Chapter 937 The Battle of Madang ([-])
In Matouwan, although the little devils behaved very tenaciously, the gap in military strength left them no room to display their Bushido spirit.Under the personal command of the division commander Ye Zhao, all the officers and soldiers of the 36th Brigade fought bravely to be the first.With the first company set foot on the land of Matouwan, then a battalion, followed by a regiment.When the 36th brigade-level organization settled on the land of Matouwan, the resistance of the Japanese army suddenly became weak.A squadron of devils, even if they occupy the terrain, but under the superior firepower of the apprentice army, the care that this terrain can give is limited.The [-]th division of the old Cantonese department was born, and nine out of ten soldiers have combat experience.The monthly parade of the student army has real guns and live ammunition, so even new students do not lack combat experience.The Japanese army fought fiercely, and their marksmanship was particularly accurate, but that was all during the day.At night, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army will drop a lot.Fighting at night can also give full play to the advantages of continuous firepower.Think about it, hundreds of Weiqing-style assault rifles firing at the same time, the effect is no different from the salvo of a machine gun company or even a machine gun regiment.The Japanese patrol held on for less than a quarter of an hour before being defeated.When the main force of the Japanese army came to support them, the regiment-organized troops of the Xuebing Army had successfully landed.Once the students had an absolute advantage in numbers, there was very little room for the Japanese army to play.

When the fierce battle in Matouwan was in full swing, the main force of the Japanese army in Xingzi County finally received news. The 36th Brigade of the Japanese Army.

In the battle at night, luck plays a big role.Although there are flares to assist, people's field of vision cannot be as wide as during the day after all, so this battle lasted for more than an hour, and the two sides were still in balance.

The surprise attack turned into an encounter. Although Ye Zhao was unwilling, there was nothing he could do.He thought for a while, and finally sent power to the 35th Brigade, asking the 35th Brigade to abandon Duchang and go directly to Xingzi County. They wanted to completely annihilate the Japanese army in Xingzi County after dawn, and then attack Jiujiang with heavy troops.

Ye Zhaohexue's 36th Brigade hadn't been able to open up the situation in Xingzi County. On Yanlie Mountain, the Japanese army's surprise attack troops arrived.Under the leadership of Haneda, a large group of devils rowed small boats and rode a few motor sailboats, and soon appeared on the lake below Mount Yanlie.

After Meng Kailan led the 122nd Regiment to support Shizhong Mountain, only one squad under the brigade guard company was left on duty in Yanlie Mountain.The name of the squad leader was Ma Changchun. Ma Changchun had just passed his 23rd birthday. After the 122nd regiment left, he called all the soldiers in the squad to hold a short pre-war meeting.He said: "Brothers, the brigade took the 122nd regiment to support Shizhong Mountain and handed over Yanlie Mountain to us. The Japanese army is attacking Shizhong Mountain with all its strength. If nothing happens, we will not fight here. It can be said that now, we This is the safest and safest place in Hukou County. However, we cannot take chances because of this. If the little devils suddenly attack here, we will be the only defense force in Yanlie Mountain. Brothers, if it is true When this kind of thing happens, that is our chance. If the little devil sends out hundreds of people, but we can defend it, think about it, what kind of credit this is."

Ma Changchun said these words, in fact, they were just inadvertent words, but what he didn't expect was that he actually made a crow's mouth, and actually said what he said.Around nine o'clock, he was looking at a combat manual issued by Xue Bingjun under a dim incandescent lamp, when suddenly the deputy squad leader Zhang Haonai hurried over to report: "Squad leader, there is a situation."

"What's going on!" He immediately followed Zhang Haonai to the front line, where Chen Ermin, a student soldier serving as a lookout post, pointed to the water in the distance and said, "Squad leader, look!" He looked over and saw several black shadows coming towards him As he approached, he held his breath quietly, pricked up his ears, and heard the slight roar of the motor, his face immediately changed color.The thing he was most worried about actually happened. At this moment, he didn't know how to evaluate his mouth.

"Squad leader, what should we do?" There were only thirteen people in total, and he was the highest officer here.Facing the questioning eyes of the young students, Ma Changchun felt pressure like never before.

The soldiers above the company level are all equipped with walkie-talkies, but they are only one class, but they have not been able to enjoy this treatment.Ma Changchun's first thought was to notify the brigade commander immediately, but since there was no walkie-talkie, if he had to send someone to notify, it would mean that they would lose one person here.Under the current circumstances, one more person means more combat power, and one more combat power can delay a little more time.After a short period of intense thinking, he quickly made a decision: "Soldiers come to cover the water and earth, brothers, get ready to fight! We learn soldiers, there are no cowards!"

In just a few words and a simple decision, he showed his determination to everyone.Soldiers from the second squad gathered around him, each of them raised their chests high, and said firmly, "Squad leader, we listen to you, we are apprentices, there are no cowards!",

Haneda stood on the front deck of the foremost motor sailboat, looked at the majestic Yanlie Mountain in the night, and suddenly said to Xiao Linjue, the captain beside him: "Mr. Xiaolin, do you think there are Chinese troops on Yanlie Mountain?" ?”

Xiao Linjue was an honest boy, and answered honestly, "I don't know."

Haneda didn't need his answer in the first place, he said: "There must be, but the number will not be many. Hmph, Your Excellency Nakajima is too conservative. If you launched an offensive on Shizhong Mountain and Yanlie Mountain at the same time a few days in advance, how can you do it now?" Falling into such a passive situation. Well, tell the following, get ready to fight! The sooner the battle is resolved, the better, next, we have to go to Shizhong Mountain."

In Haneda's mind, even if there is a battle in Yanlie Mountain, it will end soon. His real battlefield is not in Yanlie Mountain, but in Shizhong Mountain.At that time, their army will appear in Shizhong Mountain as a surprise soldier.Thinking about it, because his army suddenly broke out from behind the Chinese army, and the situation in Shizhongshan's battle changed accordingly, he couldn't help opening the corners of his mouth and showing a smug smile. "Asai Canglong, the younger generation is too late," he thought, looking at the lonely shadow of Yanlie Mountain, his heart became more and more proud.

Yanlie Mountain, a sniper position on the mountainside, led by Ma Changchun, the soldiers of the second squad checked the magazines of the submachine guns, put all the grenades on their bodies in front of them, and got ready for battle.On the river beach at the foot of the mountain, Japanese ships docked.A shadow jumped from the boat, and another.Gradually, at least a few hundred devils gathered on the river beach, and these devils spread out in turn. About 10 minutes later, the first group of devils began to move up the mountain.Suddenly, a flashlight lighted up, and the little devil actually used the flashlight.

"The little devil is too defiant!" said a soldier.

Zhang Haonai glared at him, and shouted: "Stop talking, no one will think you are dumb."

The soldier stuck out his tongue and closed his mouth.

There are only a few soldiers who are relaxed like him, and there are too many little devils, so many soldiers seem very nervous.They held their guns tightly, occasionally looking at Ma Changchun not far away, many of them couldn't help licking their lips with their tongues, and then turned their eyes to the mountain road.

The sniper position was chosen by Ma Changchun himself. The reason why he chose this place was to catch the little devil by surprise.Their number is really too small, so it is especially important for the little devil to hit him unexpectedly.Only by getting through the little devil by surprise at the beginning can we delay the time as much as possible.As for whether Brigadier Meng would send troops back to help after hearing the abnormal noise here, that was not within their consideration.

The Japanese army began to climb the mountain. Regardless of whether there were enemies on Mount Yanlie, Mount Yanlie must be taken.Only by taking this place and establishing a base here can we launch a surprise attack on Shizhong Mountain.As long as they stand firm on Yanlie Mountain, even if the first wave of raids cannot shake the foundation of Shizhongshan's defenders, that's okay. Next, after dawn, with the arrival of large troops, Shizhongshan will be captured sooner or later.And once Shi Zhongshan is taken, Jiujiang and Hukou will be connected, then Madang will be much easier to fight.At that time, the 11th Army will have more ways to attack Madang, and there is no need to attack from the front - Haneda thought so, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even more overflowing.

In the sniper position on the mountainside, seeing the little devil getting closer, many soldiers' breathing became heavy.Although the soldiers of the guard company were carefully selected, many of them still felt uncontrollably nervous before the battle broke out.Ma Changchun was young but had rich combat experience. He could understand the reactions of the soldiers, so he didn't say anything.He picked up the assault rifle in front of him, aimed it with both hands, calculated the distance, and said: "Wait a little longer, let's talk about it closer." Then, he said to Zhang Haonai: "Okay, look at the timing!"

Zhang Haonai had brought a few soldiers to set up Lalei on the mountain path before, and at this moment, his right hand was holding the rope.

Zhang Haonai held an unlit cigarette in his mouth, put his hands flat on a stone in front of him, and said vaguely: "Don't worry, I promise, at least one class of devils!"

Ma Changchun glanced at him and stopped talking nonsense.

80 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, almost able to see the height of the devil in front of him, Ma Changchun took a deep breath, and suddenly shouted: "Hit!" Then he shot first.

"Crack!" The gunshot rang out instantly, and the only Qubing general-purpose machine gun in the class roared. The devils who rushed to the front were immediately hit by bullets, and the devil in the front was hit by several bullets at the same time. When hit, the whole person couldn't bear such a huge impact, and flew up and fell backwards.

The devils behind heard the gunshots and immediately fell down to fight back. At the same time, Zhang Haonai pulled the cable.A few seconds later, a series of explosions sounded, and in the flames, more than a dozen devils were danced and flew up.

The battle started instantly, and the Japanese army was unprepared, and a dozen people were knocked down immediately.

"Enemy attack!" "Lie down!"... In the Japanese army formation, devils shouted from time to time, and the little devils fell down one after another, and then began to fight back.The gunshots unique to Sanba Dagai rang out, and sparks burst out from the rocks around Ma Changchun and the others.

The Japanese army reacted quickly enough, and their marksmanship was accurate enough. When they fired suddenly, they were extremely accurate.

After a successful blow, Ma Changchun shouted: "Stop, take cover!" Immediately, the gunshots stopped on the sniper position, and the whole position fell into silence again.

The defenders broke out this round, showing strong firepower.That's all, the existence of those serial mines made Haneda realize that the defenders were already prepared, that is to say, their whereabouts had been exposed.Raid is impossible, so let's attack!He thought so, without feeling flustered at all.He had a staff officer fire a flare at the sound of the gunfire, and then shouted, "Forward!"

"Forward! Charge!" Officers such as the squad leader and squadron leader immediately conveyed the order of the brigade commander. The little devils who were lying on the ground immediately stood up shouting, and they fired guns while launching an attack.Under the light of the flares, the sniper position was bare, and the enemy seemed to have disappeared all of a sudden.

This weird phenomenon made Haneda feel a little uneasy, but he didn't take it seriously.He insisted on his previous judgment that there would not be too many enemy troops on Mount Yanlie.He said to the devils around him: "The Chinese people are timid, that's good, this is our opportunity. Go up with all your might, Yanlie Mountain is ours, attack!"

The gunfire kept ringing, and bullets hit the rocks in front of them from time to time, causing the stone chips to fly. Several soldiers could not bear such a great pressure. Under the reflection of the flares, their faces looked like snow in winter white.

Ma Changchun grew up from ordinary soldiers to today's stage. He understood the soldiers' feelings at the moment, and he said: "Hold on, think about it, we are in the guard company, we are not ordinary people!"

The soldiers of the guard company and the reconnaissance company are all top soldiers selected from ordinary troops.Even for ordinary soldiers, their benefits are double or even more than that of ordinary soldiers.This is the capital they usually show off, and it is what they are proud of.Hearing this, several pale warriors opened their eyes wide, and the expressions on their faces immediately became resolute.

Ma Changchun was calculating the distance.He chose this place as a sniper position. He had a calculation. Below this position is a relatively flat terrain, which is most suitable for submachine gun shooting.Moreover, there is a bottleneck about 50 meters away from this position, which can only allow about three people to pass side by side.This bottleneck limits the number of little devils passing through, so as long as their firepower is strong enough, they can completely kill all the little devils who pass through the bottleneck, thus gaining a chance to breathe.Since the little devils are sneak attacking, it is impossible to carry heavy weapons. Even if they carry mortars, they will not launch them immediately. This is their chance.

It is estimated that the devils who rushed to the front were only about ten meters away from them, which was already the limit. He suddenly shouted: "Fight!"

The soldiers tightened their nerves and waited for the battle order. He "hit" the exit, and many soldiers stood up. All of them had submachine guns in their hands. Twelve submachine guns plus one assault rifle equaled twelve The machine guns fired at the same time, and immediately, the dense bullets shot at the little devil who rushed through the bottleneck like a storm, knocking down a large area in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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