently would be miserable.Even though they let go of the rope ladder and jumped into the sea, it was still too late. In an instant, they were swallowed up by the vortex caused by the prow of the "Oshima Maru" poking into the sea.

The devil soldiers on "Mogami" and "Chokai" are obviously very caring. Before the accident happened at "Oshima Maru", they were actively rescuing the devil soldiers on the sea.Suddenly, a violent and long-lasting explosion occurred on the front deck of "Oshima Maru", and the next moment the bow of the ship plunged into the sea, they were immediately frightened.

"Quick! Steer full rudder!" "Reverse! Hurry up!" The captains of the two ships were worried that they would be hit by the "Oshima Maru" in the same way, so they immediately ordered to retreat, leaving only the desperate Japanese soldiers behind. There are dozens of landing craft drifting in the sea of ​​fire...

(End of this chapter)

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