Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 2882 Southern Border and Far East

Chapter 2882 Southern Border and Far East

Because of an incident that happened to Song Ziwen recently, his reputation was greatly affected.What's more, some people compare him to Wang Jingwei and his ilk, thinking that he is a traitor to GMD.In addition, he has always followed Ouyang Yun closely in his statements on major issues, and never agreed with Chen Cheng, so in Chen Cheng's heart, he really hated this person to the extreme.Now, Song Ziwen came to this trick again, affirming the front and vetoing the back, and Chen Cheng's face suddenly became very ugly.

Because of seniority and Ouyang Yun's favoritism, Chen Cheng has nothing to do with Feng Yuxiang, but it doesn't mean that he will tolerate Song Ziwen's "provocation".At that moment, he stared at Song Ziwen with a gloomy face and shouted: "Since Foreign Minister Song thinks what I said is right, why did you come up with another way instead of doing what I said? You contradict your promise, you are a naked villain." !"

Chen Cheng has wanted to scold Song Ziwen for being a villain for a long time, but it has never been as strong as it is today.Because just yesterday, the latter announced in a high-profile manner that he would leave GMD and join the Chinese National Unity Party.Song Ziwen, as one of the backbone and veterans of GMD, came to such a move, which was a fatal blow to GMD, which was already in the sunset.Yesterday, after hearing the news, Chen Cheng dropped the teacup in his hand to vent his dissatisfaction.

After scolding Song Ziwen for being a back-and-forth villain, Chen Cheng went on to say, "Zhang Jinchen has an unshirkable responsibility for the troubles in the Far East. If the Supreme Command doesn't hold them accountable, it will be difficult to convince the public. I think Zhang Jinchen must be replaced!"

For a long time, although Chen Cheng was called the supreme deputy commander, he actually didn't have a strong sense of presence in the supreme command.Now that he suddenly lost his temper, it had an unexpected effect, so many people including Ouyang Yun were unable to respond correctly immediately.

There is a reason for Chen Cheng's unprecedentedly tough attitude. As the helm of the former Central Army faction after Lao Jiang, his ability and prestige have been questioned because he has not been able to reap benefits for his subordinates (promotion).If he still wants to ensure his status as the second largest party in the GMD and integrate the power of the original Central Army faction, he must do something, and Zhang Zizhong's commander-in-chief of the Far East Army is exactly what he uses to "show his ability". Second choice.

After the coalition government came into power in Chongqing, although Ouyang Yun had no intention of suppressing the original Central Army faction, there were too many monks, and it was inevitable that the status and interests of many generals of the former Central Army faction were affected, especially the senior generals. .Objectively speaking, in the former faction of the Central Army, the talents of generals can be found everywhere.However, even if it was just because of their political stance, it was impossible for Ouyang Yun to boldly appoint them.Maybe Ouyang Yun didn't mean to suppress them deliberately, and they might promote them when they meet the right opportunity and position in the future, but they definitely don't think so, and they have the right to ask Chen Cheng, who is at the helm, to speak out for them.Chen Cheng is now choking on Zhang Zizhong, which can be regarded as responding to everyone's call, and he is ready to really stand on the front stage.

Chen Cheng underestimated one thing.No, maybe it should be said that he underestimated the influence of the counter-insurgency in southern Xinjiang.

On the issue of the ethnic groups in the Far East, Zhang Zizhong was indeed at fault, but the reason why he made this mistake was because he focused on southern Xinjiang under the order of Ouyang Yun.

In other words, it was Ouyang Yun who made him make this mistake.So, even from a personal point of view, how could Ouyang Yun tolerate Chen Cheng's suppression of him?
If it was a peaceful time, the counter-rebellion in southern Xinjiang would attract more attention, but now, under the background of the Sino-Japanese decisive battle where the coalition government is focusing on the Northeast, the counter-insurgency in southern Xinjiang seems insignificant.Of course, this insignificance is only Chen Cheng's opinion.It is impossible for Ouyang Yun, because he is too aware of the importance of the southern border rebellion to the country's future.This can be regarded as his shortcoming as a time traveler, that is, he seeks perfection in everything, and the result is often counterproductive.

The best time to suppress the rebellion in southern Xinjiang is actually after defeating Japan.However, considering that the root of the rebellion in southern Xinjiang is still on the Soviets, and now it is the weakest period of the Soviet government, after passing this village, I don’t know when I will meet this shop again, let Zhang Zizhong solve this problem along the way. Hidden dangers are also logical.

It's just that Ouyang Yun or Zhang Zizhong still underestimated the complexity of the southern Xinjiang issue.No, the one-month counter-insurgency period was delayed again and again, so that the Soviets took a breather and not only started to make trouble in the Far East, but also took aim at southern Xinjiang.

The Soviet Russians once again intervened in the affairs of southern Xinjiang, and their purpose was no longer to attempt to turn southern Xinjiang into the Eastern Turkic Republic of Soviet Russia, but for the Far East.

Judging from the current point of view, it seems that the Soviets and Russians exchanged the Far East for China's military aid.China has sent a total of 15 troops, and the total support materials did not exceed 150 million yuan, but in exchange for more than [-] million square kilometers of land.Of course, these lands originally belonged to China.The problem is that the Soviet Russians don't see it that way. In their minds, they took these lands from the decadent Qing Dynasty and have nothing to do with the current Chinese government.Therefore, on the matter of exchanging military aid in the Far East, not only was there a lot of discussion among the people, but the instigator, Stalin, was so regretful that his intestines were green.

The Soviet Russians have never been a nation willing to suffer.It's just that China at this time is not the Qing Dynasty before. If it is tough, it means that Stalin can have a thick skin and don't care about international reputation at all, but the problem is to win!If it is too hard, the Soviet Russians will use their brains, and southern Xinjiang will come into their sight here. The Soviet Russians hope to use their influence in southern Xinjiang in exchange for bargaining chips in exchange for the Far East.

The southern Xinjiang issue became more complicated, and Ouyang Yun dared not let it go. Zhang Zizhong was repeatedly caught up in the southern Xinjiang issue and was unable to go to the Far East for a long time. This gave Chen Cheng the attack of "doing nothing on the Far East issue" reason.

Worried that Chen Cheng would push forward to vote, Ouyang Yun was frowning and thinking about countermeasures, when Pan Meiren's crisp voice sounded: "Report, there is a call from the Far East! It is urgent."

Ouyang Yun's heart skipped a beat, he exchanged glances with Pan Meiren, and said, "Read!".

The telegram was sent by Zhang Zizhong. In the telegram, he mentioned the "007" unit for the first time. "...We can now be sure that it is this evil army of Japan that caused ethnic conflicts in the Far East. Through the surprise interrogation of the captured members of this army, we have the following information. First, the army is Toshiichiro Koizumi I personally ordered the formation, and Seishiro Itagaki was responsible for providing supplies; second, the mission of this unit is to create ethnic conflicts in the Far East..."

(End of this chapter)

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