Chapter 2881 Far East
Because of the victory in the frontline battle (for Koizumi and Inoue, it doesn't matter how many people died in the National Independence Army, as long as the attack of the Chinese army can be foiled, that is victory), Koizumi Toshiichiro and Inoue Narumi are in a very good mood.Both of them firmly believe that although Japan is still at a disadvantage in the war against China, the situation will only get better and better as the United States and Britain and other countries join the war against China, and Japan will definitely be able to turn around.

"I admit that I was completely defeated in the previous contest, but this is definitely not the final result. Ouyang Yun, I will choose to use your means to defeat you, hum, winner and loser, when China returns to the scheduled On the track of history, can you still become a national hero at that time?" The biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans have thoughts, and they can make progress by picking up the omissions through thinking.Objectively speaking, Koizumi Toshiichiro is definitely not a smart person, but as a time traveler, because he has a certain degree of foresight about the future, even after suffering so many failures, he still has the opportunity to make a comeback because of his foresight .Not only that, through analysis and study, he also found the key factors that Ouyang Yun relied on to make China rise, and believed that this is also suitable for saving the current Japan.

The reason why the Xuebing Army was able to rise was that Ouyang Yun used his foresight of history to take a step forward in everything.Just because they knew the direction of history, the former central government, the United States, Soviet Russia, and even Germany became the stepping stones for the army of soldiers and the rise of China.

"Everyone is a time traveler, if Ouyang Yun can do it, why can't I do it?" This is a sentence that Koizumi Toshiichiro has often recited silently in his heart for the past year.Judging from the current situation, Toshiichiro Koizumi seems to have really done it.Before that, between China and Japan, China entangled the United States, the United Kingdom, Soviet Russia and other countries to jointly deal with Japan, but now, the new situation that has gradually surfaced is that the status of China and Japan has been exchanged, and China has replaced Japan. Instead of being alone, Japan has a large number of allies.

Koizumi Toshiichiro is actively planning to reshape the country's image in order to re-emerge. On Ouyang Yun's side, although he is aware of Koizumi Toshiichiro's plot, because it is impossible to give up the national interests that have already been obtained, even if he knows that letting it continue to develop will not be enough. The country is in danger of being besieged on all sides, but it can only go to the dark with determination.

From the perspective of later generations, 1945 was a watershed year for China, but in the eyes of Ouyang Yun and others, this year was the most difficult and dangerous year.

On the Northeast battlefield, in order to prevent the spread of the plague from causing even worse consequences, the Supreme Command could only order the troops on the front line to slow down their offensive rhythm, and at the same time began to airdrop medicines and supplies to Changchun regardless of cost.Not only that, in order to prevent more Northeast compatriots from becoming funeral objects of the war, the State Council urgently set up a crisis response team and sent several work teams to the front to persuade the Northeast people to move to Mongolia and the interior.

For Ouyang Yun and his political partners, this is a difficult choice.Because slowing down the offensive tempo means giving up an easy victory.Not only that, in order to prevent the troops and residents in Changchun City from dying from the plague, the Supreme Command could only use strategic reserves to deliver materials to Changchun to help them resist the double attack of the plague and the Japanese army.

In the Far East, out of the sight of the Chinese Supreme Command and the Central Intelligence Agency, the Japanese 007 unit is stirring up more and more ethnic disputes like a crap stick.As incidents such as "Chinese soldiers raped/raped Russian women" and "Chinese crowd beat Russian youths to death" became more and more frequent, they gradually triggered large-scale "Russian collective protests" and "Russian protest crowds and local Intense clashes between the police force" incident, the senior coalition government headed by Ouyang Yun finally smelled something unusual.

"With so many conflicts within a month, there must be someone deliberately provoking them. Based on my experience in dealing with the Soviets, I think the Soviet government is the most suspect. With Stalin's character, now that there is no threat from Germany, he will definitely Find ways to take back the Far East,” Feng Yuxiang first expressed his personal opinion at a targeted meeting.

"Could it be the Japanese? The plague provoked ethnic disputes. The Japanese must have done everything they could to save their defeat in the Northeast," Tie Linfei said.

Because a large number of aerial fortresses were to be used to airdrop medicines and supplies to Changchun, in order to ensure efficiency, the Supreme Command specially asked Tielin Fei to come back to preside over the matter, and he was therefore asked to attend the meeting.

Ouyang Yun also tended to think that the Japanese were responsible, but he didn't express his opinion in a hurry, but continued to seek other people's opinions.

After Feng Yuxiang and Tie Linfei, Chen Cheng saw that no one else expressed their opinions, so he said: "The conjectures of Mr. Feng and General Tie both have some truth, but whether it is the Soviets or the Japanese, I think the first thing to consider now is Not these, but how to ease the tense ethnic confrontation in the Far East. The Soviet Russian government has protested many times before. If we cannot solve the problem quickly, I am very worried that the Soviet Russian government will take drastic actions, which will be very detrimental to us. In addition, in view of the inaction of General Zhang Jinchen (荩chen is Zhang Zizhong's character) in this series of incidents and his strong anti-Russian stance, I think he should be transferred back immediately and replaced by someone who is more moderate on ethnic issues I have to deal with this matter. I recommend General Huang Wei."

Because of his background in the Northwest Army, Zhang Zizhong has always had a bad impression of the Soviets. This is no secret in the military circles.What Chen Cheng said was not aimless.But it immediately angered Feng Yuxiang.

"Why didn't Zhang Jinchen do anything? Didn't he already send several investigation teams to the town where the incident happened to investigate and deal with it? Chen Cixiu, the Far East is in an extraordinary period, and we can't let ourselves mess around at this time. So far , Have we received any complaints about Zhang Jinchen's partiality and connivance on ethnic issues?"

It was common for Chen Cheng and Feng Yuxiang, old enemies, to confront each other at meetings, and Ouyang Yun was used to it, so he directly named Song Ziwen and Niu Yuehan and asked them to express their opinions.

Song Ziwen: "I think Vice President Chen is right. Whether it is the Japanese or the Soviets who are in the middle, we should first consider the aftermath. Also, we should inform General Zhang Zizhong and let him pay attention to the reactions of Russian officers and soldiers in the Far East Army. And control it. In addition, the central government should set up a special investigation team to investigate this matter as soon as possible. Even for the long-term stability of the Far East, we must find out the truth as soon as possible and take measures to prevent such incidents from happening again."

(End of this chapter)

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