Chapter 1085 Slap
It is impossible for Yamamoto 56 to miss the problems Tsukahara [-] can see.After landing in the Vanguard Fleet, among the three large ships, only the "Chokai" escaped successfully.Almost half of the landing craft came back, but just thinking about the remaining [-] dead or alive officers and soldiers in the remaining landing craft, Yamamoto felt an evil fire in his heart.The Ozu Island incident last night had already made Yamamoto very disappointed with Onizuka, and this happened again today, and his impression of Onizuka was extremely different.

"Where's Onitsuka? Why don't you see Onitsuka?!" He shouted to An Zai, the communications staff officer who came to report.

An Zai was very wronged. As a staff officer in charge of telecommunications, he didn't even know the specific battle plan, but how could he know what happened on the front line.However, being familiar with Yamamoto's temperament, he knew that at this time, he must not go back, so he replied skillfully: "Your Excellency Onitsuka is on his way here. Your Excellency, do you want to summon me immediately?"

"Let him come to see me immediately, immediately!"


Koizumi Toshiichiro has been with Yamamoto for nearly a month, and this is the first time he has seen him get so angry.Although he did not participate in the formulation of the specific combat plan for the formulation of the Hainan strategy this time, it had a considerable impact, which made him a little apprehensive, worried that the image he had finally established in Yamamoto's heart would be destroyed.He clearly knows that if he wants to achieve the goal of crossing, all he can rely on now is Yamamoto, and if he loses his trust, not only will the strategy of changing the development direction of the navy be ruined, but those he has mastered are far ahead of the time. Generational technology will also lose its usefulness.Before the battle, Koizumi, who regarded it as his first battle, was full of longing for the prospect of the battle and had deep expectations.Of course, since the Dazhou Island incident, he has seen the true cruelty of war, and he immediately realized his own gap—no matter how advanced his combat concept is, he has not personally experienced the war of the modern era after all, so he has a great understanding of war. My understanding is only limited to books - I still have a long way to go, at least at this stage, all I can do is to provide technical support.

Putting away his usual sense of superiority since time travel, Koizumi asked Yamamoto respectfully: "Your Excellency, what should we do next?"

Yamamoto turned his head and gave Koizumi a cold look.The so-called greater expectations lead to greater disappointment. Confused by Koizumi's endless theoretical knowledge, Yamamoto once thought that Koizumi had the qualities of an excellent commander.However, the facts have proved that compared with the "later person" in China, Koizumi is far worse.Now that the Hainan campaign has progressed, it is not so much the United Fleet's crushing defeat in the contest with the Xuebing Army, but Koizumi's crushing defeat in the contest with Ouyang Yun.Although the base camp has long had the intention of attacking Hainan, if there were no "noises" (yes, "noises") that Koizumi Toshiichiro kept chattering in Yamamoto's ears during this period of time-after Koizumi's mysterious aura faded, his Yamamotos would have thought If it is very logical and far-sighted, it becomes meaningless at this moment), and it is estimated that the Hainan Raiders will take a while.The United Fleet launched the Hainan Raiders at this time, in order to fight the United States.In Yamamoto's heart, he once stubbornly believed that Japan and the United States had no chance of winning a war, but Koizumi's analysis gave him hope.But now, the cruel reality has burst the soap bubble of hope.Among the three towns of the Xuebing Army, Hainan must have the worst defense and the easiest to break through. At one point, Yamamoto even thought that adults would bully children if he attacked Hainan with the powerful armed forces of the United Fleet, but the cruel reality gave him a blow. Loud slap.Although the battle didn't last long, why do you feel that your side's actions are being calculated by the Xuebing Army every step of the way?Yamamoto is not sure whether Ouyang Yun is in Hainan, but because of the lessons learned from "Let's sink", he stubbornly believes that this must be due to Ouyang Yun's plan-the more he feels Ouyang Yun's brilliance, he looks back at Koizumi, The gap between the two is highlighted.Ouyang Yun was always able to strike late, but what about Koizumi?Why can't he be prophetic?
Yamamoto's cold eyes made Koizumi feel like a needle prick in his heart.Yamamoto is the god in his heart, the hope to save Japan, but now, Yamamoto's attitude made him realize that God no longer trusts him.Hainan Raiders, he has exerted too much influence, perhaps, he is expecting that he can come up with a solution.Koizumi thought so, gritted his teeth and said: "Your Excellency, I really didn't expect the Xuebing Army to be so persistent. This is my mistake in judgment, I'm sorry!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. You just asked me what to do next. I want to test you. Based on your experience from later generations, what should we do now? You see, although we have used powerful ship-based artillery The coastal artillery of the Xuebing Army was suppressed, but the Marine Corps suffered a heavy blow. Next, even if we can completely destroy the coastal artillery of the Xuebing Army, if the Marine Corps cannot carry out an effective attack, the Hainan Raiders can only be defeated in the end. It ended with our retreat—we mobilized our troops to the South China Sea, is it just to consume the precious human and material resources of the empire? Southern Taiwan is now occupied by the Chinese, and it is not easy for the combined fleet to come to the South China Sea. Moreover, We still have to guard against the fighter jets of the Chinese..."

So far, although the Xuebing Army has only launched a counterattack, as Yamamoto 56 said, it hit the vital point of the combined fleet at once.That's right, the aircraft carriers and heavy gunboats in the joint fleet are the main force of the Hainan Raiders this time, but the harvest of the fruits of victory ultimately depends on the Marine Corps.The absolutely fatal blow of the Xuebing Army disrupted the specific combat plan of the Hainan Raiders, and made Yamamoto feel unsustainable. This is the reason why he was extremely dissatisfied with Onizuka.

As Lan Volcano said, the existence of the Xuebing Army's Hainan air force has always been Yamamoto's most worrying existence.The crash of two Type 99s convinced Yamamoto that the Xuebing Army did have an aviation unit in Hainan.In the following time, although no fighter plane appeared in the sight of the Japanese, the more so, the more uneasy Yamamoto felt.

Koizumi has never experienced "sink it", so he can't understand the anxiety in Yamamoto's heart.He carefully organized his words, and said: "Your Excellency, the original combat plan must not be used. Don't you think, Your Excellency? Judging from the reaction of the Chinese people so far, they seem to have all our information, Your Excellency." , Is it possible that there are senior Chinese spies inside us?"

Radar is still a new thing for the current Japanese, but Koizumi, a traveler, ignored this point.Then, a tragedy happened——Koizumi's speculation made Yamamoto feel more reasonable as he analyzed it. He pondered for a while and said, "It's entirely possible, um, it seems that it is imperative to conduct a counterintelligence operation at the Ministry of the Navy." Yes. Koizumi, think about it carefully, in the history you know, is there anyone who worked for the Chinese people?"

(End of this chapter)

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