Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2698 Tojo On Guerrilla Warfare

Chapter 2698 Tojo On Guerrilla Warfare
Ishihara originally estimated the total number of casualties at around [-]. That was the result of listening to Koizumi Toshiichiro and defining a super bomb as a hundred times more powerful than a missile.And now it seems that, obviously, he is still optimistic.No, it is simply too optimistic.

"The Chinese only dropped one bomb in Nagasaki?" Everyone was silent for a long time, and Minai Mitsumasa couldn't help but ask.

How many bombs the Chinese army dropped, now it seems that this is indeed a question worthy of further study.Because if there is really only one bomb in each place, then the power of this bomb is really shocking.

Everyone looked at Shi Yuan with a smile.And from Minai's words, it's not difficult to hear that they still have luck in their hearts at this time.

"Only one," Ishihara said with a smile, his face pale as paper.

The others gasped, Konoe Fumimaro and Minai Mitsumasa looked at each other, and the complexions of both of them became extremely ugly.They suddenly thought of a question, that is, if the Chinese also set Tokyo as a bombing destination, what would happen now?How many of them have already gone to see God Amaterasu? !
In the list, Hideki Tojo seemed the calmest because he knew the super bomb the most, and because he was prepared mentally.He watched with cold eyes and took the expressions of the other people into his eyes, and a sneer appeared in his heart: Are you afraid?That's good, otherwise, how could I have a chance.He looked at Yu Ren again, saw his serious face, stepped forward and bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Hirohito was turning his head to look at the mushroom cloud outside at this time. He saw the mushroom cloud in his eyes, but in his heart was the scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood under the mushroom cloud.Speaking of which, Hirohito has seen the world. For example, when the Japanese army massacred the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas of China, he could receive various telegrams about how many Chinese people were killed and injured almost every day. From the initial shock to the later surprise , he has actually been used to treating the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives with a cold-blooded attitude.Of course, they were all hostile countries before, but now they are their own people. He is not a real god in the first place, so it is naturally impossible to remain indifferent. "Could it be that I did something wrong? Invading China was a mistake at all?" He thought in his heart, and regret flooded his heart like a tide.

Tojo raised his head to peek and saw Hirohito distracted, he quickly lowered his head, and at the same time said in a louder voice: "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

"Oh, Sir Tojo, please tell me."

Tojo raised his head, first he glanced at the others calmly, seeing that they were all looking at him, he felt proud, but at the same time made his expression more humble, and said: "Your Majesty, gentlemen, I would like to ask everyone One question. Because the Chinese have this kind of killing weapon, shouldn't we resist?" He almost yelled out the last sentence, so it sounded deafening to the ears of others.

"Yes? Don't we resist?" Minai Mitsumasa couldn't help but followed, and then looked at Tojo, with admiration in his eyes.Then he looked at Hirohito, his eyes became firm.

Konoe Fumimaro's reaction was similar to Minai's.When Shi Yuan heard this, his heart shuddered, and he came to his senses in an instant, thinking to himself what happened today, how could the thinking of the usually slack first-class soldier become so quick?Then he looked at Tojo with a hint of vigilance. "Your Majesty, now that we know the dangers of the super bomb, as Tojo-kun said, shouldn't we resist? Your Majesty, now we are more certain that the Chinese people used this weapon to deter us. I think that if you look at this matter from another angle, it may not be impossible to understand that the Chinese people actually lack the courage to land and fight—" Shi Yuan said, looking up at Hirohito.

Hiroren's expression froze when he heard it, and he thought for a while and said, "Shi Yuanqing continue—"

"So I think that the most pragmatic way for us now is to consider how to defend in order to deal heavy damage to the Chinese army at the beginning of its landing. I believe that once the casualties of the Chinese army reach a certain level, the Chinese will lose the courage to continue to attack—"

"Ishihara-kun is sure that the Chinese will not use super bombs again?" Tojo Hideki suddenly interjected.

Shi Yuan looked at him with bad eyes: "I didn't say that. Whether the Chinese people will continue to use super bombs, none of us can say for sure now. But since we are not going to surrender, why should we consider this issue? The Chinese people If you want to blow up, let him do it. We just need to fortify layers and disperse the army as much as possible. Do the Chinese dare to completely sink the Japanese peninsula? Your Majesty, I think it's time to start the kamikaze defense plan In addition, we should also send people to contact the Swiss government as soon as possible, and exchange Pingjin and Shanghai for the Chinese not to continue using super bombs."

"Never surrender?" Konoe Fumimaro asked.

"Never surrender!" Ishihara replied firmly.

"Your Majesty, I disagree with Ishihara-kun's defense plan," Tojo said suddenly.

All eyes were on him.

Tojo held his head high, and said loudly: "Kamikaze defense step by step, I think this is not conducive to the advantages of our army's local operations. Your Majesty, gentlemen, I know what I will say next will definitely make you unhappy, but I It must be reminded that the elite of the imperial army has been exhausted on the battlefield in China, and the current local army is quite insufficient in terms of training and actual combat experience. I think that instead of letting the Chinese people be wiped out one by one and continue to attack the morale of the imperial army, it is better to let the Chinese People come in, and then choose a terrain that is beneficial to me to have a decisive battle with the landing Chinese army. Moreover, the deeper China enters our territory, the more difficult it will be to supply. Your Majesty, you also know that the reason why the imperial army became weaker and weaker after fighting in the Chinese battlefield , a big reason is because of the harassment of the Chinese guerrilla army. Since the Chinese have proved the feasibility of the homeland defense and guerrilla warfare, why don’t we return the same way to the other side?” Finally, he said firmly: "Let the Chinese people in, and then use guerrilla warfare and frontal resistance to eliminate them. If we can force the Chinese government to increase its troops, then maybe we still have a chance to reverse this war..."

"Guerrilla warfare?!" Hirohito's heart skipped a beat.

Konoe Fumimaro and Minai Mitsumasa looked at each other, and they both saw the look of approval in each other's eyes.Then Fumimaro Konoe said: "If you don't see him for a day, you will be amazed. Tojo-kun, I really didn't expect you to have such a strategy."

Satisfied in his heart, Tojo pretended to be respectful, bowed his body and said, "Your Excellency, the Prime Minister is overwhelmed. This is just my superficial opinion. I don't know whether it will be used or not."

The more humble he is, the more kindly Konoe and Minai, including Hirohito, will look at him, and at the same time, Ishihara's frown will become tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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