Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2059 Engineer Shovel and Snipe

Chapter 2059 Engineer Shovel and Snipe
"Ge Laozi, I just want it!" Yang Sen's blood boiled, and he couldn't help bursting out with Sichuan-style swearing.

Rao Guohua's face was full of worries. Given that his side had absolute air supremacy and superiority in artillery and tanks, the casualties were so heavy, how many casualties would the Madang Fortress have to pay?Since the second battle of Changsha, the Japanese troops in Jiangxi have not fought a major battle for a long time. This gave the Japanese army enough rest time and greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the second-line divisions of the Japanese army. Intensified the consumption of the student army.

Zhang Lingfu noticed Rao Guohua's expression and asked, "The battle is going well, what is General Rao worried about?"

"The casualties are too great."

Hearing this, Yang Sen looked at him with a look of surprise, and said, "If my estimate is not bad, the ratio of your army's losses to the Japanese army's is about one to three. This kind of casualties is completely acceptable." He said bitterly. : "When our 20th Army fought in Wuhan, our casualty ratio was four to one against the Japanese army. In the end, even the brigade commander and division commander had to go to the front line. Bichen, you are hypocritical!"

Rao Guohua shook his head and said: "Mr. Hui, you should have seen that our firepower configuration is completely superior to that of the Japanese army. When Mr. Jiang made the battle plan, he gave a bottom line of no more than 1 casualties, but now, I don't think we can pay The price of a brigade may not be able to win Nanchang. After winning Nanchang, we still have Jiujiang and Madang to fight. The Japanese army is increasing troops to Jiujiang, and I am worried-"

"Did I hear you right? You want to win Jiangxi at a cost of no more than 1 people?" Yang Sen blinked and said in an unbelievable tone.

"It's not the whole of Jiangxi. Yingtan and Shangrao have long been under the control of our army. To be precise, it's just the northwestern and northern Jiangxi."

"That, that's also—" Yang Sen said shaking his head, not knowing how to continue.Even if the Japanese army did not send more troops to Jiangxi, they still had two divisions and one independent brigade with a strength of more than 5. Jiang Guangnai only dispatched three divisions with less than 1 troops, and he was only willing to sacrifice [-] people. Winning, if he didn't know the combat power of the Xuebing Army and knew about Jiang Guangnai, he would almost suspect that it was a dream.

"You can't fight like this!" Rao Guohua made a decision at this time. Regardless of Yang Sen and others' surprised eyes, he directly asked Huamai to call the three brigades on the front line, asking them to suspend the attack.Then he said apologetically to Yang Sen and the others: "I want to adjust the tactics, Mr. Hui, I'm sorry I can't accompany you. Colonel Zhang, please forgive me." Then he asked for You Ansheng, director of the division's political department, to accompany Yang Sen Waiting for others, he took a few guards back to the headquarters.

Rao Guohua left with a worried expression on his face. Yang Sen and the others looked at me and looked at you, all of them were so surprised that they couldn't be more surprised. "This, isn't it too crazy?" Someone said softly: "It's like being a Japanese army."

"He has the capital," Yang Sen frowned and stopped the others from continuing to speak strange words.

Zhang Lingfu knelt down and drew a topographic map of Nanchang with his hands on the ground. After pondering for a while, he couldn't think of any way that Rao Guohua could not only ensure the capture of Nanchang but also avoid excessive casualties. His brows furrowed deeply. .Yang Sen and Zhang Lingfu walked all the way, and what they admired most was his dedication to military affairs. Seeing this, they squatted down and looked at it for a while and smiled: "Don't think about it, I guess Rao Guohua will use the wolf teeth."

"Spike Special Forces?" Zhang Lingfu asked thoughtfully.

"If you want to fight in the street, casualties are inevitable. In this case, the best way is to take over the headquarters of Aoki and cause chaos in the Japanese army's command system," Yang Sen said confidently.

"President, is Langya really as magical as in the legend?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but I believe it's true!"

"I really want to see it—Chairman, we will definitely not be able to complete the chairman's task. It is a small consolation to be able to see the tactics of the Spike and the Xuebing Army. Can you tell General Rao that we will let you I attended--"

"Impossible. Langya is the direct descendant of Ouyang Yun's direct descendant, and the frontline commander of the Xuebing Army has very limited command authority."

"That's too bad!"

"It's okay, we can't see the process, we can know the result. As long as we know how many people they left when they went out, and how many people are left when they come back, it is not difficult to guess their combat power."

Zhang Lingfu was reasonable after thinking about it, so he could only suppress his curiosity.

The Xue Bingjun suspended the attack, but the battle on the front line did not stop because of this. After the contest between large and small troops stopped, snipers from both sides began to appear on the scene, which opened Zhang Lingfu's eyes again.

You Ansheng was more talkative than Rao Guohua, and after they came, he took them to the front line at their request.When everyone entered the front line, they saw that the students did not seize the time to rest, but picked up the engineer shovel to seize the time to dig the trenches and build the front-line fortifications. Xiangyou Ansheng asked if he could give him a hand.

Yang Sen and the others were all focused on the firearms, but Zhang Lingfu noticed that the engineering shovel was different, which made You Ansheng very emotional.As a political director, he needs to get in touch with some political things. He knows that the headquarters is already planning for the post-war period, so he intends to make good friends with Zhang Lingfu, so he praised: "Major Zhang has a good vision, our engineers shovel There is a prefix called multi-function, you can see what functions it has.”

After Zhang Lingfu got the engineering shovel, he was immediately attracted. He looked at it carefully again when asked, and replied: "The prefix of multi-function is good. Not to mention it can be used for digging. It should also be used as a saw. Well, it seems to be It can be used as a bottle opener. In addition, it should also be used for hand-to-hand combat—hehe, I don’t know about other functions, are there other functions?”

Yang Sen and others were also attracted.Hearing Zhang Lingfu's words, Yang Sen took a closer look, and sighed in admiration: "Fuck me, I'm convinced, even an engineer shovel can make so many tricks, it's unreasonable not to beat Little Japan."

You Ansheng smiled lightly, took the engineering shovel from Zhang Lingfu, folded the blade of the shovel to form a 45° angle with the handle of the shovel, and said: "Tie a rope to the handle, and it can be used as a hook. Each company is equipped with There is a special bow and crossbow, which can be fired about 100 meters."

Zhang Lingfu's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"In addition, it can also be used as a pot when surviving in the wild," You Ansheng said, and then adjusted the engineering shovel into a shape: "This can also be used as a vise, and if you pull this apart, it will be a special climbing shovel." tool."

"General You, I have something to say." Zhang Lingfu suddenly looked at You Ansheng seriously and said, "Whether it's the Central Army, the Sichuan Army, or your army, everyone is an anti-Japanese team. You have such good things. It should be promoted across the country regardless of factions, which will greatly reduce the casualties of frontline soldiers.”

"Major Zhang, you are wrong to blame us. It's not that we hide our clumsiness. It's because this kind of engineering shovel has high requirements for steel materials. The Japanese army also imitated this kind of engineering shovel, but they developed the function of the vise and the hook. No."

"Can you give us a batch? Guizhou is mountainous, and this kind of engineering shovel is of great help to us," Yang Sen said suddenly.

You Ansheng smiled wryly: "Commander Yang, I can't decide this. You should contact our headquarters."

Yang Sen was about to say something when suddenly cheers came from behind him: "It's hit, it's hit!" "Madman, it works!"

"What's going on?" someone asked.

You Ansheng was facing the battlefield, he said calmly: "Our sniper just killed a devil sniper, this devil sniper is very powerful, we have already killed several people in his hands, including a regiment leader. "

Everyone's attention was immediately attracted, Yang Sen suggested: "Come on, let's take a look!" Everyone then walked along the traffic trench to the trench where cheers came from.

(End of this chapter)

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