Chapter 912

The Japanese troops of the four brigades fought independently, Xiao Yi was naturally happy to see this situation.In the airport, the fighter planes in the hangar on the tarmac and the aviation kerosene have almost all been reimbursed. They have completed their mission well, and it would be unwise to continue fighting.As soon as he gave an order, the Spike Special Forces broke into pieces and quickly merged into the night.And behind them, there are Japanese troops clamoring for the decisive battle of the raiding troops, and then there is the airport that continues to explode.

Xiao Yi was the last one to withdraw from the battle area. He held a smoke bomb with the insurance cover unscrewed in his right hand. In front of him, a dozen or so students disappeared into the night like loaches. He turned his head towards the burning and exploding airport. After taking a look, he said in his heart: "Little devil, goodbye!" He pulled the ring with his left hand, and threw the smoke bomb with his right hand.

With 5 minutes to go before four o'clock, when dawn began to dawn in the east, the Spikes withdrew from the airport area and began to gather in the agreed direction, Dawang Temple.

The fire was still raging. When Tokugawa Haomin rushed to the airport, he saw one fighter after another burning in the flames, and the fighters in the hangar continued to explode. He only felt a pain in his heart and his face In an instant, large beads of sweat the size of soybeans were secreted, and the whole person immediately sat down on the ground. "It's over!" There was only one thought in his mind at this moment, this "Yamato Samurai" who used to fly the first Japanese fighter plane soaring into the sky, was like a crab with soft legs, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Anyone who is lucky enough to see the scene of the Anqing Airport deflagration will never forget it in his life.Commander Tokugawa fell to the ground, his adjutants, and some military officers had to stand up and quickly organized soldiers to fight the fire, trying to rescue one or two fighter planes. However, even though Anqing Airport had complete fire fighting facilities, it was difficult for them to face explosions from time to time. The aviation kerosene barrels and the monstrous fire, even if they are prepared to devote themselves, they can only watch the fire and sigh, and then they are extremely depressed and frantic-without the coordination and command of Fu Chuan Youzhi, the several captains fight on their own. Started to expand the search around, wanting to find the enemy to fight with, so as to make my heart feel better.However, the sneak attacking enemy seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. No matter how much they continued to expand the search area, they still couldn't find any trace, and this undoubtedly deepened their fear—what kind of enemy is this?It's really terrifying that the dragon can't see the end but see the head.

The Second Aviation Corps has two wings of more than 200 fighters, under the direct command of Neiji Okamura. It was once the sharpest weapon in the hands of Neiji Okamura, but now, this sharp weapon has become one in the monstrous fire Heap of scrap iron.Seeing that the fire was irretrievable, and there were not many of the six 210 fighters left, Tokugawa Hotoshi, who had woken up, was heartbroken and hurried to call Neiji Okamura.

Today is destined to be a sleepless night for Neiji Okamura.If it was normal, he should still be asleep at this time, but today, this is the fourth time he has received a call with bad news.When the old devil heard that Anqing Airport was attacked and all the fighter planes were burned, he didn't speak for a long time, as if he was stupid.

Anqing belongs to the 2nd Army because of the existence of the [-]nd Air Corps.Neiji Okamura attached great importance to the security of the aviation regiment. Therefore, although the total strength of the Anqing garrison was only about six brigades, he placed four of them at the airport, and only two brigades along the river.The two brigades were commanded by the regiment captain Qingci Yuen Long, and the main positions and headquarters were located in Dawangmiao.

In the battle plan formulated with Ouyang Yun's participation, the airport raid and the river crossing landing battle were carried out almost simultaneously.Therefore, almost at the same time as the sound of gunfire at Anqing Airport, the Wubao Jiang was still stationed in two places, and the infantry of nearly three divisions of the Xuebing Army first began to cross the river.Twenty minutes later, when the first batch of landing troops successfully grabbed the beach and had a fierce battle with the Japanese army, at Yupeng, the 10th Brigade of tank troops also began to cross the river.

The defense along the river in Anqing was personally arranged by Keiji Yuen Long.Keiji Yuen Long did not expect that the Chinese army would dare to take the initiative to attack, and its strength was limited, so he only deployed a squadron of troops in Changfeng opposite Wubao Jiang and Shiji stationed opposite.In order to prepare for this battle of crossing the river, Ouyang Yun specially asked Xue Yue to greet the local government and recruited many fishing boats.Although the carrying capacity of these fishing boats is limited, the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet and the garrison have not reacted because of the sudden start of the Xuebing Army's crossing operation. position, the Japanese could no longer contain the landing of the Xuebing Army.

"Commander-in-Chief, the sixth and eighth divisions have just sent a telegram that their advance troops have successfully landed in Changfeng."

"Commander-in-Chief, the [-]th Division has sent a telegram that they have successfully landed on the Shiji River Beach."

One telegram after another sent the latest battle situation on the front line to Ouyang Yun, and Ouyang Yun, who was a little sleepy after a sleepless night, immediately regained his spirits.He put on his coat and walked out of the headquarters, stood at the door and looked towards the east, and then said to Chen Shichang: "Give them electricity, let them stop busy annihilating the Japanese army, and just speed up the river crossing, once dawn, if the Japanese Yangtze River Fleet is dispatched, they will be able to cross the river." Operation Jiang will be much more difficult!"


"Did Xiao Yi and the others send a telegram back?"

"Not yet!" As soon as Chen Shichang finished speaking, Huang Hua ran out of the communication room excitedly, and shouted when he saw Ouyang Yun: "Commander-in-Chief, good news, Deputy Brigadier Commander Xiao just sent a telegram. The 'Night Hunt' operation was a success, and Anqing Airport has turned into a sea of ​​flames!"

The success of this crossing operation depends on the performance of the chariot troops.Whether or not the chariot troop can become the protagonist of this battle of crossing the river depends on whether Xiao Yi and the others can successfully attack Anqing Airport.Ouyang Yun laughed when he heard the words, and said sincerely: "Okay! Tell Xiao Yi, you've done a good job, and let them wait for orders after gathering in the Dawang Temple!"


The "Night Hunting" operation is the key to the success of this battle of crossing the river. Upon hearing the news of the success of the operation, Chen Shichang also showed a smile on his face. A Hukou position has been built. I believe it will not be long before the Japanese army will launch a large-scale offensive."

Ouyang Yun clasped his hands proudly, and said confidently: "I wish for it! I hope Neiji Okamura will not let me down!"

Changfeng and Shiji appeared one after another, and they were all large troops of the Xuebing Army. When Keiji Yuen Long got the report, he was immediately dumbfounded.A large number of enemy troops appeared along the river in Anqing, so there was only one result, and that was that the Chinese launched a counterattack.This was a great event, and it was not something that a small regiment leader like him could undertake. He did not dare to be sloppy, and immediately reported directly to the headquarters of the Second Army, and asked for support and instructions.

Neiji Okamura was woken up from his sleep by the staff officer on duty. When he heard the news, he was shocked at first, and hurried to the map. After he personally painted the point of Anqing with a two-color pencil in green representing the student army, he This is terrifying.The Japanese military executives in the 2nd Army Headquarters had already got up at this time. They walked into the headquarters one after another, watching His Excellency the Commander doing homework on the map, all of them looked surprisingly stern.

Putting down his pencil, Neiji Okamura glanced at everyone and said, "The information from ahead shows that Ouyang Yun dispatched a total of three divisions to capture Anqing. Do you think it is possible?"

The strength of the Northward Corps of the Xuebing Army has long been reconnaissance by the Japanese army. There are a total of five and a half divisions, pure infantry.At present, in the Pengze area, the Japanese army has three and a half divisions plus the Yangtze River Fleet and two aviation wings, and they have an absolute advantage in both quantity and quality.The Madang Fortress is strong and difficult to crack, but there are giant cannons on the Yangtze River and fighter jets in the sky. Neji Okamura still has the confidence to take it down.

He didn't lose his composure because of the loss of An Qing, but the first thing he thought of was whether he could take the opportunity to capture Madang.If the Xuebing Army has the power to defend Madang, fearful of its combat power, Neiji Okamura has not yet decided to go down with one blow, but now, since there are only two and a half divisions left, he will launch an offensive by sea, land and air with three times as many troops. , I believe it can be done in one fell swoop.

After calmly thinking for a few minutes, Ningji Okamura made a decisive decision: "Ouyang Yun took the initiative to attack Anqing at this time, obviously to destroy our army's current arrangement and to use offense as defense. But he forgot that, compared with Ma Of course, Anqing is actually a dispensable existence. If the Second Air Corps is not in Anqing, we can even give up Anqing. Pass my order, order Qingci Yuen Long to abandon the Yangtze River, retreat to Chaling, and fully cooperate The airport defense force guards the airport. In addition, send a telegram to the headquarters of the dispatched army to ask the six generals of Toshiro Hata to provide support and send troops to support Anqing. If we want to take Madang in one fell swoop, we cannot disperse our forces and go to Anqing.”

"Hay!" After receiving the order, the Japanese army staff forwarded the order one after another.And Ningji Okamura stood in front of the map, continuing his previous train of thought, with a smile on his face.

Defeating the Xuebing army, beating to death and even capturing Ouyang Yun alive, what a brilliant martial art!Originally, I still had to wait for the opportunity, but now, Ouyang Yun took the initiative to send the opportunity—Ningji Okamura thought so, it seems that he has seen the scene where he was recalled to the country and rewarded by His Majesty the Emperor himself——

Neiji Okamura was daydreaming when a communications staff officer rushed in. His face was pale, he was lost, and he even forgot the most basic etiquette.As soon as he saw Neiji Okamura, he shouted: "Your Excellency, something is wrong, Commander Tokugawa called, Anqing, Anqing Airport was attacked by Chinese people!"

"What?" Neji Okamura asked sharply.

The staff officer was frightened by the expression of His Excellency the Commander, and he said in confusion: "Anqing, Anqing Airport, was, was attacked by the Chinese, it was attacked!"

"Ah!" Neiji Okamura yelled and sat down on his buttocks. Suddenly he stood up nervously and shouted loudly: "How about the battle damage? How many planes were damaged? Has Tokugawa reported anything?"

"All, Commander Tokugawa said all the fighters..." The voice of the staff officer became smaller and smaller, because he noticed that the commander's face was getting paler and then redder, and he was so frightened that he couldn't speak up.

(End of this chapter)

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