Chapter 901
After the first Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, because of the performance of the Broadsword Team, the 29th Army's limelight was the same for a while.What an honor it was to be a member of the Broadsword Team.However, with the fall of North China and the disintegration of the 29th Army, the former glory has become a passing cloud, and even the heroes of the Broadsword Team had to be reduced to the situation of being guest soldiers in other troops.

When they were still under Song Zheyuan, the members of the Broadsword Squad were all treated as officers, and the treatment was so generous that it was no less than that of a company platoon leader in the general national army.After the No. 70 Fourth Army, although they were not discriminated against, the hats of the members of the Broadsword Team could no longer be worn, because the Central Army did not pee in this pot at all.

The seriously wounded had seen Ouyang Yun's demeanor before. Of course, at that time, Ouyang Yun was only a small commander of a major, which was not the same as now.Ouyang Yun is a nostalgic person, and he couldn't help but sigh when he heard the words.He first comforted the seriously wounded with kind words, and assured him that he would definitely call Commander Yu. From then on, you are a member of the Xuebing Army.Then, he immediately asked for a military doctor to rescue the seriously wounded.

After dealing with the matter of the seriously injured, Ouyang Yun's mood became a little bad.He carefully looked at everything in front of him, and said to his subordinates: "The little devil attacked very fiercely. Do you want to avenge the annihilation of the 17th Division?! Hmph, it is a pity that we have met us now."

Since the 11th Division took over from the 112th Division, the attack on Penglangji has never stopped.The 5th Heavy Artillery Brigade to which the division belongs has continuously shelled Penglangji in the past few days, making the entire position pitted. Many places near the river have accumulated water in the potholes. The No.70 Fourth Army withdrew in a hurry, of course, perhaps because of the fear of the Japanese bombardment, some of the remains of the soldiers did not have time to restrain and bury them.The bodies of these martyrs were soaked in water, and many of them were deformed.

At this time the weather was getting hotter, Ouyang Yun was worried that this would induce a plague, so he specially called He Zhengjiang who was in charge of the defense of the area, and asked him to organize manpower to restrain the remains of the martyrs of these fraternal troops at night.

Some of the shells fired by the Japanese cannons became duds for unknown reasons.These shells are stuck on the beach, they are time bombs one after another.These also need to be dealt with, because until now, Ouyang Yun doesn't know how long he will defend.And if time goes by, there will definitely be a need for anti-reunion.At that time, these shells will be dangerous.

The No.70 Fourth Army fought hard. The artillery of this army was exhausted by the little devils as early as when they surrounded and wiped out the 17th Division.Without the artillery, they could only choose to hide when the Japanese artillery struck.And once the Japanese adopt infantry coordination, they can't even hide. Therefore, although the 11th Division has only been here for a few days, it has caused no less casualties to the No.70 Fourth Army than the 17th Division.

This is what Ouyang Yun respects the most about No.70 Fourth Army.Chen Shichang didn't know what the 74th Army was like in the past time and space.Therefore, when he found that the supercilious commander-in-chief actually showed a different enthusiasm for this remnant army, he couldn't help being very surprised.Of course, when he counted the number of No.70 Fourth Army troops who retreated, he couldn't help but look at the army with admiration.

Now that the Anti-Japanese War has been fought, if there is one thing that impresses people the most about the Central Army, it is that some troops have saved themselves wisely.Be it the Battle of Songhu or the Battle of Nanjing, there are many traditional units like the Central Army, no wonder people don't respect them.However, the 74th Army is definitely an alternative.According to Chen Shichang's observations, less than 70 officers and soldiers of the No.5000 Fourth Army retreated this time. That is to say, in the Pengze area, they suffered a total of more than 74 casualties.More than 74 people were left in Pengze, which is already nearly 70% of the troops of the [-]th Army. There was only one way left to defeat, and the No.[-] Fourth Army was still able to hold its ground even when its casualties reached [-]%, which shows the tenacity and extraordinaryness of this army.

The Japanese army launched the Battle of Hankou, which seemed a bit hasty.Originally, the Japanese first wanted to stabilize Lao Jiang and his subordinate Central Army, and concentrated their efforts to solve the confidant's troubles of the Xuebing Army first.However, with the failure of the peace talks, the Central Army began to launch a comprehensive "counterattack". The Japanese felt that it would be a good choice to take Hubei and Jiangxi first, and then go to Guangxi. In addition, the Japanese also wanted to teach Chiang Kai-shek a profound lesson, That's why he rashly decided to launch the Battle of Hankou.

The Japanese rushed into battle, and the formulation of the strategy was sloppy, and some troops made the mistake of underestimating the enemy, which gave the Central Army an opportunity to take advantage of.

This time the Japanese army attacked Hankou, under the personal command of the commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, Hata Toshiroku, who assembled a total of 2 troops in 11 brigades from the 120nd Army and the 25th Army.Among them, the 106th Division, the 17th Division, the 112th Division, the 11th Division, and the Hada Detachment (Taiwan Mixed Brigade) were in charge of the southern front under the leadership of the 11th Army Commander Okamura Ningji, while the 17th Division The division is the vanguard.Okamura Ningji's southern line combat plan was originally intended to attack Pengze, Jiujiang, and Macheng at the same time, and strive for a quick victory.However, because of the strength of the Madang Fortress, the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet was useless, so the 17th Division decided to turn overland first, attack Penglangji, and then attack Madang from the flank after taking Penglangji.The Japanese don't take the Central Army seriously, but this time, the No.70 Fourth Army, the 49th Army and some small-bodied troops of the National Army taught them a lesson they will never forget.The 17th Division fought alone, but after the forward entered Penglangji, it was divided and surrounded on both sides of the Yangtze River.At this time, other units of the Japanese army were still fighting in AH and could not provide timely support at all. As a result, the Chinese defenders seized the opportunity and fought beautiful encirclement and annihilation battles. There was a problem with the ratio of troops on the AH Jiangxi line.As a result, the Japanese army had to suspend the offensive in Henan, and try their best to maintain the battle between Madang and Jiujiang. They wanted to take these two Yangtze River fortresses first, and then besiege Wuhan from two directions by water and land after obtaining the water transportation channel.

Ouyang Yun stood at a higher place in the position, picked up the binoculars and looked towards the opposite bank, and saw the devil on the opposite side actually digging repairs, he said to He Zhengjiang on the side: "It seems that the little devil knows that we are changing defenses. It’s news, it’s because we’re afraid we’ll counterattack.”

Chen Shichang was not as optimistic as Ouyang Yun. He took out a telegram and handed it to Ouyang Yun, saying, "Commander-in-Chief, you have already obtained the sequence of our defenses that you asked Fox Tong's Foreign Affairs Department to collect. Now it is the 16th Army that is defending Jiujiang."

Ouyang Yun paid so much attention to the defenders in various places in China because he had some knowledge of the Battle of Hankou in time and space.Among them, the 16th Army and its 167th Division are what he cares most about.The commander of the 16th Army is Li Yunheng, and the commander of the 167th Division is Xue Weiying.In that time and space, these two people single-handedly directed the farce of throwing away horses, making a strong fortification finally used by the enemy and becoming an obstacle to the advancement of the Chinese army.

Fortunately, perhaps because of the Chongqing Incident, history has turned a turning point here, and the 16th Army was not stationed in Madang, which led to the great victory of Pengze and the good situation that appeared in the early days of the Battle of Hankou.

Just two days ago, Jiujiang was still defending with the 49th Army.However, the army suffered huge casualties in the early battle to encircle and annihilate the 17th Division, so it will definitely be withdrawn.Jiujiang and Huangshan are related to the safety of the Xuebing Army's flanks and retreat routes. Ouyang Yun wished he could hold these two places in his hands to be at ease.Now, when he heard that the 16th Army was stationed in Jiujiang, he was worried that history would repeat itself, his brows were furrowed, and he suddenly became worried.His original plan was to let the Eighth and Twelfth Masters go to Madang.However, in consideration of the possible situation in Jiujiang, in order to ensure the safety of the back road, he changed his mind and asked Xue Eighth Division to go to Madang, while Xue Twelfth Division was stationed at Hukou to guard against possible changes in Jiujiang.

The Third Xue Division was stationed in Pengze, and the Ninth Brigade of the division was responsible for the first round of defensive tasks. After the 301st regiment of the brigade entered the position, all the students immediately took action and began to repair the fortifications.And when the students began to repair the fortifications, a Japanese plane flew from the northeast and began to circle Penglangji from a distance.

This Japanese plane was dispatched by Neiji Okamura himself.The Japanese army had many spies disguised as local people in the south of the Yangtze River. Such a large-scale mobilization of the Xuebing Army was seen by these spies, and they were quickly sent to the headquarters of the China Front Army.Hata Toshiroku has always been jealous of the cadet army, and he did not dare to take it lightly when he got the information, so he immediately passed it on to Okamura Neiji, telling him to be careful of the tricks of the Chinese people.

Okamura Ningji hadn't fought against the Xuebing Army yet, and he was extremely disdainful of the Xuebing Army in the past.However, as the Xuebing army captured Shangrao and Yingtan in the Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi wars, it established a guerrilla base in southwest Zhejiang, and established the Taiwan Corps in Taiwan.Only then did the old devil look forward to it. After receiving Hata Toshiroku's kind reminder, he not only immediately ordered the 11th Division to prepare for the battle, but also sent two reconnaissance planes to use Ma as the enemy of Penglangji. Find out the exact number.

The Xuebing Army had defeated too many series of Japanese troops before, so in the minds of the senior Japanese generals, defeating the Xuebing Army and even capturing Ouyang Yun alive became their greatest ideal.Neiji Okamura is an ambitious guy. He always thought that with his own talents, he was really inferior to be the commander of the 2nd Army.Of course, if he wanted to be in the top position now, he had to show certain results.Originally, he was worried that he would not find a chance to meet the Xue Bingjun, but now, the chance finally came.

Ningji Okamura wanted to defeat Ouyang Yun and the Xuebing Army, and Iwane Matsui and Shozo Kawabe of Ningbo also had the same idea.Of course, old devils like Matsui Iwane and Kawabe Shozo were disgraced because of fighting the Xuebing army, so although they also have this ambition, if they are really asked to carry it out, they will definitely not This guts.Therefore, under the urging of the base camp, Matsui Iwane used various excuses to delay the encirclement and suppression of southwest Zhejiang.Of course, with Ouyang Yun leading five divisions on an expedition to Wuhan, Matsui Iwane felt that the time was finally ripe.

(End of this chapter)

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