Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 1084 The Japanese Counterattack

Chapter 1084 The Japanese Counterattack
Three battleships, more than ten cruisers of various types, and more than ten other ships of various types aimed at the three forts to bombard at the same time. "The vegetation and loess layer on the immobile Dazhou Fort under the bombardment of the three ships were lifted.The gray reinforced concrete of the main bunker structure of the fort was exposed, and soon, large and small pits and even cracks appeared on it.

The sound of the explosion was deafening. Even though they hid in the cave behind, the students of the 38nd Regiment of the 502th Brigade were still shocked enough.The sand on the top of the head fell rustlingly, and the pale-faced students looked at the top of their heads, very worried whether the bunker would collapse. "Tuan Zuo, let's evacuate, will this collapse?" A student said to the regiment leader Shen Baoguo.

Shen Baoguo was also trembling in his heart, but out of common sense, he knew that withdrawing at this time would only kill him faster, so he pretended to be full of confidence and said, "Withdraw? Withdraw to be a living target for the little devil ? This is the safest place."

Compared with the reaction of the students, the artillerymen in front were very determined.One, they were wearing thick protective armor, which effectively blocked the sound of explosions; two, knowing the thickness and structure of the bunker, they didn't think that the little devils could lift the tortoise shell protecting them with long-range bombardment alone. .

No fire yet.Under Guo Guizhang's unified dispatch, the three forts are now targeting the two heavy cruisers "Mogami" and "Chokai".The three turrets fired non-stop. Finally, a 240mm main gun shell hit the main building of "Mogami". The next moment, including the captain's room, the superstructure of "Mogami" was completely destroyed This time, this heavy cruiser, which had been ravaged by the Air Force of the Cadet Army during the "Sink It" operation, seemed to be doomed to be destroyed this time.

The three forts around Wanning also joined in, and the targets of their first round of shooting were the "Shancheng" and other ships that were launching crazy retaliatory shelling.

The shells came and went with a nearly transparent tail flame, and the sound of explosions came and went. Occasionally, a series of explosions sounded——Shan Renxiong, who was far away in Dongshanling, saw that the three forts were all covered by fireworks for a long time, and he couldn't help feeling frightened. "Grandma, I finally saw the powerful armament of the little devil's navy!" He said, swallowing hard.

Brother Kuang Lai came back again, went down to rest for a while, and with a pale complexion, he insisted on staying on the front line—well, if Dongshanling, which is about 10 kilometers away from the Dazhou Fort, can also be counted as the front line of combat.Hearing Shan Renxiong's words, he licked his dry lips with his tongue and said: "Now I understand why the commander-in-chief doesn't let the navy go to war. Compared with the giant cannons of the little devil, our gunboats are small sampans. Ah, military seat, I'm a little worried, if the little devil has enough shells, the preparations we made before, I'm afraid, I'm afraid it will become a mere formality."

Shan Renxiong understood what he meant. In the face of overwhelming force, human factors such as skills and tactics can be ignored.He said: "It hasn't reached that level yet. Why do we adopt such a deep-seated strategy? It is to survive the devastating blow of the little devil for a longer period of time. That's right, comparing purely by force, we and the little devil have nothing to do with each other. Not at the same level. But you also saw that just now, didn’t the little devil’s landing force suffer a head-on blow? The original intention of the commander in chief to design the forts along the coast was to fight against the little devil’s fleet, and we used it to deal with Although the little devil's landing force is suspected of killing a chicken with a sledgehammer, as long as it can delay the landing time of the Japanese army and severely damage its landing force, the goal will be achieved. No matter how powerful the little devil's navy is, they want to occupy Hainan. In the end, we still have to rely on the ground forces—huh?!" As he spoke, his eyes focused on the battlefield from beginning to end.At this time, there is no need to use binoculars. After all, fireballs that are tens of meters high can easily be seen even if they are farther away, let alone standing ten kilometers away.And just as he was speaking, the Japanese shelling that had lasted for 8 minutes finally paid off.A 280mm shell hit the main firing port of the Dazhou Fort. Although it failed to penetrate due to the angle, it was enough to cause fatal damage to the Dazhou Fort.A muffled explosion sounded, and the main firing port was opened at 45° from bottom to top. Immediately, not only Guo Jianzhang but also two main gunners were killed on the spot, and the barrel of the main gun was also bent. What's more deadly was that because The main gun had just been filled with ammunition and warheads, but a martyrdom explosion occurred. Immediately, a burst of fireworks burst out from the narrow main gun chamber, which immediately attracted Shan Renxiong's attention.

Brother Kuang Lai followed Shan Renxiong's gaze, and he inquired, "Is the Dazhou Fort finished?"

Shan Renxiong leaned towards the binoculars with a sullen face, and after a while he raised his head and let out a deep breath and said, "It should be that the main firing port was hit by the front and caused the explosion-there are too many guns of the little devils, and the caliber It’s big enough, the Dazhou Fort is considered destroyed. Order Zhang Dali to stop the bombardment, for the time being, let’s avoid it for a while!”


On the flight deck of the "Kaga", Sankey Yamabe, who had just got off the fighter plane and hadn't finished drinking a cup of hot tea, boarded the fighter plane again.He will again conduct reconnaissance missions to observe the effects of the ship's artillery bombardment.The fighter plane roared into the sky, and Tsukahara Ershisan stood in a daze in the exhaust of the Type 99 fighter jet—if he was full of fighting spirit and longing for victory before he approached Hainan Island, now, despite the weather It was hot, but he felt the bone-chilling cold.From last night to now, the shelling just now was the first time the silent student army showed their fangs, and they dealt heavy damage to the imperial army as soon as they shot.With such a short distance and such a dense distribution of troops, it must be difficult for the artillery to miss it.The Chinese people are so tenacious, the United Fleet put on a huge formation, and Wanning was so severely damaged, they were able to bear it all the time.Well, now it seems that the Chinese people are right. They have grasped the weakness of the imperial army—that is, if the Hainan Raiders want to be successful, they still have to rely on ground troops.Then, as long as enough blows are given to the imperial army's ground troops, in the end, even if all their defense facilities are completely destroyed, Hainan Island will still be firmly in their hands.

The Chinese people are not only tough but also smart enough. They obviously expected that the empire would use force against Hainan, so they took preventive measures early.Naturally, the defensive measures of the Chinese could not be limited to forts. Next, they must have other ruthless means.So, what should the Combined Fleet do next?

(End of this chapter)

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