Chapter 902 Opportunity
"Warriors of His Majesty the Emperor, it is time for us to take action to wash away the shame of the previous period. I want to tell you a piece of good news. Because of the victory of the imperial army in AH and Hubei, Ouyang Yun was forced to lead the army north. Ladies and gentlemen, this This is our chance!" Standing in front of a huge map, Matsui Iwane first expressed his emotion in a heroic tone, then pointed at Quzhou, Longquan and Fu'an with his baton and said: "This was once our stronghold , but now, it is occupied by the guerrillas of the Xuebing Army. These areas are our bridgeheads for attacking Fujian, and we must take them down first. The main force of the Xuebing Army going north is an excellent opportunity for this. Therefore, we We must conquer them as quickly as possible. After capturing these places, we will build bunkers according to the standards of North China. At that time, Ouyang Yun will truly feel the pressure of our South China Front Army. Da Jiu-Jun," he said with piercing eyes looked at Okuichiro.

Oku Ichiro stood up, looking serious in his clothes.The 9th Division led by Oku Ichiro was the only unit that played the imperial army's prestige in the last Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi battle (the Japanese feel themselves).However, considering the performance of the 3rd, 6th, and 13th divisions in this campaign, the performance of the 9th division is still very good.If there were still people who looked down on Oku Ichiro before this battle, then after this campaign, Oku Ichiro has become a rising star in the Japanese army, as if he has the demeanor of a generation of famous generals.Iwane Matsui called him by name first, which also showed how much he valued him.

Matsui Iwane poked the baton hard on the place name of Fu'an, and said, "I'll leave it to you here in Fu'an!"

"Hay!" Okuichiro replied in a deep voice, bowed slightly, and sat down.

Satisfied with his performance, Matsui Iwane nodded slightly, and then looked at Kawabe Masazo who was sitting opposite Oku Ichiro.The baton moved to the place name of Quzhou, and he said: "Quzhou was lost due to the negligence of the 13th Division. Now I will give you a chance to wash away your shame. Mr. Hebian, I hope you will not let me down! You can do it! Are you there?"

Hebian Zhengsan had no expression on his face. He stood up, first bowed, and then said loudly: "Your Excellency, if I can't take back Quzhou this time, I will apologize by cutting open my stomach."

Supporting Quzhou failed in the war, and finally had to give up Quzhou in order to preserve its strength. This not only led to the dismissal of the division heads of the 3rd Division and the 6th Division, but also Hebian Masamune was reprimanded by the base camp.And if it wasn't for Sakagaki Seishiro who spoke for him, he would have been recalled to Tokyo at this moment, and he would even stand on the bench of the military court.

Among the senior generals of the Japanese army present here, Masamune Kawabe was the one who dealt with Ouyang Yun and Xue Bingjun the most.Of course, it is also the one that suffers the most defeats. The phrase "repeatedly defeated, repeatedly defeated" was applied to him, and it can be said that it could not be more appropriate.Ordinarily, after suffering too many defeats, no matter what, you have to accumulate a little experience against the enemy.But in fact, judging from Kawabe Masamune's performance, he was like a pig's head, and he didn't learn any lessons from it.

Matsui Iwane actually wanted to get Kawabe Shozo away, thinking that his existence had seriously affected the morale of the South China Front Army.However, because some people in the base camp still expected to learn from his experience in dealing with Ouyang Yun, he was unexpectedly saved again.

Matsui Iwane finally turned his attention to Iwamura Sabei who had just taken over as the head of the 3rd Division.Iwamura Zuohei was tall and thin, but his head was small. From a distance, he looked like a cannonball stuck on the ground.Perhaps because of this, he has another nickname called "Aviation Cannonball". The "Aviation Cannonball" was personally selected by Seishiro Sakagaki. Advocating artillery is the kingly way. His arrival is very much anticipated by the headquarters.Matsui Iwane cleared this up, fearing that he would lose the first battle, so he didn't dare to give him a difficult task easily. He looked at the opponent's little head and said: "Iwamura-kun, you are new to China, and you don't know the strength and combat habits of the student army, so This time, your task is to monitor the enemies of Longquan. Longquan is located in the hinterland, surrounded by mountains on three sides, easy to attack and difficult to defend. When our army captures Quzhou and Fu'an, we will seal it off on all sides and implement prison tactics. Then we can Win at the lowest cost. So, don't worry about this battle, just keep an eye on the Chinese army—understand?"


After the Battle of Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi, the South China Front Army suffered heavy losses, and its strength was severely damaged.Matsui Iwane was worried that Ouyang Yun would take the opportunity to counterattack, so he shrank his troops towards the coast.In this way, the guerrillas of the Starfire Brigade will be cheaper.

The infiltration of the Xinghuo Brigade was pervasive and efficient. In less than half a year, not only cities such as Quzhou and Longquan were managed by Chu Tiange, but also as far as the Jinli Line (Jinhua-Lishui), the guerrillas to which the Xuebing Army belonged He was also very active. From time to time, he would sneak attack two devils, or behead one or two traitors, making those puppet army officers panic all day long, which had seriously affected the rule of the Japanese army. Matsui Iwane was quite annoyed by this. "Damn Chinese people, despicable Chinese people!" In private, the old devil had vented countless times, but this time, he thought he had finally seized the opportunity, and it was time to wipe out these flies.

The Japanese army moved very quickly.After all, the four active divisions of the South China Front Army have all suffered greatly from the Xuebing Army.Defeating the student army and getting back the field, this point of view has penetrated into the hearts of all devils.When the old devil Matsui Iwane's order reached the frontline troops, the lower-level officers of the devil learned that the defense of the student army was empty, and the main force went to Jiangxi. They all felt that this was an opportunity to defeat the student army, so they were very enthusiastic.

The South China Front Army is about to move, and the various ministries are frequently mobilized. Just as they are ready to encircle and suppress the guerrilla base in southern Zhejiang, the agents of the Fox Tong Foreign Affairs Department sent this information to Chu Tiange, and Chu Tiange sent it back to the commander-in-chief of Guangzhou. department.Ji Xingwen is currently in charge of the work of the General Headquarters. He dare not be careless, and immediately sent it to Ouyang Yun, asking for his opinion on whether to immediately let the Jewish Independence Army join the anti-encirclement campaign in southern Zhejiang.

After the Xuebing Army took over from the 74th Army to defend Pengze, the offensive of the 11th Division was weakened immediately. On the contrary, on the Jiujiang side, the Japanese army stepped up their offensive. The meaning of the Xuebing Army's retreat is blocked.

This time when the army went north, what Ouyang Yun was most worried about was that he might be abandoned by the Central Army, and in the end he would become the last cannon fodder just like the Battle of Nanjing.

Such a move by the Japanese army naturally aroused his vigilance.And considering that Jiujiang is defended by Li Yunheng's 16th Army, and Li Yunheng is notoriously dereliction of duty, he likes to engage in formal stuff, but he often misses important things instead. One unit was stationed at Hukou, and another regiment was dispatched from the troops directly under the regiment to Duchang, making plans that if Jiujiang fell, the Japanese army might take advantage of the trend and go down to Xingzi County.

After receiving a telegram from Ji Xingwen, I learned that Matsui Iwane, an old devil, was finally willing to be lonely and made a move in southern Zhejiang.Ouyang Yun couldn't help but rejoice that the Jewish Independence Army actively requested to join the war at the last meeting.He immediately asked his staff officer Huang Hua to generate electricity for the General Headquarters and the Jewish Independence Army respectively, and asked the Jewish Independence Army to launch the Southern Zhejiang Campaign immediately, and asked Stern to hold southern Zhejiang and maintain the stability of the buffer area.

There are many minerals in Fujian. Before, Ouyang Yun didn't dare to let go of the development. He was afraid that once Fujian became a battlefield, these achievements might be destroyed by artillery fire, and he ended up working in vain.The establishment of guerrilla bases in southern Zhejiang and the capture of Shangrao and Yingtan won a buffer zone for Fujian.In this way, he dared to let Jiang Guangnai let go and preside over Fujian's mineral development work.Once the southern Zhejiang base area was established, it not only won a buffer for northeast Fujian, but also established a forward position for the Xuebing Army to launch a counterattack in the future.No matter which aspect is considered, it is absolutely impossible for Ouyang Yun to spit out the meat he ate.He personally dictated at the end of the telegram: "Matsui Iwane wants to take advantage of people's danger, so we will teach them another painful lesson. If the Jews want to gain the respect of the world, they should have corresponding force. Stern, don't you keep complaining Am I not going to give you a chance? Now that the chance is in front of you, it depends on whether you can seize it."

The Jews obtained the asylum of the Xuebing Army and began to appear in the territory under the Xuebing Army's jurisdiction as Chinese citizens. All this stemmed from Ouyang Yun's understanding of history.The Jews may not be the most qualified partners, but the wealth of the Jews and the desire of the Jews for the restoration of the country are very helpful to the current China and the army of students.

At the time of Renqiu, there were nearly a million Jews.In the past two years in Guangdong, as the news of Jews living and working in this area gradually spread around the world, Jews flocked to Guangdong. So far, more than 300 million people have settled in Guangdong, Fujian, and Hainan.The increase in the Jewish population base made it possible for the Jewish Chamber of Commerce to expand its army.With the help of the American Zionist Organization, the Jewish Independence Army has no financial worries. Therefore, the principle of equipment for the troops is to choose the best and most expensive everything.As a result, its equipment level is even more advanced than that of the Xuebing Army.

The mechanization penetration rate of the student army is already considered high in the world, reaching 30.00%.The mechanization penetration rate of the Jewish Independence Army was 80.00%.What is the concept?That is to say, in the equipment sequence of the two divisions of the Jewish Independence Army and an independent brigade, tank troops and self-propelled artillery troops accounted for 80.00% of the sequence. With such a high proportion of mechanized troops, wherever the Jewish Independence Army went, That is a torrent of steel.

Now, this torrent of steel has finally moved, and its direction is south of Zhejiang.

(End of this chapter)

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