Chapter 938 The Battle of Madang ([-])
Ma Changchun realized when he learned of the Japanese attack on Mount Yanlie. This time, he might die with the camp.Before Meng Kailan left, he did not give them a death order, but they must do what they want.However, we are all veterans and know when to do what.There are only thirteen of them in total. Although they can be regarded as an elite team, it is impossible to stop the attack of devils dozens of times larger than themselves. "Who is a real man who never dies? Wearing this outfit, I never thought that I could leave alive. Brothers, killing one is enough money, killing two earns one, and it is worth it to pull two backs when you die!" As Chang Chun said, the Wei Qing-style assault rifle was under his control, and the muzzle of the gun kept spitting out flames, and the devils who were crawling forward on the opposite side fell down from time to time.

The Japanese army was actually very careful in charging. Many devils lowered their heads as much as possible based on experience, so that the helmets could play their role to the maximum.They held guns in both hands, the front gun pointed forward, and the rear one pressed the muzzle of the gun down, with their fingers on the trigger, ready to fight back.They are already prepared in their hearts, and once they hear the abnormal noise, they will shoot the bullet immediately.

However, the blow still came too fast and too suddenly, and the bullets splashed over were so dense - the best range of the Weiqing submachine gun is between 150 meters and 10 meters. Within this distance, as long as a certain number of people are concentrated, That can form a dense rain of bullets.At this time, no matter how prepared the enemy is, no matter how scientific the enemy's formation is, under the blow of the torrential rain and wind, everything is just a cloud.

Many devils still had a chance to pull the trigger, but because they had already been shot, the severe pain made them unable to maintain a correct posture, so although they fired the bullet, the accuracy was really unsatisfactory.Of course, the Japanese army has an absolute superiority in numbers. In order to maximize the power of submachine guns, most of the students spent less than half of their bodies. Therefore, in close-range shooting, some people were still shot. Among them, one The soldier's chest and abdomen were hit by several bullets in a row, and he fell down with a slight grunt.

Ma Changchun suddenly finished a box of bullets, and without looking at the result, quickly threw a grenade, and then looked around.In just a few minutes, one person fell beside him and several people were injured.He shouted: "Withdraw!" Then he retracted his head and quickly ran to the second line of defense.

Most of the soldiers in the guard company have rich experience in fighting the enemy, and they also have a clear understanding of the commander's orders.They carried the sacrificed soldier on their backs, and helped up the injured soldier who was unable to move, and quickly withdrew from this line of defense.

At least one squad of soldiers was killed by this round of blows, and the strength of the Chinese people was completely exposed.Haneda saw that there were only a dozen soldiers on the opposite side, but he had caused such a large amount of damage to himself, and he was very annoyed while trembling in his heart.He shouted: "Get down, grenadiers! Shoot!"

"Tongtong—" The grenades fired, and several grenades flew out in a high parabola and precisely landed on the fortification that Ma Changchun and the others were stationed just now. "Boom!" After the explosion sounded, the Japanese army charged again.

Ma Changchun ran at the front, he looked back and said, "Leave them alone, run!"

The second line of defense he chose was about 120 meters away from the first line of defense.And the reason why this place was chosen as the second line of defense was that there was also an open land in front of the fortifications on the mountain Shilei.Under his leadership, the soldiers ran up quickly along both sides of the mountain road, and just after they entered the fortification, as a flare rose into the air, the chasing bullets crackled and hit the rocks behind them, hitting the rocks straight to the ground. Chips fly and sparks fly.

"Conceal, conceal well, beware of the grenade from the little devil!" Just now, Ma Changchun was running out of breath even though he was physically strong. He rolled and sat behind the fortification, with his back tightly against the rocks, and said pantingly. .

Zhang Haonai also leaned against him in a rolling manner, took a few breaths, and said, "Squad leader, do you still have any cigarettes? Let it go."

Among the soldiers in the second squad, only Ma Changchun and Zhang Haonai smoked, but now almost everyone has started smoking.Of course, because the family situation is different, some people are burdened by the family, and the military salary has to subsidize the family and so on, so not everyone can afford the luxury of cigarettes for a long time like Ma Changchun.

Ma Changchun scolded with a smile: "If you lose your mother, I'll only have half a pack left." With his right hand, he took out a cigarette from his shirt pocket, took a cigarette in his mouth, and handed it to Zhang Haonai: "It's probably a pity that everyone can have one. I can't draw the horse's mouth anymore."

Ma Zuizi is the soldier who died just now.Zhang Haonai was a little sad when he heard that, he took the cigarette, took one in his mouth, passed it on, and shouted: "The squad leader has smoked, brothers, this is the only stock on the squad leader. Two heads together Cigarettes, only those who are qualified!"

"Two heads? I killed at least four! Can I smoke two?"

"I owe one first and lose his mother. I'm unlucky today!"

... The soldiers were teasing each other, and a pack of cigarettes was quickly distributed. Coincidentally, each of them happened to be able to get one.

"Woo--" The sound of the grenade piercing the air sounded at this moment, and everyone lay down almost at the same time, facing the fortification, and leaned tightly on the bottom of the fortification.

"Boom!" After several explosions, Ma Changchun asked, "I lost his mother, did anyone die?"

Zhang Haonai smiled: "Can you still respond after hanging up? Ah, Xiao Du, are you okay?"

"It's okay, just put some color on it!"

Finally conquered the first line of defense, but Haneda's face was not happy.The first line of defense of the defenders is actually some simple fortifications made of stones. The most indispensable thing on Yanlie Mountain is stones. It is conceivable that as long as the defenders have enough time, such defense lines will abound.Nakajima sent him to lead a surprise attack on Yanlie Mountain, hoping that he would take it as soon as possible so that he could threaten Shi Zhongshan from the flank.Because only in this way, the imperial army trapped on the river beach of Shizhong Mountain could possibly escape.When Yanlie Mountain was attacked, Shi Zhongshan would definitely be aware of it. If they launched an offensive during this period, and if Shi Zhongshan's friendly forces were wiped out as a result, then even if he captured Yanlie Mountain, its value would be much weaker.Can't give the Chinese people a chance to breathe, they must be taken down as soon as possible, Haneda thought of this, his tone became a little hasty, he shouted: "Quick, quick, attack! Attack!"

When gunfire sounded near Yanlie Mountain, Shi Zhongshan, under the command of Meng Kailan, had just launched a tentative attack with a company of soldiers led by Wu Gang himself.The attack was not very smooth, and the Japanese defense was very tight. They took advantage of the fact that the beach was easy to shape and dug a circular fortification.Just as Wu Gang and his men approached, they fired flares.Under the light of the flares, the attacking troops had nowhere to hide. After shooting at the little devils for a while, they sacrificed more than a dozen soldiers and retreated helplessly.

At this time, there was a change in Yanlie Mountain. Wu Gang who had withdrawn was talking with Meng Kailan. Seeing the fireworks coming from there and hearing the explosion coming from there, both of them became tense.

"The Japanese army attacked Yanlie Mountain?" Wu Gang said, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Counting it, the 106th Division has invested nearly half of its troops in Shizhong Mountain. At this time, Nakajima actually dared to divide his troops to attack Yanlie Mountain, which means that the little devil is ready to go all out.Even, they may not want Jiujiang anymore.Teacher Ye Zhao led the 36th Brigade to attack Jiujiang.If Nakajima led a team to attack Yanlie Mountain at the same time, it would be a joke.The final result will be that the Twelfth Xue Division regains Jiujiang, but loses Hukou.The reason why the Xue 34th Brigade was able to defend Shizhong Mountain was because it occupied an absolute terrain, and if Yanlie Mountain was captured, their biggest reliance on terrain would no longer exist.At that time, even if the 34th Brigade had the determination to die in battle, it would not be able to stop the 106th Division from entering Hukou.And once the Hukou is broken—this assumption, Wu Gang didn't even dare to think about it.

"Traveler, what should we do?" Yu Liang asked, his eyes were also full of worry.

Meng Kailan looked at several of his subordinates under the dim light of the flashlight, and after a few minutes he said, "Let's retreat, and retreat to the mouth of the lake as quickly as possible."


"Traveler, did Shi Zhongshan give it to the little devil?"

"No, I will call the artillery regiment later and ask them to prepare for the shelling!"

Wu Gang and the others' eyes lit up, and Yu Liang slapped his thigh and said, "Brilliant trick! Lu Zuo, your skill is too powerful."

The artillery regiment of the 150th Division has not shown up since the start of the war.This time when the Northward Legion went out to Guangdong, Ouyang Yun reduced the scale of artillery in consideration of the terrain. Each division was equipped with only one regiment of self-propelled artillery.However, because they are equipped with 106mm heavy artillery, the combat effectiveness of the artillery regiment is not a problem.Ye Zhao delayed letting the artillery regiment participate in the battle, mainly because there was no such urgent need, and also because he wanted to seize the opportunity to give the artillery regiment of the 36th Division a ruthless attack and completely destroy it.Before Ye Zhao led the 106th Brigade to leave Hukou, he handed over the command of the artillery regiment to Meng Kailan. Meng Kailan originally wanted to hide it, waiting to beat up the artillery unit of the [-]th Division, but now, he couldn't care less up.

The tentative attack launched by Wu's team just now has paralyzed Asai Kuralong. All he can think about is how to strengthen the defense, so as to reduce the loss as much as possible before the arrival of the support troops from Yanlieshan, so he never thought of it. , The army of apprentices 200 meters away on the opposite side actually started to evacuate.

The previous hard work of the Xuebing Army paid off, because the trenches and traffic trenches were dug enough and deep enough, so the retreat was very concealed.After about 10 minutes, the retreat was complete.When Meng Kailan led a few staff officers and guards out of the traffic trench for the last time, he turned his head and glanced at the Japanese army's position, then pressed the button on the microphone in his hand, and said in a low voice, "Thunderbolt, take action!"

(End of this chapter)

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