Chapter 2058
As early as in the Battle of Wuhan, Yang Sen had dealt with Xue Bingjun, and at that time he had the feeling that people were more popular than others, but now seeing Rao Guohua's lineup, he could only smile bitterly in his heart, and suddenly felt that he had been so vain for so many years. alive.During the war in the Republic of China, the three southwestern provinces fought the hardest. This is why the soldiers from Guizhou, Yunnan and Sichuan were able to fight tough battles when they were on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War.Although Yang Sen's vision is not wide, for example, he doesn't know the use of tanks or the meaning of infantry coordination, but as an old soldier, he just glanced around the battlefield to understand how powerful the student army is now.There is artillery support at the rear, and judging by its posture, it doesn't care about the loss of ammunition at all. The front is the kind of heavy tank that can shake the ground when it starts, and the rear position of the heavy tank is covered by armored vehicles and infantry.Regardless of the tactical literacy of the students, Yang Sen knew that they would win this battle with such a strong firepower output.

"Bi Chen, your style of play is too bullying. It's just a waste of money! Well, if I have such an army, I don't need many, even if I have a division, I don't need to live in the mountains of Guizhou," He expressed emotion, and glanced at Zhang Lingfu intentionally or unintentionally.Zhang Lingfu was the "supervising army" sent by Lao Jiang to Yang Sen's visiting team, but from Zhang Lingfu's point of view, he didn't care about the duty of supervising the army at all. Instead, he was quite curious about the tactics and weapons of the student army.

Zhang Lingfu understood the meaning of Yang Sen's look.Lao Jiang asked Yang Sen to surrender Rao Guohua and Liu Yuqing, the reason being that Ouyang Yun would discriminate against the Sichuan Army, and Rao and Liu would definitely have no ambitions in the Xuebing Army.However, the facts proved that Lao Jiang's reason was not valid. Ouyang Yun had no intention of discriminating against the Sichuan Army at all, and even relied heavily on Rao Guohua and Liu Yuqing.

"Mr. Hui, we are just treating him in the same way. Think about how rampant the little devils were during the Battle of Songhu and the Battle of Nanjing. The planes bombed in the sky and the cannons bombed on the ground. The guidance of our commander-in-chief The idea is that as long as it can be exchanged with shells, there is absolutely no need to pay for it, and every student is priceless..." Rao Guohua said.

Zhang Lingfu suddenly interjected: "General Rao, with your attack strength, Nanchang is just around the corner. Will you take the opportunity to attack Hunan?"

"Our goal is to regain the entire territory of Jiangxi and Hunan. We don't have the strength yet," Rao Guohua replied.

"Doesn't your army have regular troops with 41 divisions? And the air force is very strong..." Zhang Lingfu said.

"But our combat area is equally vast - Taiwan, the Philippines, the Indochina Peninsula, the Northwest, Zhejiang, and now Jiangxi. Colonel, our strength is not enough to launch a larger-scale counteroffensive."

Zhang Lingfu did not dwell on this issue any longer, but asked: "General Rao, can you arrange for me to go to the front line to see?"

Rao Guohua became vigilant, and was looking at him to figure out his intentions. Yang Sen slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, yes, they say how the Xuebing Army can fight. Let's see it close."

Rao Guohua frowned: "The front line is too dangerous."

Yang Sen waved his hand and said, "Bi Chen, are you afraid of revealing your army's military secrets? Don't worry, we know the seriousness, and we won't talk nonsense when we go back."

Yang Sen's words have reached this point, Rao Guohua thought about it and stopped insisting, called the guard team, and then led them to the front line.

Rao Guohua issued an order before departure, asking the frontline troops to leave them alone, so after they went up, the frontline warfare did not change.As Yang Sen said, Xue Bingjun's style of play is bullying.During the previous three hours of bombing and shelling, the Japanese permanent fortifications were almost non-existent.The 40th Division had only one brigade of tank troops. These tanks were wiped out by the Baiji medium-sized bombers of the Xuebing Army Air Force before they could reach the battlefield. threaten.However, lacking the cover of trenches, the volunteer team was often killed by machine guns and student snipers behind them before they could rush to the front of the mandrill.Therefore, although the ground troops of the Xuebing Army had only been engaged in the attack for less than an hour, all the Japanese positions outside Nanchang were destroyed, and they could only rely on Nanchang City Defense for defense.

Tanks are not conducive to siege and street fighting, and the only way to fight this battle is to rely on armored vehicles and infantry.At this time, the role of the Japanese army's stand-up team was reflected.

Rao Guohua and his party first came to the southern suburbs where Mao Xianglong's brigade was mainly attacking.About 3000 meters away from the south gate of Nanchang City, the sound of guns suddenly became denser, and the activities of the stretcher team composed of old Jiangxi cousins ​​also became active. The sound of guns was occasionally mixed with various human voices. Rao Guohua waved He ordered the guards to stop advancing, and said to Yang Sen, "Mr. Hui, you can't go any further, just watch here."

Before Yang Sen could speak, Zhang Lingfu frowned and said, "It's too far away, come closer."

Rao Guohua firmly disagreed, saying: "It's too dangerous, you are my guests, I must guarantee your safety."

Yang Sen picked up the binoculars and looked forward, then said: "Just look here, you can look carefully with binoculars."

When Yang Sen spoke, Zhang Lingfu had no choice but to follow suit. He picked up the binoculars and looked towards the battlefield ahead, and immediately couldn't care about anything else.The first thing he caught was a ghost soldier jumping off the city wall with a cluster grenade in his arms. He quickly moved the camera down, and then saw an armored vehicle and a few students in camouflage uniforms behind the armored vehicle.The armored vehicle and the cadets reacted at the same time. The machine guns on the armored vehicle spewed out flames, while the cadets fell on their backs, raising their rifles and firing fiercely at the same time.The devil soldier exploded in the air, turning into a ball of fire and hitting the front of the armored vehicle, and then the fireworks from the continuous explosion enveloped the entire armored vehicle.As soon as the explosion stopped, more than a dozen figures in yellow military uniforms rushed out of the fireworks - the devil soldiers in the city took advantage of the momentum and launched a counterattack. "It's a pity!" Zhang Lingfu thought in his heart, and was about to turn the camera, when suddenly the door of the burning armored vehicle was pushed open, and a figure with his whole body on fire rushed into the ranks of Japanese troops.Immediately, a ball of flames exploded, and this student actually chose the same fighting method as that devil's stand-up team... Because of this student's sacrifice, the students behind the armored vehicle stabilized their positions, and immediately, the tragic hand-to-hand combat began.Zhang Lingfu watched a student pull out a big knife with his gun on his shoulder. He shook his head and thought why he used a knife when he had a gun, but then his eyes widened—in a maximum of three seconds, the student brought down two Of the devils, the first one was decapitated by him with a knife, and the stomach of the second one was cut open by him.The devils who rushed out were quickly killed. Zhang Lingfu quickly calculated and concluded that the ratio of the two sides' battle losses was one to two, with the Xuebing army one and the Japanese army two.Considering that the artillery fire of the Xuebing Army had caused no less damage to the Japanese army than this kind of positional warfare, he knew that Nanchang would really be captured by the Xuebing Army today.

"Is this still the Chinese army?" He suddenly murmured softly, with an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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