Chapter 914

Umezu Yoshijiro summed up the gains and losses of the confrontation with the Xuebing Army, and finally came to the conclusion that when the Xuebing Army is coming, it is absolutely unwise to bump into it head-on.At this time, the best choice is to adopt what Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, and launch a counterattack after three drums and a rest.In this way, it is possible to turn defeat into victory and beat up the Xuebing Army.Regardless of whether Umezu Yoshijiro's suggestion was correct or not, Hata Shunroku adopted it, so Okamura Neiji's telegram was consciously ignored by him.He didn't call back at all, but just said to the communications staff officer on duty that day: "We must annihilate the northbound army of the student army, but not now."

In Neiji Okamura's plan, once the general headquarters dispatched enough troops to hold Anqing Xuebing Army, he would be able to attack Madang without any scruples.And as long as the horse is taken down, Anqing's student army will become a turtle in the urn, and the only result is to be annihilated.The relationship between Okamura Ningji and Hata Toshiroku is relatively bad. He doesn't want to humbly ask the dispatched army headquarters to support his Madang Raiders.He guessed Junliu Hata from his own thinking point of view, thinking that it was impossible for Junliu Hata to see such a clear and clear direction of the war, so after calling Junliu Hata, he was not worried at all that he would not send troops to support Anqing, and instead devoted himself to deploying troops. Start the Raiders of Ma Dang.

The movement of the Hukou Xuebing Army is indeed very suspicious. Those soldiers and horses are wandering around the front line of Hukou in an endless stream. This is really too much like a trick to cover up.The Xuebing Army was very strict in preventing the infiltration of reconnaissance and intelligence personnel, which gave Zhongdaoqing Village the illusion that there was no silver 300 taels.Therefore, even though none of the devils in the three waves of reconnaissance teams sent out before survived, Zhongdaoqing Village continued to send troops. Then, after nearly a hundred elite devils died, he finally obtained the real information about Hukou.The Hukou garrison had a division earlier, but now, there is only one brigade left.As for the crowd that kept appearing on the front line, it was an illusion created by the officers and soldiers of the brigade who kept coming in and out.

Knowing the detailed deployment of Hukou's troops from the blood-stained scout, Nakadao Qingcun did not become angry because he was deceived. On the contrary, he said with a smile on his face: "The Chinese people are really cunning! Pass my order." , Except for the gendarmerie brigade staying in Jiujiang, all other ranks of officers and soldiers, prepare to fight. Warriors of His Majesty the Emperor, use your invincible courage to bury the army of apprentices!"

Because of his resourcefulness, Zhongdao Qingcun was given the nickname "Long Island Fox", and he himself was very proud of his military talents.Zhongdao Qingcun is good at grasping the details, and especially likes to win by wits, so in his opinion, it is only interesting if the opponent is stronger.If the opponent is too mediocre, how can you show your own uniqueness?
Madang Fortress is located in No. 200 Bunker, more than 3 meters to the left of No. 2 Fort. Ouyang Yun is currently doing battle deduction on the sand table and the staff of the Corps' Staff Department.When the troops crossing the river successfully landed, and immediately began to destroy the Japanese troops along the way under the leadership of the chariot troops, and defended the Dawang Temple. , Neiji Okamura is tempted by Ma Dang.The main force of the Xuebing Army has gone to attack Anqing, and there are only two more divisions left in Pengze. This is an irresistible temptation for Neiji Okamura. Next, the [-]nd Army will definitely concentrate on attacking Madang .

Suddenly, Huang Hua ran in from the next room, holding a telegram in his hand, and said loudly: "Commander-in-Chief, the lurking comrades at Wangjiang Fox have sent a telegram, and the 11th Division of the Japanese Army has begun to gather."

Ouyang Yun nodded, then glanced at He Zhengjiang and Chen Shichang, and said: "If I am Neiji Okamura, the sooner the offensive can be launched, the better. Send my order, the frontline combat troops, stop civil work and prepare for battle." !"

The Madang Fortress has been under construction since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, and now it has formed a considerable scale. Originally, the fortress had a dedicated defense force, but it was used as cannon fodder after the 74th Army took over. At present, it has existed in name only.Therefore, the next defensive battle can only focus on the student army.Those who stayed behind in Madang learned from the three divisions and one division.The chariot units of the Third Xue Division have been dispatched, and now even if the units directly under the Corps are added, there are only seven regiments of infantry.The infantry of these seven regiments will defend the three-kilometer-long Yangtze River defense line around the Madang Fortress. In terms of the distribution of troops, it can be said to be quite tense.In the tradition of the Academy of Soldiers, whether it is defensive or offensive operations, once necessary, civil engineering operations will be carried out to the maximum extent to obtain strong fortifications and bunkers.After Ouyang Yun took over the defense of Madang Fortress, he immediately began to organize manpower to strengthen the civil work on the basis of the original fortifications.Now, under the two days and two nights of non-stop work by the officers and soldiers of the third division, the Madang Fortress has two more minefields and three forts in addition to the previously built bunkers, tunnels, and forts.In Hujia Village, about five kilometers away from Madang, there are hidden artillery of about five regiments.Although Ouyang Yun liked to take risks in wars, they were all actions he had to do when he was forced to do so.As long as the situation permits, he still likes to fight certain battles. For example, this time, on the bright side, it seems dangerous for the Xuebing Army to defend the Madang Fortress with a division of troops, but if you count the five For the regiment-sized artillery, let alone defending Ma Dang for a month, as long as the ammunition can keep up, there will be no problem defending the first half of the year.

He Zhengjiang was the front-line commander of this defensive battle, and he immediately picked up the phone to call the front-line troops to convey the commander-in-chief's order.Then, after talking to Ouyang Yun, he hurriedly led a dozen guards to the front line through the underground passage.

In the deduction just now, how to deal with the shelling from the river was agreed by Ouyang Yun and the staff as the top priority of this defensive battle.During the defensive battle of the Jiangyin Fortress, the Xuebing Army used surprise soldiers to assassinate the Japanese Third Fleet, and burned the Third Fleet to crippled with fire.The defense of the Madang Fortress is even worse than that of the Jiangyin Fortress. However, the same strategy is unlikely to work again, and there is no support from the surface fleet. Therefore, the threat of the Japanese fleet to the Xuebing Army is far greater. It surpassed the last Jiangyin Fortress defensive battle.If the defenders cannot effectively contain the bombardment from the giant artillery on the river, then even if they can defend Madang as scheduled, they will inevitably pay a heavy price.

Chen Shichang once proposed to dispatch the air force to carry out the bombing. However, considering that the Taiwan Corps is now surrounded by the superior Japanese army and their survival is difficult, and they cannot do without the support of the air force, Ouyang Yun still vetoed this proposal.However, the existence of the Yangtze River Fleet has indeed affected the progress of the defensive battle. After careful consideration, he proposed a strategy to use self-propelled artillery and choose the right time to launch a sneak attack on the Yangtze River Fleet.The second is to make use of the condition that the Madang Fortress has sufficient mines and torpedoes, and use the method of man-controlled torpedoes to counter the Japanese ships to the maximum extent.

Continuing with the previous topic, after Ouyang Yun discussed with Chen Shichang and the others, they felt that the last solution should have a miraculous effect at night, so Chen Shichang began to come forward to select officers and soldiers with good water skills from the Third Xue Division, Langya, and the guards directly under the Legion. Form a torpedo combat team.

Chen Shichang took the order to leave, while Ouyang Yun was continuing to observe on the sand table, Huang Hua appeared again, and the telegram he brought this time was from Ye Zhao.The 106th Division of Jiujiang took the lead in attacking Hukou, and it seemed that all forces were dispatched from the beginning.In the direction of Hukou, although Ye Zhao led the army to immediately increase the fortification construction after taking over, but because before that, the local defenders felt that there was Jiujiang blocking the front, and it was impossible for the Japanese to attack from here, so almost no fortifications were repaired. , so facing such a large-scale Japanese offensive, Ye Zhao immediately felt the pressure.He sent this telegram to ask whether it is possible to transfer a regiment from Duchang back to Hukou to strengthen the defense force.

Ouyang Yun asked the Twelfth Xue Division to pretend to confuse the Japanese army in Hukou. On the one hand, he wanted to confuse the Japanese army by trying to cover up, but on the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could use a trick to fool the 106th Division and let them Don't dare to act rashly.Facts have proved that Nakadao Qingcun, the head of the 106th Division, is not so easy to fool. Although he was once confused, judging from his resolute investment in Hukou, he not only realized that Hukou is very important to Madang The importance of the fortress, and also want to take down Hukou in one go, thus threatening the Madang fortress from the side, thus completely changing the course of the Madang battle.

"Pass my order and let Mr. Ye decide for himself. I only have one request for the [-]th Xueshi. Before the fall of Madang Fortress, they must firmly guard Hukou and Duchang, and never let them go." A devil is coming."

Huang Hua replied loudly, and trotted out.Ouyang Yun turned his head and cast his gaze towards the lake mouth on the sand table, his brows furrowed slightly.There is no doubt that the premature fall of Jiujiang enriched the Japanese army's Madang strategy. If Ningji Okamura focused his attack on Hukou, and then went down to Hukou before besieging Madang, then——

This is a terrible idea. Since the Battle of Hankou, the Madang Fortress has been known for being easy to defend and difficult to attack, but this has a premise, that is, when the Japanese army chooses to attack from the front.If there are any flaws in the Madang Fortress, then the land, facing the west side of the lake mouth, is its weakness.Reminiscent of the 112th Division of the Japanese Army in Huangmei, which is opposite to Jiujiang, and the Botian detachment is even missing, Ouyang Yun felt the uncertainty of the Madang defensive battle for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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