Special Forces of Crossing: Cloud's Anti-Japanese

Chapter 913 Okamura Ningji's Choice

Chapter 913 Okamura Ningji's Choice
(It's Chinese New Year, Chinese New Year, Lao Du is here to wish everyone a happy New Year. Happy New Year, everything goes smoothly, good health, big pockets, happy family and happy events! Congratulations!!)
Okamura Ningji originally thought that Ouyang Yun's big move in Anqing was just to replace defense with offense and completely destroy the previous strategic layout of the imperial army.Of course, when the news of the destruction of Anqing Airport came, he knew that the ultimate goal of the affectionate family was Anqing Airport and the Second Air Corps.The Second Aviation Corps was originally Okamura Ningji's trump card to deal with the cadet army, but now the trump card suddenly disappeared, the old devil was anxious and angry, and he even wanted to vomit blood.

The water surface of the Yangtze River down from the Madang Fortress is completely controlled by the Japanese. The Yangtze River Fleet, the Second, Third, and Fourth Fleets completely blocked the Yangtze River down from Madang.In this case, it is actually quite dangerous for the Xuebing Army to cross the river to fight.However, I was well prepared, so I seized a gap and resolutely crossed the river when the Yangtze River Fleet left the Anqing water.In this way, they actually succeeded in crossing the river.

Bad news came one after another. Fifteen hours after Tokugawa Hotoshi's telegram, the Japanese army from Dawangmiao sent another telegram, saying that a large number of Chinese chariots had been found southwest of Dawangmiao.Based on this, the Dawangmiao defenders concluded that the Xuebing Army's combat operations against Anqing had been planned for a long time and had a major strategic purpose. They asked for support again, and hoped to temporarily retreat to Anqing City and hold the city to the death.

After reading this telegram, the muscles on Okamura Ningji's cheeks twitched non-stop. At that moment, he wanted to draw his sword to kill people—now, he knew why Ouyang Yun wanted to destroy the Second Aviation Corps by any means. Because the more than 200 fighter planes of the Second Aviation Corps are the biggest threat to its tank troops.I still underestimated Ouyang Yun and Xue Bingjun.Originally, I thought that one unit would be enough to defend Anqing Airport, but who knew that Ouyang Yun would dispatch three divisions at once in order to achieve his goal.Ouyang Yun is ruthless, even though he knows that Madang is far more important than Anqing, and even if he knows that this will give him a chance to quickly capture Madang, he still wants to sneak attack on Anqing and destroy the most powerful tank troops. Threat fighter.

Neiji Okamura always believed that the rapid rise of the Xuebing Army was due to luck, but now he has to admit that although Ouyang Yun is still a young man, he has a deeper perspective than himself on the overall situation. Bingjun is really difficult to deal with.

Because of this latest situation, Okamura Ningji had to re-examine Ouyang Yun's strategic intentions, considering that the 2nd Army still did not have a corresponding unit capable of fighting against the tank troops of the Xuebing Army.He couldn't help asking himself: What do Chinese people want to do?Was the Xuebing Army's attack on Anqing really just to destroy the Second Air Corps?No, if they really wanted to do this, at most two divisions would be enough.So what is their real purpose?

For the Battle of Hankou, Anqing's strategic position was not important, but, taking history as a lesson, Okamura Ningji did not dare to draw conclusions at will.Anqing Airport was destroyed, so it was meaningless to shrink the defense. However, considering the strength of the army of students and the fact that the Dawang Temple was not a particularly dangerous terrain, the choice of the Japanese army seemed a bit difficult.Should we continue to shrink or even give up Anqing directly, or stick to it and wait for help?Neiji Okamura was not sure for a moment.The chariot unit of the Xuebing Army crossed the river last, but succeeded in crossing the river first.Since this kind of amphibious tank landed successfully, even if the Yangtze River Fleet arrived immediately, it could only look at the shore and sigh.

Although the Japanese army base camp deliberately concealed it, Okamura Ningji had heard many times about the brilliant record of the Xuebing army's tanks against the imperial army's tank troops.He realized that once the chariot troops of the Xuebing Army joined the battle, there would be no suspense about the outcome of the First Battle of Anqing.Ouyang Yun's move seems to have been carefully planned, so he has a complete grasp of the situation of the Anqing defenders. At this time, it must be too late to support the defenders of Dawang Temple.But now there is still a problem, that is the defenders at the airport, what should they do?

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" A staff officer asked.

Neiji Okamura looked at the map with a tense face, feeling more and more that Anqing's place is not easy.He really didn't know what Ouyang Yun wanted to do in Anqing, he had a headache thinking about it, and finally gave up.He thought to himself, I don't care what you do, I just do my own thing.So, he suddenly said: "Telephone Zhongdaoqing Village and ask him to check the situation of the Chinese army in Hukou carefully immediately. If my expectations are correct, all the actions made by the Chinese army in Hukou should be false!"

"Hayi, Your Excellency, what about Anqing?"

"Order all the front-line combat troops to stick to it, and buy time for the aviation soldiers of the Second Aviation Corps to retreat safely."

Once the order to stick to it is issued, the five brigade devils of the Anqing Japanese army will be sentenced to death.At this time, although the Japanese army had not invented cruel special attack tactics, but because the highest state of the Bushido spirit advocated by the Japanese is fearless life and death, if the Japanese army in Anqing resolutely carried out the order and defended to the death, the entire army might be wiped out.

The communication staff officer on duty went to carry out the order, and the remaining Japanese officers looked at each other and looked at each other, all of them hung up at the same time, undoubtedly shocked by this cruel order.If the Chinese troops from other factions are attacking Anqing now, they might not be so worried, but now, the opponent is the Xuebing Army.Although the Japanese are unwilling to admit it publicly, in the minds of most people, Xuebingjun has become a taboo term and a topic they don't want to touch.In fact, many Japanese can't figure out why the army of apprentices, who seem to be no different from other Chinese armies, fight so hard.Why did the imperial army, which was victorious everywhere in China, fail to overcome the hurdle of the student army?
Okamura Ningji's words decided the fate of the Japanese army in Anqing, and he didn't have any mercy in his heart.The call back from the 106th Division has not yet been sent, but he has already begun to mobilize troops to resume the offensive against Peng Ze this morning.His reason was as follows: The Xuebing Army raided Anqing with three divisions, and now Peng Ze only has two divisions left.We now have a total of three and a half divisions, and more than a hundred warships of the Yangtze River Fleet. If we attack Madang and Hukou at the same time, we can definitely go down with one drum.As long as the horse is taken down, even if the Xuebing Army's troops in Jiangbei gain a firm foothold, there is only one fate waiting for them!That is to be surrounded and wiped out - gentlemen, in the hands of Xue Bingjun, the imperial army has failed too many times, now, it is up to us...

To mobilize the direct subordinates of the headquarters, Okamura Ningji and the division commander of the 11th Division Yamamuro Zongwu, the division commander of the 106th Division Nakajima Qingcun, and the division commander of the 112th Division Yamada Joji and Kobayashi, the captain of the Hada detachment, wake up to the phone and ask them to devote great enthusiasm to the Pengze battle. They must seize this opportunity to seize the Madang Fortress in one fell swoop, so as to fully grasp the initiative in the Battle of Hankou.Why did Zhongdaoqing Village hear that the Xuebing Army did not believe Anqing's wanton use of troops, because according to his estimation, there are nearly two divisions of the Xuebing Army in Hukou now, if the Xuebing Army sends out three divisions to attack Anqing, So, is there no guard force in Madang?
"This is exactly what I suspect, so I ask you to investigate carefully. However, according to my estimation, the student army in Hukou will not exceed one division at most, and the extra division is likely to be set up by Ouyang Yun Suspect soldier. Nakajima, I know you have a nickname called 'Long Island Fox', now, please use the intelligence of 'Long Island Fox' to help the imperial army capture Madang—can you do it?"

Okamura Neiji didn't care about Nakajima Qingcun's false report on the military situation, but instead entrusted him with a heavy responsibility from the bottom of his heart. The latter was immediately moved and bowed on the other end of the phone, expressing his determination at the same time: "Your Excellency! I have failed your expectations. , but please believe that next, I will faithfully carry out your orders and try to take Hukou within two days. Your Excellency, please wait for the good news from our 106th Division.”

Neiji Okamura hung up Nakajima's phone, sat and thought for a while, called Hata Toshiroku, briefly stated his battle plan, and added a postscript at the end of the plan: "Once our army captures Madang, we will Anqing's student army will become a lone army, if Your Excellency the General wants to completely wipe out this student army, then you can dispatch troops now."

Hata Toshiro was the commander-in-chief, not the chief officer, so the time to get the latest information from the front line was relatively short. It was not until 06:30 in the morning that he received the telegram from Tokugawa Hotoshi.When he learned that Anqing Airport was destroyed by a surprise attack by the Xuebing Army, and almost all the fighters of the Second Air Corps were destroyed, he naturally attributed the responsibility to Neiji Okamura, thinking that it was because he was too conceited that this led to the current situation. Evil consequences. "How many times have I told him that Xue Bingjun is not easy to mess with, so he must be careful and careful, but what has he done?" The base camp let Okamura Ningji serve as the commander of the 2nd Army, which is really unknown.

Umezu Yoshijiro had dealt with Xuebingjun and Ouyang Yun for many years, and he was humiliated every time, so he was naturally impressed by Xuebingjun.He immediately dialed Jun Hata's six o'clock and said, "A sneak attack on the airport with a small group of elite troops is exactly what the Xuebing Army is good at. The wolf teeth of the Xuebing Army are not weaker than the existence of the military police of the Imperial Army's most elite guard division. Old friend, listen to me, the most correct way now is to avoid its edge, and then let the Xuebing army stretch the front and then slowly map it. If the Xuebing army does not follow and chase, it means that their goal is the airport, so , you can take Anqing again at the least cost."

Hata Shunroku and Umezu Yoshijiro are good friends, and the latter has accumulated considerable experience in many fights with the Xuebing Army.Hata Junroku called him to inform him of the matter, and he meant to ask him for advice. Hearing what he said, he thought about the map seriously for a while, and decided to follow his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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