Chapter 2699 Contradictions
At this time, there was no shortage of anti-war voices in Japan. Therefore, Ishihara Wanji needed a main fighter like Hideki Tojo to stand up and help him charge forward.Another reason why he was willing to let Tojo come back was because he felt that Tojo was simple-minded and easy to control.Because of this consideration, when Tojo suddenly showed his wise side, he couldn't help becoming vigilant.Shi Yuan did not expect the Sino-Japanese war to come to this point, but he still did not think that China had the ability to attack the Japanese mainland, so he was so resolute in the main battle.Of course, there is no absolute in everything. Just in case, he thought that he should have a certain strategy and bottom line even if he wanted to resist.And if it really comes to the day when it is impossible to resist, surrender is inevitable for the sake of the survival of the Yamato nation.

Shi Yuan had his own considerations, and naturally he didn't want the main fighters to get out of his control.Hideki Tojo's performance was so outstanding, of course, his motive was for military power, but this violated Ishihara's bottom line.

"Tojo must not be given the chance to take over again, otherwise he will definitely put Japan in a situation where there is no redemption!" Ishihara thought in this way, looking at Tojo with vigilance.Then he thought again: "It's strange, when did the first class soldier possess such political wisdom. No, there must be an expert behind it." Thinking of this, Shi Yuan had a plan in mind.

Tokyo, Hideki Tojo's mansion, Shen Chunming stood in the courtyard with his hands folded, looking at the huge mushroom cloud in the distance, his heart was full of shock.Shen Chunming's current Japanese name is Tojo Koji, and he is the distant nephew of the Tojo family.Lai stole the day to change the sun, because he looked very similar to Koji Tojo, so after four years, Koji Tojo returned to Tokyo as a wounded person.Shen Chunming entered Japan three months ago, so he knew very little about super bombs. Because of this, when the real power of super bombs was shown to him, he was as shocked as his cheap uncle. "It's a pity that it can't be used against Tokyo. Otherwise, as long as Hirohito and the top Japanese leaders headed by Ishihara are blown up, our army will definitely be able to occupy Japan without bloodshed," he thought, feeling a sense of cruel pleasure in his heart.

"Master, it's time for dinner." There were slight footsteps behind him, and then an elderly accent sounded behind him.

Shen Chunming's heart trembled, the words of instructor Gu appeared in his mind, he immediately calmed down, turned around slowly, looked at the old housekeeper and said, "Uncle hasn't come back yet."

"The general told you not to wait for him, young master, please."

Shen Chunming looks like the captive Japanese captain Koji Tojo, and Koji Tojo is actually the nephew of Hideki Tojo's family.Chang Gen didn't dare to be careless about Hideki Tojo, and reported to Ouyang Yun.Three days later, Ouyang Yun specially called Chang Gen over, and then there was Shen Chunming's trip to Tokyo.

The plan to steal the sky and change the sun has been carried out so far, and its members who have entered Japan have exceeded 100.Among the 100 people were Jiang Yige, Wang Mingcheng and others who joined the Japanese army and obtained high positions, as well as "idlers" like Koji Tojo who focused on the future or were responsible for a single task.Every member of the Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun Project is the most precious asset of the country, and they try to be cautious about their use, from Ouyang Yun down to the team leader and company commander of the operation team.The task assigned to Shen Chunming by the action team is to let him assist Hideki Tojo to promote Japan's firm resistance.

At first glance, this seems to be contradictory to Ouyang Yun's original intention of capturing Japan at the lowest cost, but because Ouyang Yun hopes that Japan will be more gentle after the war, then the effective force that can kill Japan to the greatest extent during the war becomes inevitable choice.To achieve this, it is not enough to rely on the Chinese army alone, and the full cooperation of the Japanese side is also required.Therefore, Shen Chunming's task is to help Hideki Tojo regain power and promote the Japanese army to resist to the greatest extent.

China used eight nuclear bombs to bomb eight regions in Japan, directly causing more than 200 million casualties among Japanese soldiers and civilians, and these eight regions will become veritable Jedi for a long time to come. When this news spreads around the world Open, the world's public opinion was collectively silent at first, and then boiled into one.

The folks, as long as they are hostile countries to Japan, regardless of the United States, Britain, France, and Soviet Russia, are all jubilant.Among them, the Soviet Russians called for a nuclear bombing of Germany even more loudly, saying that eight nuclear bombs would definitely not be enough to bomb Germany, and twenty would be needed anyway.Among the people of several countries, the French are considered to be the most reserved. However, it is not difficult to see from the following incident that this incident actually had a huge impact on them. The entry records of French people at the ports showed a continuous growth trend. In July, more than 7 French people entered China through these two cities.The number of French people entering China has increased sharply. At the same time, the support rate of the French government in Emboss has also continued to soar.Obviously, through China's nuclear bombing of Japan, the French's confidence in restoring the country with China's help has never been stronger.The U.S. and the U.K. are Japan’s belligerent countries, and the U.S. is the second-largest victimized country (some Americans also consider it the first-victimized country), and the response from the people is the strongest.On the second day after the nuclear explosion, festive parades broke out in many cities in the United States. Americans took to the streets to express their gloating over the nuclear bombing of Japan. At the same time, they really began to look differently at China, and even Started calling China "our ally" and the Chinese "our most sincere friend".

However, the cheers and enthusiasm from the people cannot represent the attitude of the governments of various countries.Although several major powers have successively sent congratulatory messages to the Chinese government, congratulating the Chinese government on the heavy blow to the Japanese military government, but in private, they set up a special department to investigate the real power of the Japanese nuclear explosion, and at the same time held an emergency consultation meeting—— They discussed the feasibility of their own country to manufacture nuclear bombs, and at the same time re-examined relations with China, and discussed the necessity of raising China's strategic ally status.

Apart from these allied countries, the Axis powers naturally had to be mentioned.In Berlin, Germany, when the relevant news came, Hitler first read the dossier about the bombing of the Norwegian heavy water plant, and then slapped the table to reprimand the heads of the intelligence and security departments, saying that it was because of their inaction that Germany’s nuclear power plant was destroyed. It lagged behind China in research, and openly clamored that the Chinese had stolen German nuclear research data - "The Chinese are a group of despicable and shameless robbers!"

(End of this chapter)

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