Chapter 1087

When Yamabe Chuan Sanjian brought five other fighter jets and [-] bombers over Haitang Town, the whole Haitang Town had already been set ablaze by continuous bombardment.The fire and the thick smoke soared into the sky, and Yamabe felt happy and regretful at the same time: "It's a pity, I thought I could catch the Chinese soldiers, but—"

The wingman Shinjujuro was gesturing at the left front, Yamabe followed his guidance and looked over, the corner of his mouth twitched, revealing a cruel smile.About 2000 meters away from the fire scene, a group of people were running away in a panic along a small forest.He waved his right hand, and the next moment, eighteen fighter planes roared after him.He made another gesture, meaning free attack.Then he lowered the fighter plane and flew a little further away.As an ace pilot, Yamabe felt that massacring civilians would insult his identity.Of course, what his subordinates will do has nothing to do with him.

Looking back, he saw a few fighter jets rushing down with their teeth and claws flaming, and the muzzles of the airborne machine guns sprayed flames. He thought coldly: "Poor Chinese people, if you want to blame, you can blame the Xuebing Army. Since they are stationed in Hainan, Why don't you dare to stand up?"

This grove is only about a kilometer away from Songhe Reservoir.The officers and soldiers of the 43rd Brigade wore full camouflage and lay down in the grass or even half in the lake. Many people saw the scene of purgatory that happened a thousand meters away, and they hated it in their hearts.

Hua Jiao heard the heart-piercing howls from a distance, he gritted his teeth and hit the ground hard with his right fist, blood dripping from his fist without realizing it—"Shame, shame, shame to the soldiers! What is it? We are Chinese soldiers, and our responsibility is to protect our people, but what are we doing?" Finally, he roared at Yun Dianjiang.

General Yun Dian was also in pain.He pressed his helmet firmly against the ground to cover his face, and suddenly there were two tear stains on his face.Unlike when he was a soldier in the First Security Division of Jiangsu, the cadet army paid special attention to this aspect of education. After a long period of indoctrination, every student soldier was cultivated in the mind of this concept: We are soldiers of the people, and our existence is to To protect our home and our country, the common people are our parents, who are worthy of our life to protect...

On Dongshan Ridge, Shan Renxiong's expression suddenly became very ugly.The Japanese plane was dispatched again, and it flew deep, which was beyond his expectation.The battle at the Dazhou Fort has not yet been resolved, how can the little devils aviation dare to fly deep?If Qiongzhou Airport is discovered, then Blue Volcano's air force will definitely be besieged by the little devil's superior air force.And once there is a problem with Blue Volcano, then he will be too passive.Losing the only armed force that could threaten the Japanese fleet and aviation, the next actions of the Japanese aviation will definitely be more unscrupulous. Is it necessary to go down?

At Qiongzhou Airport, when the new Japanese aircraft formation information from the Wuzhishan Radar Station was transmitted, except for the twelve bombers of various types parked in the hangar, the other 24 fighters parked on the airport had all removed their camouflage.Knowing that the combat direction of the Japanese aircraft formation this time may extend to Qiongzhou, the eyes of Lan Huanshan, who was standing by the fighter plane, immediately turned red.That's all for the other fighters. Because the Baiji and Sky Fortress are too big, it's easy to remove the camouflage, but it's very troublesome to cover it again. At least, don't try to camouflage them all in half a day.He was angry at the time. The reason for this situation was the single hero. Because of his order, the pilots of the Qiongzhou Flying Brigade were so excited that they couldn't wait to remove the camouflage. Now that it's all right, they may have been exposed in advance.I dare not scold Shan Renxiong, but for Zhang Dali and others, Lan Huoshan will not be stingy with his anger. He roared on the spot: "Damn, what are those guys on the front line doing? They can't even last an hour!" ?”

Regarding when the Qiongzhou Flying Brigade will enter the battle, Shan Renxiong and Lan Huoshan had consultations before the war. They agreed that the best time for the brigade to attack is when the Japanese army dispatched aviation in large numbers and ended the battle and prepared to return.Qiongzhou is only [-] kilometers away from the front line, and with the speed of Baiji and Sky Fortress, it only takes about a quarter of an hour to catch up with the enemy plane.At that time, even if the Japanese plane can return to the departure aircraft carrier, it is impossible to complete the reloading.At that time, it may be another "sinking bar".

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, but I didn't expect that shortly after the camouflage was removed here, Japanese planes flew in groups.

"Captain, let's take off and attack! Instead of waiting to be passively attacked, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so as to shoot down more enemy planes!"

The squadron leader of a fighter squadron suggested to Tianyu.

Lan Huoshan thought for a while, then punched hard with his right hand, and shouted: "Brothers, get on the plane and attack!"

"Do you want to notify Commander Shan first?" Chief of Staff Zhang Yifei said.

Blue Volcano rolled his eyes at him and said, "Is there any difference?" Then he shouted loudly: "Listen to me, fly to Haitang Town immediately after takeoff. After contact with the enemy plane, fight for at most fifteen minutes, quarter hour From now on, no matter what the state is, I will immediately turn around and fly towards Guangzhou, do you understand?!"


"Chen Shaoyao!"


"Especially you, show me the time, and fly to the northeast immediately after the battle is over a quarter of an hour! If the fighter plane is still there, we still have a chance. If the fighter plane is gone, we can only be passively beaten. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Brothers, let's go!"

Dozens of ordinary people, including two women with children in their arms, ran towards Songhe Reservoir under the pursuit of a Type 97 naval attack aircraft. The Type 97 ship attack dived back and forth, and every time it dived, the two machine guns on its wings would spit out orange-red flames like poisonous snakes.Among the fleeing crowd, someone would be hit and fell to the ground immediately.

About 500 meters away from where Yun Dianjiang and Hua Jiao were hiding, Dai Feng, the second lieutenant platoon leader of the 43rd Brigade's security company, watched the scene more than 200 meters away, gritted his teeth, and his lips were bitten.

"Platoon leader, fuck it! Damn it, the little devil is not human!" said a soldier named Zhang Hao.

The Type 97 naval attack swooped down again, and this time its target was the young woman who was holding the two or three-year-old woman.

Among the fleeing crowd, a white-haired old man was the first to spot the young woman. He turned and ran towards the young woman, shouting as he ran, "Xiao Yu, run! Xiao Yu, run!" Many people in the fleeing crowd stopped. When they got down, they hesitated whether to turn around and give the young woman a hand, but when they looked up and saw the roaring fighter planes, they gritted their teeth and chose to continue running for their lives.

The young woman, Xiao Yu, has never run so vigorously since she was so old. She thought she would not be able to run very far, but so far, she has run for at least 10 minutes, and she has run an astonishing distance.Her whole body was already soaked in sweat, her hair was dripping with sweat, and the ends of her hair were dotted with stars, which were the salt frost formed after the sweat dried.The little boy in her arms has long been crying hoarsely because of fright, and he can no longer make a sound. The expression of the always graceful and elegant mother today is something he has never seen before. That ferocious look filled his young heart. Fear, he opened his eyes wide in horror and called to his mother, but his mother had no time and energy to comfort him - all she was trying to do now was to take the child away from the pursuit of death.

The gunshot rang out, and although there was a distance of nearly 200 meters, Dai Feng still clearly saw the blood mist gushing out from the young woman's body during the stop.The old man was shot right after, and the bullets swept across them, and two smoke belts flickered up on the ground.

"Woooo..." a soldier cried.

Dai Feng's eyes widened, and he suddenly yelled: "The child is not dead, the child is not dead!" He jumped up and rushed up with his Wei Qing-style assault rifle.

(End of this chapter)

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