Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 891 The Battle of Xiaowokan

Chapter 891 The Battle of Xiaowokan

Artillery is a branch with high professional requirements. Without a period of training and a certain amount of ammunition consumption, there is no way to form a combat force.However, there is no problem with the idea of ​​a few Yeluzi artillerymen of the Second Regiment for temporary response.

The Panasonic United team has been terrified, and its two ends are loose and the middle is tight, which greatly improves the utilization rate of the artillery to a certain extent.Due to the limitation of the range, the artillery can't be far enough to be close. If the Japanese army maintains a relatively even formation, then even if the Yeluzi artillery under Lin Xiaoyu's command can use the artillery safely, the number of times it can fire will be limited.Now this situation is their chance.There were fewer devils in the front, and they couldn't form an effective threat to the sniper position of the second regiment. Yeluzi's artillery had time to fire a few more shots, so they just beat the devils in the middle.Its dense formation is equivalent to improving the level of these Yeluzi artillery.

The firing time needs to be precisely controlled. Considering the level of these Yeluzi artillerymen, only firing at the most appropriate time can inflict the greatest damage on the devils.In order to defeat the devils in the first round of artillery fire, two cadets were ambushed at the positions originally determined to shoot Zhuyuan, and they would detonate the buried mines to send a signal to the artillerymen.

The retreat of the Japanese army was disorderly. Under the long-term pursuit, except for the devils in the middle, the order was maintained, and the formation of the little devils was completely disrupted in the two ranks.Especially in the back, some devils were knocked down by the chasing soldiers from time to time. Suki Kaichiro, who was worried that the large force would be bitten, had to leave a squadron or a small group of devils from the middle to block the speed of the soldiers' pursuit. As a result, the formation of the Japanese army became even more chaotic.Matsushita Kihide fled in the first formation relying on his armored vehicles. In desperation, Suki Kaichiro had no choice but to take over the baton and began to coordinate the retreat sequence of the various troops.And because Matsushita took the lead and ran away, the devils of the Matsushita United team didn't know how many enemies there were, so they had no fighting spirit. All they wanted now was to have two more legs so that they could run faster.As for their previous ambitions, no one mentioned them as a joke at the moment.

Xu Mingtai and Xiao Yu were lying in the bushes on a hillside. They stared closely at the mountain road hundreds of meters away. There were already lights there, and the roar of the motor was also heard.Xu Mingtai lightly touched Xiao Yu with his right hand, and said softly, "It should be a devil!" Xiao Yu nodded, and touched the cable in front of him with his hand, feeling a little nervous.

That armored vehicle was the command vehicle of Matsushita Muxiu. After it appeared, deserters of devils appeared one after another. When the armored vehicle drove over the landmines planted by Xu Mingtai and Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu asked, "Do you want to go?" Ring it now?"

Xu Mingtai said: "No, wait and see what happens."

Xu Mingtai's choice was correct. A quarter of an hour later, after about a thousand devils walked past in twos and threes, a large Japanese army appeared.Three groups of devils drove over under the supervision of several trucks and armored vehicles. The front was orderly, but the rear seemed a little flustered.

Xu Mingtai said softly: "This is the moment!" Then he pulled the cable.Xiao Yu followed closely, and after a while, flames burst out on the mountain road more than [-] meters away from them, and immediately, the sound of rumbling explosions reached their ears.Amidst the screams, the devils walking near the two explosion points were blown into the sky, and more people were shot by shrapnel, and immediately fell to the ground in pain.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Lay down!" The little devil, Cup Bow Snake Shadow, was already terrified. This night, the ambush of the Xuebing army has never stopped from the beginning to the end. Therefore, even if it is just two solitary explosions, it will still The little devil was astonished, many people shouted, and then a group of devils fell to the ground, and began to shoot aimlessly at both sides of the mountain road.

Naturally, no one responded to the gunshots. Xu Mingtai and Xiao Yu had already evacuated by this time.And almost at the same time they walked down the hillside, the sound of rumbling artillery shells came from the southeast direction, and the devils lying on the ground heard the terrifying sound that symbolized the arrival of death, all of them turned pale—

More than a dozen shells flew into the crowd of devils as if they had eyes, and one of them hit the compartment of a truck. Immediately, the truck and more than 20 devils on it were all sent to the sky by plane.The Japanese did not drive back a few trucks in total, so each truck was overcrowded.Originally, it could only hold a dozen to [-] people, but now it has installed more than [-] people. In this way, once it is directly hit by a shell, the loss will be great.

This round of artillery attack came so strangely, what made Suki Kaichiro very puzzled was that its accuracy was so high, which made him start to suspect: what happened to the Panasonic United team today really fell into the calculations of the Chinese people In the middle, the Chinese people set up an ambush step by step, not only to break through the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army, but what they planned was to eat the Matsushita unit.

The shells continued to fall, and after three rounds of shelling, what Suki Kaichiro was most worried about happened. There was the sound of guns and shells ahead, and the last Chinese army appeared.No, this may be the troops that captured our cannons, Suki Kaichiro suddenly thought of this, the remorse in his heart was like harakiri.If he had thought of this earlier, he would definitely not choose the current retreat route.Now that we have embarked on this route, it is too late to say anything.

"Chief of Staff, it's our cannon!" A brigade captain came over with a dud in his arms, and the words printed on the cannon clearly showed that it was indeed their own cannon.

Suki Kaichiro had a gloomy face, and he looked behind him, where the most protruding Chinese army had already arrived.Although the fastest chasing Chinese army didn't have many people, the imperial army who had already lost their courage didn't have the courage to fight it decisively.Often, the opponent organizes two charges to break through the blocking line.The enemies in front, both in terms of quantity and quality, should be higher than the enemies behind. If there is no way to change their tactics, then the more than [-] people of the Panasonic United may all be confessed here.Suki Kaichiro struggled in his heart, and finally waved to the team leader and said: "Pass my order, and the teams are free to break through."

"Chief of staff? What about the joint captain?" The captain was loyal to Matsushita Kihide.Of course, considering that the Japanese army likes to engage in continuous sitting, once the commander is killed or captured, everyone below will be held accountable, and he may have no choice but to do so.

"I don't care about him, he ran at the front, he should have already broken through!" Suki Koichiro said, but his face showed contempt - Matsushita Kihide never thought that his retreat was blocked dead, that's why he ran ahead with an armored vehicle.The people in China are not fools. They didn’t rush forward when they saw those in armored vehicles. Your Excellency, our joint captain, must have gone to see God Amaterasu by now!

It's too bad for Suki Kaichiro to have such an idea at this time.And just as it seemed to prove to him, just when the captain started to convey his independent breakthrough, cheers came from the sniper position of the Xuebing Army in front: "Matsushita Muxiu was caught by us!" Devil, hand in your guns and don’t kill us, we have already captured your regiment leader!"...

Suki Kaichiro's complexion changed, thinking it was the same thing, but when the thing actually happened, he still couldn't bear the consequences of this change.The arrest of the commander had a great impact on the morale of the troops.He could clearly feel that the originally dense gunshots in the headquarters suddenly stopped, and then, when the gunshots rang out again, the effect was much worse.

"If you want your regiment leader to live, put down your gun quickly! It's you, what? Do you want to kill your regiment leader?" Several students pressed Matsushita Kihide and illuminated it with the headlights of a truck. He yelled at the devils not far away who were still stubbornly resisting.

Suki Kaichiro, who wanted to say that this was a rumor, kept his mouth shut obediently.

Officers and soldiers from the third regiment, the fourth regiment, and the first regiment appeared on the battlefield one after another. Zhang Yishu and Xie Changan were about to lead their regiments to the left and right sides to block the positions, but Zhang Zhengyong called out: "Don't block them, We must give them a way to escape, otherwise, our people will suffer heavy casualties." Afraid that the two subordinates would not understand, he explained: "The combat power of this group of devils is not weak. The reason for this situation is that We have lost their momentum. Once they find that the way of retreat is completely cut off, they will fight to the death. Brothers, in terms of the quality of individual soldiers, our people are not as good as little devils. Therefore, in order to avoid excessive casualties, and to For our future battles, let’s accept it as soon as it’s good. If this battle can be fought like this, we’ve already made a lot of money!”

Facts have proved that Zhang Zhengyong's decision is correct.After less than 101 devils successfully broke through, the remaining [-] devils were made into dumplings.And it was these five hundred devils who taught the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Division a painful lesson.

A little devil who goes crazy is very scary. The 101st Division's automatic weapons were limited, and they could not form an overwhelming firepower advantage in the face of the devils who launched a desperate charge. As a result, more than 400 soldiers fell on the way to snipe these devils.Among them, many soldiers were killed by the devils who seemed to be dying to detonate the bombs on their bodies.

The final encirclement and annihilation battle was heroic and tragic, and many local Taiwanese students who went through this battle shed tears afterwards.The cruelty of the war was far beyond their expectations, and it was only at this moment that they understood what a qualified soldier would do in the war.When many devils ignited the fuses of the explosive packs on their bodies and rushed towards them frantically, those veterans stepped forward. They hugged the devils and pressed them under their bodies, only to be wiped out in a loud bang. ...

The "Xiaowokan" battle allowed the 101st Division to grow rapidly, and since this battle, the Japanese no longer dared to underestimate the Taiwan Army.They began to gather more superior forces to go to Taiwan Island. Under this situation, the battle of the Taiwan Corps became more and more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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