Chapter 890 Pursuit
The Matsushita United did not expect to fight overnight, so the flares they carried were limited.The third and fourth regiments still had flares, but how could they, who wanted to fish in troubled waters, be willing to launch flares at this critical moment to relieve the Japanese army's crisis?

The last flare fired by the Japanese army gradually fell, and when it was completely extinguished, only some fireworks caused by the explosion were left burning near the "fish pond". "Kill it! Hold on!" Suki Kaichiro shouted hoarsely, waving the command knife, but there were very few devils who obeyed his command.After the wave of devils who rushed to the front receded like a tide, it was like a plague, spreading panic to every devil's heart.

The Taiwan Corps had outstanding performance in the previous battles. The former Taiwan Permanent Army failed to win a single brigade from its hands. Now, what can we do with our own troops?Many devils and low-level officers thought this way. Their ambitions before departure were wiped out. Now they think more about how to avoid excessive losses, so as not to be sent to military courts because of a complete defeat.

Matsushita Kihide's thoughts seemed to have infected the officers under him. As a result, the whole Matsushita unit had no fighting spirit, and the troops of the three regiments that were originally used to stop them launched a charge, and there was no single enemy for a while.Lu Daquan led his company to kill again. They used the gunfire and the light brought by the explosion to catch up with one devil after another, or cut off the opponent's head with one knife, or directly shot them down. It feels refreshing like never before.Lu Daquan chopped off the heads of the two devils one after another, wondering why the little devils ran away when they had the advantage in strength, and shouted: "What's wrong with you little devils? This battle is boring!"

This happened to be heard by Zhang Yishu, Zhang Yishu couldn't laugh or cry, he lectured: "'crazy tiger'! What do you mean, kid? Is it true that brothers have to die more people to make you feel comfortable?!"

"Yo! It's Tuan Zuo, I, I didn't mean that, I mean how vulnerable these devils are. Hehe, Tuan Zuo, these devils don't seem to be the main force of the little devils? Emperor Lao Shizi, this is for us Give away the head!"

"Stop talking weird and kill the enemy! We must seize this opportunity and suppress the aura of the little devil!"

"Yes!" Lu Daquan led the brothers in the company and rushed towards the devils who were facing them with greater enthusiasm. Under their oppression, some sober officers in the Japanese army wanted to gather a team to organize a block, but they couldn't help it. I have never been able to catch the opportunity, so I can only be driven away like a group of headless flies.

"Brothers, go!" They didn't feel tired after killing devils. On the contrary, they just felt that their whole body was full of strength, as if they had lost the feeling of fatigue.

Scores of trucks were parked on the side of the road, and bonfires caused by explosions one after another illuminated the way forward for both chasing and fleeing parties.This section of the road is not spacious, and the devils who jumped off the truck actually lost the opportunity to get on the truck again, and the truck that was originally at the end of the line was captured by some students who could drive, and turned into a means of transportation for the student army. Instead, they began to "work for the tiger" and crush those unlucky devils from behind. This scene intensified the speed of the Japanese army's defeat.

"Press it up, good job!" Zhang Yishu was sitting in the passenger seat of a truck, directing a student soldier to run over several devil soldiers.The combined numbers of the third and fourth regiments were also much smaller than the Japanese army, so creating as much chaos as possible was a smart move to muddy the water.The cruelty of the little devil has been verified in several big battles. Thinking of those compatriots who were persecuted to death by the Japanese, the corner of Zhang Yishu's mouth turned to one side. "Wars are no different from ruthless hooligans. Are you ruthless? I am more ruthless than you. Only in this way can we completely destroy the enemy's beliefs and teach him an unforgettable lesson..." Ouyang said Yun said.When Langya people were performing missions in the enemy's rear, they would often kill devils, officers and traitors in very cruel ways. Their practice started to attract a lot of saliva, and many people (such as Jiang Shuren and others) ) all think that this is detrimental to the reputation of the civilized division of the Xuebing Army.And Ouyang Yun used the above sentence to defend the Langya people.And after he said these words, Xue Bingjun began to use unscrupulous means when executing devils and some heinous traitors, which to a certain extent increased the fear of Xue Bingjun and traitors.

"Mom..." A devil soldier was knocked down by a truck. The driver gritted his teeth and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom. Then the car jolted over the devil soldier. I called my mother.

Lu Daquan ran in after him. He who could understand Japanese heard this sentence, and he sneered: "Now you know you're afraid? Let's play, it's useless to call grandma now!" The devil soldier had already been stepped on by his crushed chest, and the devil who stepped on was spitting blood from his mouth.Well, this time, he couldn't do it even if he wanted to call his mother.

One devil after another was brought down from behind, and their howls before dying made the devils in front run faster.Matsushita Kihide has a car, and he is the fastest.The car was driving much faster than when it was chasing, so it bumped badly, but he didn't have the time to feel these things before putting on the airs of the captain and ordering the driver to open carefully.Escape is the most important thing, let's be more sloppy if you are sloppy.As the army fell into a complete defeat, his previous ambitions had completely disappeared, and at this moment, the panic at the beginning was gone—the opponent was the Xuebing Army, the best in China that even veterans like Matsui Iwane could not easily defeat. As for the army, if you lose to this kind of army, don't complain; this is your first time commanding an army to fight, so even if you lose, you can be forgiven, right?As a true warrior of His Majesty the Emperor, what I should do now is to quickly get out of the shadow of failure, sum up the lessons of failure, so as not to make the mistakes of my rival in the next battle.

At this time, Matsushita Kihide thought that he had encountered an advantaged student army. The reason why he failed was because he underestimated the enemy and was confused by false information. He didn't think about it: what he was facing now was actually just A half-regimental cadet army.

At about 11:30 in the evening, the first regiment, led by Zhang Zhengyong himself, finally caught up with the third regiment, and at this time, the Panasonic regiment was less than two kilometers away from the "Xiaowokan".

The arrival of reinforcements made the already exhausted officers and soldiers of the third and fourth regiments breathe a sigh of relief.At the beginning of being a soldier, I just resolutely carried out orders, and didn't understand the real situation on the battlefield.They rushed up behind the chief, and started to kill happily, but as the pursuit deepened, they became more and more timid after chasing—there were more little devils than themselves!There are many more, it's just strange, why do the devils who obviously have the advantage in numbers just run away blindly?Little devil, don't turn around and attack, otherwise...

After running for a long time, the devils were also exhausted, which caused their formation to become more and more compressed, and finally formed this situation, with loose ends at both ends and tight middle.The devils at the two ends were sparse, but the devils in the middle were crowded together.

The soldiers of the first regiment finally caught up with the brother troops, and before they could feel the tingling sensation caused by the blisters on the soles of their feet, they enviously said to the soldiers of the third and fourth regiments: "Brothers, you have a great time today! Killed a lot of devils, right?"

The soldiers of the [-]rd and [-]th regiments were even more exhausted than them - one was just hustling vigorously, while the other had to concentrate on killing the enemy, exhausting both mental and physical energy.But at this moment, they were very proud, and each of them grabbed [-] to [-]: "That is!" Then they raised a few fingers tremblingly!

The soldiers of the first regiment immediately opened their mouths, which was a sign that they were about to yell: "Hey, three, you are well-developed!" Of course, not all the soldiers of the third and fourth regiments were able to win. Slaying the enemy on the battlefield, especially at night, requires a certain amount of luck. Many of them have never caught up, and there are still many opportunities for others. However, they are too slow to be attacked by others. Robbed.However, this kind of people belonged to the minority, so most of the soldiers in the regiment were drooling and envious, which opened up a new round of "Devil Killing Contest".

Ever since Lin Xiaoyu received Zhang Zhengyong's telegram, she was so excited that she couldn't stop for a second. "Brothers, let me tell you a piece of good news. The main force of the devils has been defeated by us, and they are now fleeing the same way; brothers, the order from the division headquarters just arrived, asking us to catch them here; brothers, credit! We are now With cannons, even the Panasonic Alliance alone has a chance of winning, let alone the support of the main force behind it..."

The seizure of the artillery was a little too smooth, who would have expected that the little devil had no defense at all.Now is the time for these Japanese-made artillery to contribute to the Taiwan Corps.The only bad thing is that the second regiment has a little less soldiers who can handle artillery. If there are enough gunners, hehe!That's definitely enough for a kid to drink a pot.Now, I can only think of other ways.

Gathering the strength of everyone, a solution was quickly figured out.It was one of those soldiers who could handle artillery that came up with this method.He suggested that while the little devils are still some distance away, they should conduct a test firing to determine the ballistic trajectory first, and then they will adjust the firing angles of all the artillery pieces, and then the others will only be responsible for dropping the shells and pulling the gun rope.The artillery of the Japanese is relatively advanced, and can offset the recoil force by sliding on a fixed track.In this case, as long as you choose a harder ground to arrange the gun positions, you can ensure that these guns continue to function.

(End of this chapter)

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