Chapter 2700 Hitler Assassinated

If it is said that the Japanese nuclear explosion gave Hitler a slap in the face and made him angry, for Guderian, Manstein, Rommel and others, its effect is equivalent to pouring a plate of cold water on them first and then giving them to eat A reassurance pill was given.

In Germany, Hitler's influence is too great, and there is no doubt that the current Germany is the most powerful period in its history. These factors make the top German military leaders of other anti-Greek organizations except Guderian Entering the anti-Greek camp but still feeling lucky or unwilling to cooperate with the Chinese government just like that.But now, as China ate eight nuclear bombs to Japan in a row, they were surprised by the terrifying power of the nuclear bombs. They finally got rid of the inertial thinking that Germany is the most powerful army in the world, and began to think about the future of Germany and China in a pragmatic way. Allies come.

When the eyes of the whole world were attracted by the eight huge mushroom clouds over Japan, in Berlin, Germany, another major event destined to shock the world was underway.The initiator of the incident was Stauffenberg, the founder of the German Far East Officers' Club and Hitler's most staunch opponent.Because of the pass provided by Gore, three majors and a captain from the Far East Officers Club were able to successfully sneak into Hitler's secret residence and successfully found Hitler.

Hitler, escorted by a group of SS soldiers, was approaching his car parked in the yard when one of the majors, Grusser, walked towards him.Even though he was walking, without a Communist Party or military boss around him, Hitler was still showing off his speech skills-" the Chinese think that with a super bomb, they will be invincible? I will Tell that Ouyang Yun with bloody facts that China is nothing compared to Germany. Before I was unwilling to launch a full-scale war against China, it was only because I was not interested in the land of the Far East. But now, since the Chinese dare to Provoke me again and again, then I will give them what they want..."

The news of China's nuclear bombing of Japan, Grusser also learned from Stauffenberg, out of fear of the power of nuclear bombs, he heard Hitler's words, he could not help but be determined to kill him idea. "He actually wants to start a full-scale war with China, which has a nuclear bomb. Hitler clearly wants to put Germany to death!" He thought, putting his hands into his trouser pockets at the same time.

Suddenly, an SS captain next to Hitler noticed him and immediately shouted to him: "Who are you, stop!"

When the captain shouted, several SS soldiers behind him also noticed Grusel, and some people subconsciously turned their guns.

Almost at the same time, Grusel pulled his hands out of his trouser pockets. Without saying a word, he raised the gun with his right hand and fired, and then threw a bomb with his left hand.

"Protect the Führer!" The brigade captain, who first sensed his abnormality, immediately shouted, and at the same time subconsciously blocked Hitler.Behind him, other SS troops immediately surrounded Hitler, and someone shouted: "There is an assassin!" "Stop him!"

"Ping—" the gunshot rang out, and then the "da da da..." gunshot rang out.

At this time, there were nine guards and a driver beside Hitler. Except for the four who were dragging behind, they were far away from Hitler, and the others were all by Hitler's side.These elite SS troops obviously have a wealth of non-actual combat experience. Two of them immediately raised their guns and shot at Grusser, while the others were surrounded by Hitler. The four behind immediately turned around and patrolled vigilantly. .

The bullet that Grusel fired first failed to hit Hitler. The captain of the battalion blocked a shot for Hitler.Therefore, although the bomb thrown by Grusel exploded successfully and its power was astonishing, but because the captain of the battalion was used as a human shield, it hardly caused any damage to Hitler.

The elite SS soldiers reacted very quickly. Grusser was hit by the dense bullets before firing the second shot, and then fell to the ground.

"Who, who is it, bastard! Let me get up—bastard!" Hitler was splattered with the blood of the captain, which made him furious.He shouted hysterically, his tone wild.

The SS elite did not dare to let Hitler get up, they slowly moved closer, first surrounded Hitler tightly, and then began to stuff Hitler into the car.At the same time, a military officer ordered the driver in the car to contact the headquarters of the head of state guard immediately.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, members of the guards poured in one after another outside the secret residence, and just as the SS elite guarding Hitler relaxed, three other assassination members appeared from three directions , one of them was carrying a bazooka, and the other two were holding a submachine gun.

The dense gunshots and the howling of rockets sounded at the same time, and the elite SS soldiers were frightened. Many people screamed loudly: "Protect the Führer!" One of them stood up and faced the direction of the rockets.

"Boom!" An earth-shattering explosion sounded. The SS soldier failed to block the full power of the rocket. He and the SS soldiers behind him were all blown up, and Hitler was also hit by several shrapnel. On his back, without anyone to support him, he almost instinctively reached out to grab the car door, but because of the loss of strength, he could only put his hand on the car door in vain and let his body collapse to the ground, and then he was beaten into a hornet's nest together with his two guards .

Six hours later, in Chongqing, Ouyang Yun was at home having dinner with Chen Jiayao and Xiao Min, when the phone rang, he put down his chopsticks and said to Chen Jiayao and Xiao Min, "I'll answer the phone," then Shi Shiran picked up the phone. phone.

"Won't someone ask Dad to go to work again?" Xiao Min pouted.

Chen Jiayao patted her head, and said in a low voice, "Who told your father to be the Prime Minister?" Then, she heard Ouyang Yun's voice suddenly raised behind her, and asked repeatedly: "Is it true? Are you sure? Really What?" She realized that the phone call was unusual, and couldn't help but turned to look at Ouyang Yun.

"Okay, I'll be right over! You can contact Chen Cheng and ask him to notify the others!" Ouyang Yun put down the phone, met Chen Jiayao's gaze and said apologetically, "Hitler is dead, I have to go to the command headquarters immediately. "

"Okay—what? Hitler's dead?!"

"What Chang Gen reported on the phone should not be false."

"It was so sudden. Doesn't that mean—"

"That's right, at this moment, there is no better news than this. Xiao Min, listen to your mother Chen carefully, be good," Ouyang Yun said to Xiao Min again, then picked up his coat and turned to go outside.

(End of this chapter)

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