Chapter 1086 Cruel
A man without knowledge is shameful.Regardless of Yamamoto, after all, he is not a technician, and he does not have the concept of radar in his mind.But what about Toshiichiro Koizumi?This guy with a wealth of knowledge from later generations was unable to judge the fact that the Xuebing Army had radar in the face of so many suspicious signs, which made people sigh.

After the end of the Hainan campaign, the Japanese Navy Department launched an anti-intelligence operation that lasted for more than three months. Not to mention how many officers suffered "unjust injustice" during this operation and died at the hands of their own people. The illusion of "purging political dissidents" caused many officers of the Navy Department who have always been extremely united to begin to have two ambitions, which greatly affected the "reconstruction" work of the Japanese Navy. The blow to the Japanese navy was far greater.

Not only did Ouyang Yun not know about these things that happened later, Yamamoto 56 was also unexpected.

Back to July 7th.Yamamoto once again listened to Koizumi's opinion. When he met Onitsuka Shaomuro later, he first severely criticized the latter, and then proposed a new combat plan: after the bombardment and bombing achieved certain results, send multiple groups of small troops ashore , in order to induce the ambush of the student army to show up, so as to adopt indiscriminate bombardment to take advantage of the combined fleet.

"Use your strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, Onitsuka-kun, do you understand what I mean?"


The Marine Corps continued to suffer heavy losses, and Onizuka, who was once high-spirited, was now like an eggplant beaten by frost, so he dared to raise objections.

Yamabe Chuan Sanjian once again demonstrated his superb flying skills in front of the officers and men of the United Fleet.Under his control, the Type 1003 fighter numbered 99 was like a nimble carrier pigeon circling up and down between the three forts of Dazhou, Hele, and Beipo. After 10 minutes, he brought back detailed information: Three forts had been destroyed, but the one a little further away was not damaged.According to the situation detected by Yamabe, Tsukahara suggested to Yamamoto: dispatch part of the fleet to annihilate the discovered forts, and at the same time dispatch aviation to bomb towns that may hide ambushes a little further away.

"We want to put the entire Hainan Island in flames. Your Excellency, we must let the Chinese people know the fate of going against the empire!" At the end of the telegram, he stated his point of view.

Yamamoto agreed.In order to avoid being seized by the student army again to carry out actions similar to "sink it", this time, he only agreed to send a squadron of fighter jets.

"The Chinese people are waiting for an opportunity, and only sent a squadron of fighter jets to escort them. Will they feel that the opportunity has come? As long as the Chinese air force dares to show up, we will deal a devastating blow!" He explained to Koizumi that he only sent a squadron of fighter jets The reason for the escort.

As a lesson from the past, Koizumi felt that it would be better for him to watch more and learn more at this stage. It is rare that he did not express any opinions.

Tsukahara's combat proposal is in line with Arima Zhengfu's thoughts.How many people died in the Marine Corps, or even what kind of heavy damage the United Fleet suffered was not his concern. What he pursued wholeheartedly was how to give the Chinese people a painful memory.

Led by the "Shancheng", a total of [-] warships left the fleet. They headed for Sanya and arrived at the scheduled sea area half an hour later.Immediately, the shelling of Guangpo and Haitang Forts began.Not only that, after completely suppressing the two forts, Arima also ordered extended shooting. Immediately, the entire area of ​​Sanya was shrouded in endless fireworks caused by the explosion.

Sanya is not far from Wanning. When Wanning became a sea of ​​flames, the people of Sanya began to evacuate.Unlike Wanning, due to geological reasons, Sanya has very few air defense facilities, so people have to evacuate Sanya with their families to avoid possible air raids.

Not everyone is aware of this. When the air raid sirens sounded, at least one-third of the people in Sanya chose to stay.By the time the shells fell, it was too late for them to escape.For various reasons, the buildings in Sanya are mainly made of wood structures, which made the bombardment effect of the Japanese ships more and more impressive. Often, a single shell can ignite a residential area.

Sanya is stationed in the Xue 43 Brigade. Among them, the brigade commander Yun Dian will stay in the Songhe Reservoir area with the troops directly under the brigade.

When the Japanese squadron began to move towards Sanya, Admiral Yundian received a report from Du Xin. He immediately had someone sound the air defense alarm and began to organize the troops to disperse and hide.

The bombardment came as scheduled. First, the two exposed forts were instantly covered by mushroom clouds of large and small sizes, and then Haitang Bay and Tian Duxiang became a sea of ​​flames.

Songhe Reservoir is not far from these places, so they can even hear the screams of people in the sea of ​​fire.The pitiful screams were heart-wrenching, and immediately some students couldn't bear it anymore.The political director, Hua Jiao, ran to General Yun Dian to ask for instructions: "Lao Yun, let me bring some people to help the people evacuate. They don't understand the cruelty of war at all, they are too paralyzed."

General Yun Dian felt uncomfortable, but he resolutely rejected Hua Jiao's request to fight: "War always kills people. Our task is to help defend the fort. However, I guess the fort will not be able to defend it. The military position is still overestimated." The anti-shell performance of the fort! But it doesn't matter, the little devils will always land, as long as they dare to come up, it's our time!"


"Don't worry, remember, we are soldiers first! Don't forget your duty!"

The shelling lasted only 10 minutes.Guangpo and Haitang Fort actually stopped shelling a long time ago. Of course, because of the strong sound and light effects produced by the firing, they failed to escape the eyes of the little devil watchmen.The forts along the coast of Hainan Island are still very solidly built. The reason why the Dazhou Fort was destroyed was completely accidental. Therefore, although it seems to Yundian that both Haitang and Guangpo Forts were destroyed, in fact, these two forts They were all just skin wounds.

The Japanese fleet began to evacuate, and Hua Jiao was asking for instructions to bring people to rescue, when the air defense alarm from the Wuzhishan radar station arrived.

This time, the Japanese ships flew two waves of fighter planes, of which [-] came from Sanya; the other [-] flew directly to the northeast.

"You little devil is planning to turn Sanya into a purgatory!" The request was rejected again by General Yundian, and Hua Jiao punched the grass bitterly.

General Yun Dian put on a tiger face and ignored him.General Yun Dian was not a hard-hearted person. During the Battle of Nanjing, as a small company commander of Jiangsu First Security Division, he once braved the sky full of artillery fire to save a baby under the age of [-].But so what, there were more than tens of millions of children who fell under the fire of the little devil, and he could save only the nearest one.

"There is only one way to prevent our children from suffering this kind of disaster, and that is to completely defeat the Japanese army and drive the little devils out of our land!" Huang Ye said this, and the cloud point will be deeply moved Bearing this in mind, since then, his heart seems to have become as hard as iron.

(End of this chapter)

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