Chapter 889 Opportunity
The Xuebing Army has developed a bad habit since its establishment.This habit, in the mouths of other jealous allies, is the face of nouveau riche—the apprentices never seem to worry about running out of ammunition, and always like to splash bullets to the maximum every time they fight.Therefore, some people say that the reason why the Xuebing Army was able to win more and lose less in the battle against Japan was because they had ample ammunition.Some people even said: If Lao Tzu is given the same treatment, Lao Tzu's team can also achieve such results.

In the case that all factions in the country are almost one-sided in the war against Japan, the record of the Xuebing Army is indeed too outstanding, so it seems reasonable to attract some criticism.

This kind of strange talk spread to Ouyang Yun's ears. It is said that Ouyang Yun's answer at that time was almost so out of breath that he vomited blood after being heard by those who made such talk.The young man is too arrogant!Modesty is a Chinese virtue. Could it be that he has forgotten this virtue passed down from his ancestors because he came back from the United States?

Ouyang Yun's answer was really a bit irritating, first he laughed wildly: Haha!Then he said: Whatever they say, Lao Tzu's team has enough ammunition, what's wrong?Brothers, it's so hard to make, even if [-] bullets are exchanged for the head of a devil, I think it's worth it!There is no way, our cadet army has nothing else, there is never a shortage of ammunition or anything like that!
Ouyang Yun's words did not fit his current status.No matter how you say, you are a member of one party, no matter how you say, you are someone who has some influence in China, how can you be so superficial?

But I know my own affairs well, the reason why he did this is actually a last resort.After all, the Xuebing Army is a local army, and the narrowness of the region makes it difficult to recruit soldiers.So every soldier is precious and should not be given up easily.Compared with Little Japan, which has had a strong army for more than two hundred years, the Xuebing Army wants to build a comparable army in just a few years, and it is basically impossible to surpass it in terms of pure soldier quality. possible.Perhaps, it is not difficult to simply gather thousands of elite troops, such as Langya and Hutong, to gather the current strength of the Xuebing Army, but if you want to gather tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops of this level, Ouyang Yun sighed that he couldn't.Since there is no way to surpass the quality of soldiers, let's supplement in other aspects.Science and technology, sufficient ammunition, these have become the necessary reliance for the confrontation between the student army and the Japanese army.To exchange ammunition for the lives of soldiers, no matter what the starting point is, in Ouyang Yun's view, it is worthwhile.

Most of the officers and soldiers who came out of the Xuebing Army did not have the concept of saving ammunition. Once a war broke out, it would be as good as Ouyang Yun said. This made up for the shortcomings in aspects such as the quality of soldiers vulnerable.Zhang Yishu was born in the soldier army, so it was inevitable that he would be infected with such a bad habit.Under his order, the soldiers of the third regiment rained bullets out, and immediately completely contained the Japanese army's offensive momentum.

The brave warriors of His Majesty the Emperor unexpectedly collapsed, which made Matsushita Kihide angry, and at the same time made him start to re-examine the current situation——

At this time, Matsushita Kihide's incompetence in military affairs was reflected. This guy who prefers to talk about wars on paper is not thinking about how to figure out the real situation on the battlefield and make correct judgments based on this.Because of the firepower superiority suddenly shown by the third regiment, he thought that there was something wrong with the intelligence detected by the reconnaissance plane in the evening, and thought it might be a trap set by the Chinese, and that he had encountered an ambush set by the superior enemy.Therefore, after scolding his incompetent subordinates, he began to think about his future.At this moment, what he was thinking about was no longer how to complete the battle, but how to seek no merits but no faults - once a commander made a wrong judgment on the situation on the battlefield, it would have extremely bad consequences.Matsushita Kihide made this mistake now. He was confused by the illusion of the three regiments, and he didn't continue to exert his strength, thus dragging the battle into a stalemate.

Because at this time, Lanji Inoue, who escaped by chance, used the radio station he brought out to generate electricity for the regiment, saying that he was ambushed by the superior enemy, and the cannons of his troops had been seized, and he asked for the support of the captain of the regiment.

This telegram was like a flash of lightning, and it immediately stunned Matsushita Kihide.The Inoue Brigade also encountered a superior enemy force, and even one and a half brigades of infantry could not defend it. So, how many enemies appeared there?With the quality of the imperial army, it is impossible for the Chinese to win easily if they are not more than three times stronger.If there are about three regiments of the Chinese army there, what is going on here?Could it be that the Chinese have abandoned the southeast front and transferred all their troops here?Thinking of this, Matsushita Kihide was at a loss, and felt for the first time that this team leader is really not easy to be!Instead of this, I might as well be a military attache in the Governor's Mansion.

In order to allow the brothers to have more time to assemble the team and rest, so that they can have the physical strength to escape the pursuit of the Japanese army, Zhang Yishu had already made preparations and made some sacrifices.However, the development of the battle situation was beyond his expectation - a charge of Lu Daquan company, coupled with a burst of firepower he carefully set up, not only immediately contained the Japanese army's offensive momentum, but also to a certain extent let The collapse of the Japanese army is really incredible.

"Strange, the performance of this devil is a bit abnormal!" Zhang Yishu thought, and couldn't help but wonder if the information obtained by the corps in the early stage was wrong. This devil is not the so-called elite Japanese army at all, but just an ordinary reserve. force.He didn't expect that this was because the elite Japanese army had a lazy commander, and he was so active that he actually thought of taking the opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

A flock of sheep led by a lion can defeat a group of lions led by a sheep. This principle is vividly demonstrated in the "Battle of the Fish Pond".When Matsushita Kihide lost sight of the other and was at a loss, the outcome of this battle was actually doomed.

Zhang Yishu is a decisive person. He immediately asked the communication staff to send a power to the division headquarters, informing them that he had successfully ambushed the Japanese army in "Yuchi" and had gained an advantage. The devil ate it all.

The place where the group ambush was only five kilometers away from the Nantou military camp and twelve kilometers away from the "Yuchi".The reason why Zhang Zhengyong chose to ambush in this place was that his strategic purpose was very clear. He was worried that the previous regiments would not be able to hold on, so that he could ruthlessly attack the little devils at the most critical moment, so as to minimize the loss of the entire army.

Zhang Zhengyong's division headquarters moved with a regiment. After receiving this telegram, Zhang Zhengyong thought about it for a short time, and then decided to follow Zhang Yishu's suggestion.A regiment of soldiers had been in the ambush position for several hours. Although it was still early for the predicted start of the battle, many soldiers were already looking forward to the stars and the moon so much that they almost fell into lovesickness.The soldiers heard that they were going to rush to the front to find the back of the little devils, and after fighting to wipe out the Japanese army, they didn't have to wait any longer. Instead of rushing to work hard because of the imminent march, they were all excited.A group assembled at the fastest speed, and then marched towards Xiaowokan along a mountain road that was not on the map.

About a quarter of an hour after the troops drove out, Lin Xiaoyu's victory telegram arrived, saying that they had seized all the artillery of the Japanese Artillery Brigade, and were now preparing to detour back to the assembly point, and asked the division headquarters to dispatch troops as appropriate.

After Zhang Zhengyong read the telegram, he first scolded fiercely: "Nonsense!" Then he laughed and cursed: "You son of a bitch, Lin Xiaoyu, he's too courageous!"

Lin Xiaoyu's telegram came in a timely manner. Considering that it would take much more time to bypass the "Yuchi" and plug into the "Xiaowokan", Zhang Zhengyong changed his strategy. , and at the same time ordered the troops to divert, turned to the "fish pond" and rushed.

Originally, Zhang Zhengyong didn't think he could really do anything to the Matsushita United if there were only one regiment and three regiments. But now, after the second regiment and the captured artillery, he really took a look. It's time to think about what to do with the Panasonic United. "His grandma, I didn't expect this devil to be so badass. If I knew it, I should have put it in a big bag!" Zhang Zhengyong thought, feeling a little dissatisfied with his conservative command before.

Zhang Yishu led his troops back towards the Japanese army. Xie Chang'an and others who were resting behind saw them and couldn't help being surprised: "What do the guys from the third regiment want to do?"

At this time, Zhang Yishu's orderly came rushing over, and shouted from afar: "Xie regiment leader, our regiment leader led the counterattack, he asked me to bring you a message, if the brothers of the fourth regiment still have If you are strong enough, let’s fight devils together.”

Facts have proved that Xie Changan's pre-war mobilization was still very successful.Although the soldiers of the fourth regiment ran all over the mountains and plains during the retreat, they did not take the opportunity to become deserters.According to Xie Chang'an's order, they herded the sheep all over the mountains and began to look for the regiment headquarters. Then, after experiencing the horror of "Xiaowokan", they finally found the organization in "Yuchi".

Soldiers from the fourth regiment came to report to Xie Changan one after another. In just 10 minutes, there were more than [-] people gathered around Xie Changan.Considering that they were completely dispersed during the retreat and missed the "Xiaowokan" meeting point, Xie Changan was very satisfied to be able to return so many people in such a short period of time.

Zhang Yishu's orderlies are a bit bad, of course, maybe this is Zhang Yishu's idea, he opened his mouth and yelled, even if Xie Changan wanted to follow the instructions of the division seat, but the soldiers under his command were aroused with blood, no matter what. Ken lost face in front of his brothers from other regiments.

"I have plenty of strength!"

"Tuan Zuo, the little devil drove us into such a mess just now, we must get it back!"


The soldiers of the Fourth Regiment were excited and yelled in one voice.After Xie Changan climbed up to check the situation on the battlefield, he immediately gave an order: "Brothers, the brothers from the third regiment are good guys, and the brothers from our fourth regiment are not cowards! Come on, follow me to kill the devil!"

"Kill!" The soldiers of the fourth regiment yelled in unison, and immediately followed the third regiment and rushed into the battlefield.

(BJ has been suffering from a cold since he came back, depressed... Winter is really terrible. In these cold days, I can only try my best to ensure that there is an update every day)
(End of this chapter)

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